Good job Arizona

Well, I disagree with you.
While i believe all publicly owned entities should, private businesses are just that, private.

Don't get me wrong, if I had a business in AZ, I'd welcome everyone through my doors, as long as they were good peeps, but that is my decision and i don't feel government should have the authority to take away my rights, in favor of others.

If a latino or white dood went strolling into an African American barber shop, and the owners said he doesn't want to give them a hair cut, I'd stick up for that barber shop owner's rights.

Nothing bigoted about it, just principles.

you clearly don't get how rights work and are most certainly a bigoted racist POS.
Well, I disagree with you.
While i believe all publicly owned entities should, private businesses are just that, private.

Don't get me wrong, if I had a business in AZ, I'd welcome everyone through my doors, as long as they were good peeps, but that is my decision and i don't feel government should have the authority to take away my rights, in favor of others.

If a latino or white dood went strolling into an African American barber shop, and the owners said he doesn't want to give them a hair cut, I'd stick up for that barber shop owner's rights.

Nothing bigoted about it, just principles.

so, just a quick question... you didn't have any problems with blacks not being able to sit at lunch counters in the south, or even allowed into the restaurant at all? just curious..
so, just a quick question... you didn't have any problems with blacks not being able to sit at lunch counters in the south, or even allowed into the restaurant at all? just curious..

Or blacks not being allowed to go to the same schools as white, so long as their schools were separate, but equal, which of course oddly enough, they never were, equal that is as they were very separate..
arizona business owners can deny service to blacks (if brewer signs this POS bill) by citing the curse of ham.
this is hilarious because the righties who oppose basic civil rights say that no one would stand for this type of bigoted nonsense anymore. witness:

What should happen is the purples make a stink, boycott my eatery, persuade all the oranges and greens to do it too.....they will, cause they all know its wrong....I go out of business cause times have changed for the better.

yet here we are, watching as racist righty after racist righty comes forward to defend this obvious bigotry and denial of civil rights masquerading as "religious freedom".

a bakery is not a church, people. what part of this is so hard to understand?
and i can see why, you have immediately outed yourself as such once you agreed with this bigoted law and the bigoted racists who support it.

i shouldn't be forced to accommodate anyone just because they have a certain sexual preference or skin color. you mad bro? what the fuck for? i wouldn't refuse service to homosexuals, but i do believe in the right to do so.

so point fingers and call names. it completely validates your point.
i shouldn't be forced to accommodate anyone just because they have a certain sexual preference or skin color. you mad bro? what the fuck for? i wouldn't refuse service to homosexuals, but i do believe in the right to do so.

so point fingers and call names. it completely validates your point.

you've already voiced your approval for religious bigotry and denial of civil rights, no way to unring that bell sistah.
you may want to reread gurlfriend. just take your blinders off first.

let's see, sock puppet #1 calls this religious bigotry a "victory for capitalism and freedom", sock puppet #2 (that would be you) chimes in with hearty approval and agreement.

yep, you're an idiot alright.
nothing bigoted about it?? wtf principle states that a black man can't cut a white man's hair? i must've missed school / bible study that day..

I'm not saying he can't, I'm sticking up for his right not to, if he so chooses.
I could ask they same question of you, what principle gives you the right to tell others how to run their business?
let's see, sock puppet #1 calls this religious bigotry a "victory for capitalism and freedom", sock puppet #2 (that would be you) chimes in with hearty approval and agreement.

yep, you're an idiot alright.

and you sound like someone perfectly suited to prison life. love being told what to do, right? how about shut the fuck up. damn, you have a right to keep crying, don't you...

yep, you're an idiot alright.
let's see, sock puppet #1 calls this religious bigotry a "victory for capitalism and freedom", sock puppet #2 (that would be you) chimes in with hearty approval and agreement.

yep, you're an idiot alright.
dood, everyone who disagrees with you is a sock puppet, you have so many yourself, you're paranoid.
They can, but why would they?

i was thinking you'd be the perfect one to answer something like that, what with your horrific and racist attitudes toward blacks.

and you sound like someone perfectly suited to prison life. love being told what to do, right? how about shut the fuck up. damn, you have a right to keep crying, don't you...

yep, you're an idiot alright.

woooops, outed.

dood, everyone who disagrees with you is a sock puppet, you have so many yourself, you're paranoid.

no activity for years followed by non-stop daily posting in the politics section as soon as the bans knock out your original account.

yep, just coincidence.
buck, you need some serious therapy. outed? wtf man.... you're a drama queen, plain and simple. keep bitching, i hope it makes you feel better.
buck, you need some serious therapy. outed? wtf man.... you're a drama queen, plain and simple. keep bitching, i hope it makes you feel better.

you joined what, about 6 or 7 days ago? making about 40-50 posts a day, already posting in the politics section?

yep, makes sense.

take the fist out of your ass and just deal with it. you made it obvious as all holy fuck.

so, just a quick question... you didn't have any problems with blacks not being able to sit at lunch counters in the south, or even allowed into the restaurant at all? just curious..
personally, yes, i thought it was terrible how they were treated. But I don't believe the government has the authority to infringe on one persons rights just to appease another persons rights.

Or blacks not being allowed to go to the same schools as white, so long as their schools were separate, but equal, which of course oddly enough, they never were, equal that is as they were very separate..

this is were i draw the line. All government owned or funded entities, city, county, state and federal must allow everyone the same privileges, no matter what.
you joined what, about 6 or 7 days ago? making about 40-50 posts a day, already posting in the politics section?

yep, makes sense.

take the fist out of your ass and just deal with it. you made it obvious as all holy fuck.


i remember when you joined this site. post count isn't everything. stop crying. want a kotex?
no activity for years followed by non-stop daily posting in the politics section as soon as the bans knock out your original account.

yep, just coincidence.

Spit it out, who am I today, beenther, the ausie, clayton, echelon or fin.
Or am i a new boogieman this week?