Good job Arizona

The bill of rights is part of the epicenter of hate??

I thought congress could make no law regarding religion or the practice thereof... Is that amendment out the window too in Obamanation?? He is trying to eliminate the 1st, 2nd and 4th, it would not be surprising....

I think you write shit just to see what sticks. This, like much of what you say, makes no fucking sense and has no basis in fact.

This comment specifically shows one thing for certain, that you are a bigot.
Serving the public means serving the public at large, refusing a black person gas in the middle of a desert cos the owner "doesn't like the look of them" creates a demonstrable harm.

The rights of the business owner only extend to the point where they breach the rights of someone else.

If you don't like it, don't claim to be open to the public.

When do you have the right to make someone sell you some of their property?
I wasn't equating them, you dumb fuck.

yes you did.

the question in front of us is whether businesses should be allowed to deny service to homosexuals, and you are trying to liken it to being allowed to turn away pedophiles and rapists.

that's pretty disgusting shit, and sad statement about your thoughts here.
You are wanting the government to do the very thing you are condemning the business owners for.

no one is asking the government to deny service to gays and blacks.

well, maybe you and some of the other bigots on this site, but not the person you were addressing.
When they're officially "open to the public".

Otherwise you are discriminating.

Nert vera cermplercated.

Sorry, but anyone can be refused service merely on the grounds of a legitimate business interest. That is legal to do. If you have a full hotel you can refuse to serve any color of person you want. If your restaurant is at max capacity, you can refuse to seat gay people in your establishment.

How many people you know who would cut their own throat?
How many people you know who would cut their own throat?

loaded question with false presupposition since we are witnessing businesses refuse gays and not only remain open for business, but getting legal support from bigoted state legislatures.

deny reality harder, dumbass.

Fuckin spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-a is one of the best fast food offerings out there. And the waffle fries...sheeeeeit.
no one is asking the government to deny service to gays and blacks.

well, maybe you and some of the other bigots on this site, but not the person you were addressing.

But government is choosing one citizens rights over another, I know there are a lot of sheeple who except and promote nanny tactics, but you have to realize many of us do not.
But government is choosing one citizens rights over another, I know there are a lot of sheeple who except and promote nanny tactics, but you have to realize many of us do not.

no one has a right to cause harm to others. do you even understand how rights work?
no one has a right to cause harm to others. do you even understand how rights work?

Exactly, and that refers to government as well.
See how rights work now?
You think it's impartial for government pick whose rights are to be infringed upon, I don't.
People of your political persuasion rely on government to guide you through life and bear your burdens, I don't
You think it's impartial for government pick whose rights are to be infringed upon, I don't.

the government can't infringe on rights where none exist.

since you don't have the right to cause harm to others, the government is infringing on no rights when they say racist, bigoted, and homophobic business owners can't cause harm to others.

do you actually believe that racist business owners have the right to cause harm to others with their racist practices?
loaded question with false presupposition since we are witnessing businesses refuse gays and not only remain open for business, but getting legal support from bigoted state legislatures.

deny reality harder, dumbass.


You mean to tell me Chik fil a refuses service to gays? Citation please.

Having an opinion against gay marriage is not the same thing as refusing to serve gays, why do you think that it is?
You mean to tell me Chik fil a refuses service to gays? Citation please.

Having an opinion against gay marriage is not the same thing as refusing to serve gays, why do you think that it is?

that was just an example of how people will flock to support anti-gay causes, i didn't have a picture of the cake shop that is still taking orders.
You mean to tell me Chik fil a refuses service to gays? Citation please.

Having an opinion against gay marriage is not the same thing as refusing to serve gays, why do you think that it is?

they surely do a lot more then simply having an opinion on gay marriages, they donate some pretty big chunks of change to those opinions..
Chick-Fil-A's Charitable Arm Gave Nearly $2 Million To Anti-Gay Groups In 2010

WinShape Is Chick-Fil-A's Charitable Arm. The WinShape Foundation is Chick-fil-A's charitable arm, created by Chick-fil-A founder and chairman S. Truett Cathy in 1984. WinShape has received a substantial amount of funding from Chick-fil-A: in 2010 alone, WinShape received $8,067,161 from Chick-fil-A Inc. [WinShape 2010, Publicly Available IRS 990 Form via Foundation Center, accessed 6/27/12]

WinShape Gave Over $1.9 Million To Anti-Gay Groups. In 2010, WinShape donated $1,974,380 to a number of anti-gay groups:

Marriage & Family Foundation: $1,188,380
Fellowship Of Christian Athletes: $480,000
National Christian Foundation: $247,500
New Mexico Christian Foundation: $54,000
Exodus International: $1,000
Family Research Council: $1,000
Georgia Family Council: $2,500

but you're correct, a gay surely could walk into a chic fil'a and buy a chicken sammy no problem, although i don't know why one would, and i will no longer go to one after seeing what they're all about..
some of the groups they donated money to lobbied against condemning uganda's anti-homosexuality bill, which gives life in prison or the death sentence to gays.

yes, you heard me right. they donated money to those brave folks who said that such legislation is not to be condemned.

profiles in courage.
It's not a law yet, and I would expect the Governor to veto it. She says so herself that she doesn't think something like this needs to be written into law. You do business with whomever you want.

But that doesn't matter when people want something to cry about. More than once I've seen people here use unsigned law and NPRM's to act like the New World Order has arrived.
Wouldnt that be awesome if some Muslim who owned a remote gas station refused to let an infidel buy gas when there was no other gas station around. That would be AWESOME especially during a really hot summer day
So now you're supporting discrimination based on religion?
I want to know how they're going to check people to see if they're gay when they enter the store.

Does anyone have any details on how the identification process works?
Does it involve pat downs and squeezin the Charmin roll, know what I mean?