Good job Arizona

like businesses who refused to sell to people because of the color of their skin or their sexual orientation, they would eventually go under.
I wouldn't patronize them.

yeah because the restaurants in the south were going out of business for not serving blacks at the time..
in a place like this where a bill might pass, there's obviously other like minded people who support the bill and law, otherwise it'd never have gotten that far..
i wouldn't really call an ambulance service nor a hotel a private business, being they're open to the public, no? landlords is an obvious yes..

This bill allows private business's (those open to the public) to refuse service.

Yes indeed Hotels, landlords and ambulance services are private business's
yeah because the restaurants in the south were going out of business for not serving blacks at the time..
in a place like this where a bill might pass, there's obviously other like minded people who support the bill and law, otherwise it'd never have gotten that far..

If the bill passes, businesses who discriminate will pay a high price and be forced to close their doors.
think about it, if that were to happen in say, nevada or colorado, the vast majority of people these days would NOT support a business who practices shit like that.
they'll have a decision to make, be civil to everyone or close down the doors.
I don't agree with this. But it's still hilarious to see you commies panties in a bunch. This is what happens when you get government involved. People lash out. More is yet to come because lazy fucks think government should provide. What the government giveth the government can taketh away.
This bill allows private business's (those open to the public) to refuse service.

Yes indeed Hotels, landlords and ambulance services are private business's
you are correct about the landlords and most hotels, but an ambulance company has a duty to the city, county or state when they sign a contract.
If the bill passes, businesses who discriminate will pay a high price and be forced to close their doors.
think about it, if that were to happen in say, nevada or colorado, the vast majority of people these days would NOT support a business who practices shit like that.
they'll have a decision to make, be civil to everyone or close down the doors.

that's the thing, this bill isn't in colorado or nevada or w/e, it's in a state where there's enough like minded people who are behind a bill like this.. if there's enough like minded people to get a bill this far, surely those people would have no problem supporting a business that discriminates for w/e reasons imo.
like businesses who refused to sell to people because of the color of their skin or their sexual orientation, they would eventually go under.

the cake shop that spurred all this protection of religious bigotry is still taking orders, so you're only deluding yourself and being willfully ignorant.
that's tone his far, surely those people would have no problem supporting a business that discriminates for w/e reasons imo.

But many are the mind like me racerboy, I'm not bigot in any way shape or form, I'm just against government intrution.
If the laws do pass, I don't think very many businesses will discriminate, I really don't. And the ones that do will suffer. Like i said, I would not support a business that discriminated against other law abiding good people.
But many are the mind like me racerboy, I'm not bigot in any way shape or form, I'm just against government intrution.
If the laws do pass, I don't think very many businesses will discriminate, I really don't. And the ones that do will suffer.

i just don't see how a bill would get this far if there wasn't public support for it is all..

there was just another bill, very similar to this one, in kansas, that got shut down this week, and mostly by the conservatives of the area from what i've read. you know it's pretty bad if even the local kansas conservatives are against it..
i just don't see how a bill would get this far if there wasn't public support for it is all..

there was just another bill, very similar to this one, in kansas, that got shut down this week, and mostly by the conservatives of the area from what i've read. you know it's pretty bad if even the local kansas conservatives are against it..

You do happen to know who the secretary of state in Kansas is?
Kris Kobach. Big time racist piece of shit