Good job Arizona


Well-Known Member
(CNN) -- Arizona's Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs, to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
The bill, which the state House of Representatives passed by a 33-27 vote Thursday, now goes to Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican and onetime small business owner who vetoed similar legislation last year but has expressed the right of business owners to deny service.

Why is Arizona the epicenter of Hate?
(CNN) -- Arizona's Legislature has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners, as long as they assert their religious beliefs, to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
The bill, which the state House of Representatives passed by a 33-27 vote Thursday, now goes to Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican and onetime small business owner who vetoed similar legislation last year but has expressed the right of business owners to deny service.

Why is Arizona the epicenter of Hate?

The bill of rights is part of the epicenter of hate??

I thought congress could make no law regarding religion or the practice thereof... Is that amendment out the window too in Obamanation?? He is trying to eliminate the 1st, 2nd and 4th, it would not be surprising....
The bill of rights is part of the epicenter of hate??

I thought congress could make no law regarding religion or the practice thereof... Is that amendment out the window too in Obamanation?? He is trying to eliminate the 1st, 2nd and 4th, it would not be surprising....

tell us more about how denying basic civil rights to gays is constitutional. describe to us how it grants equal protection of the law.

you are simply a hateful and intolerant bigoted racist homophobe sack of shit, plain and simple.
Yet somehow you want to make that discriminatory. Do you see how hypocritical your platform is??

people are not born arizona legislators like they are born with a sexual orientation.

and besides that, it's a fucking joke you goddamn twat.
Seems like a small victory for capitalism and freedom the constitution gave all Americans.
Now the real test is to come. capitalism will do what capitalism does, the consumer will decide.
If businesses are smart, they'll put their ideals in a box at the door.
Seems like a small victory for capitalism and freedom the constitution gave all Americans.
Now the real test is to come. capitalism will do what capitalism does, the consumer will decide.
If businesses are smart, they'll put their ideals in a box at the door.

damn right. at least someone gets it.

whose civil rights are being denied, ya fucking bigot?

Who's whose, does it really matter?

Afraid to answer the question, whose rights are you talking about, the gay and lesbians or the business owners?
I also believe that a gay business owner has the right not to sell to or provide a service to westboro baptist church members and the like, do you?
Who's whose, does it really matter?

Afraid to answer the question, whose rights are you talking about, the gay and lesbians or the business owners?
I also believe that a gay business owner has the right not to sell to or provide a service to westboro baptist church members and the like, do you?

not if it's a PUBLIC business, any public business has to sell to any faction that makes up part of the public.. if you don't want to deal with gays, fine i guess, start some private club selling cakes to all of your religious buddies.. god knows we don't have enough closed off, private clubs that discriminate against this person or that one..
not if it's a PUBLIC business, any public business has to sell to any faction that makes up part of the public.. if you don't want to deal with gays, fine i guess, start some private club selling cakes to all of your religious buddies.. god knows we don't have enough closed off, private clubs that discriminate against this person or that one..

i owned an exotic pet store. i have been accused of racism, being a homophobe, a child hater, and been called plenty of obscenities. however, before i sold an animal to anyone, i had certain questions i'd ask to find if they were prepared to care for said animal. if i was not satisfied, you were refused. that is my right as owner of the store and merchandise, including the animals.

i don't care if you're gay, straight, black, white, or fucking purple. but, i do have the right to tell you to fuck off, or to say, i'm sorry, but i'm afraid i have to ask you to leave.
Who's whose, does it really matter?

Afraid to answer the question, whose rights are you talking about, the gay and lesbians or the business owners?
I also believe that a gay business owner has the right not to sell to or provide a service to westboro baptist church members and the like, do you?

No actually they dont. If they want to discriminate they can open a gays only private club
not if it's a PUBLIC business, any public business has to sell to any faction that makes up part of the public.. if you don't want to deal with gays, fine i guess, start some private club selling cakes to all of your religious buddies.. god knows we don't have enough closed off, private clubs that discriminate against this person or that one..

Well, I disagree with you.
While i believe all publicly owned entities should, private businesses are just that, private.

Don't get me wrong, if I had a business in AZ, I'd welcome everyone through my doors, as long as they were good peeps, but that is my decision and i don't feel government should have the authority to take away my rights, in favor of others.

If a latino or white dood went strolling into an African American barber shop, and the owners said he doesn't want to give them a hair cut, I'd stick up for that barber shop owner's rights.

Nothing bigoted about it, just principles.
Well, I disagree with you.
While i believe all publicly owned entities should, private businesses are just that, private.

Don't get me wrong, if I had a business in AZ, I'd welcome everyone through my doors, as long as they were good peeps, but that is my decision and i don't feel government should have the authority to take away my rights, in favor of others.

If a latino or white dood went strolling into an African American barber shop, and the owners said he doesn't want to give them a hair cut, I'd stick up for that barber shop owner's rights.

Nothing bigoted about it, just principles.

nothing bigoted about it?? wtf principle states that a black man can't cut a white man's hair? i must've missed school / bible study that day..