Good guy with a gun...

Poor Pie, I try my BEST to not insult/degrade her, even averting my eyes from her (apparently) grotesque sex(ish) reenactment, but she does seem to appear dumber with each post.
Yes, and she is getting much more excited every day. So much so that she feels the need to reveal everything she dug up on youtube. It is sad watching her brain work.
As long as you are into fecal ingestion, do you think you could hold still for a minute or so while I drop a burrito deluxe deuce down your throat?

You`ll be looking up to me, so dropping anything would be dumb and well that`s Lou.............ellipses.
If you just want to take pot shots then fuck off. If you want to discuss what's really on the table then let's do so. If you just want to say no way to any firearm restrictions then tell me why and I'll be glad to talk.

potshots ? what potshots ?

I explained I'm against "any" new firearm restrictions in your post I quoted, and i explained exactly why,that my lack of faith in the establishment makes me unwilling to give an inch with them .

how is that a running potshot ? and yes I would like to discuss it as I'm not a gun fiend but I am weary of allowing gov to circumvent any more constitutional issues,I don't have all the answers & don't pretend to but I did give you a direct response when I quoted you,not a drive by .
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You know, I don't think those guys were even your uncles. That is just what your mom called guys who hung around after their first pop. That should limit it to like 20 or 30 guys. Is the statute of limitations up yet?

I`m sure that means something, somewhere.
as an example of the average semi auto rifle & fully automatic machine gun owner in america I offer hickock45,he uses his "assault rifles" at the range & has a damn good time while not hurting a single living creature,most of us don't even shoot squirells,this is the evil fully auto AK 47 in the average joes hands.
anybody care to explain how stripping him of his rights because a very few asshats fuck up will somehow make america safer ? by taking guns away from good men ?
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Look I like Trump as the Candidate, I want a new guy that can`t be bought. A guy that wont take no shit from anyone. Someone willing to go outside of the norm and abolish this two Party system that has been forced upon us via Electoral College. Unlike Hillary he sees America being bought out from under us and heading down the path to failure.
There are things I don`t like about him as well, just not so many or as bad as the things I don`t like about Hillary.
I like the idea of a wall, but not a permanent fixture as Trump wants. The one that is there now is ugly, not Trump`s doing and ineffective. The one there now is basically a pacifier for the voters. I like the idea of a manned mobile Artillery wall, it can be reinforced or pulled away. even the tire marks will fade away soon.

I don`t know his stance on gun regulations completely so I wont comment on it.
"A guy that cant be bought"? Are you a fucking amoeba? He is an absolute slave to greed. Dumber than fuck. The motherfucker cheats motherfuckers for "charity" and fucking lies about it, assholes think its a virtue.
Cringe. You are a plain fucking idiot.

just to showcase your stupidity I offer an example of exactly what a legal "assault rifle" owner does with his semi & fully auto rifles,you can't explain how he deserves his rights taken away nor can you explain how taking his rights away will make america safer .

then you proclaim I'm an idiot in a one liner off topic rant with "cringe", why so afraid of a law abiding old man minding his own business & hurting nobody where you cringe,absolute brainwashed zealot who looks stupid as hell to any gun owner.
and your a fucking troll,never a valid talking point & completely void of thinking about others views,its worth blocking you simply so I have time to discuss things with people who aren't zealots.

your trollieness has turned your brain to mush .

you claim to have gone through a whole bunch of trouble to fetch your whore wife's muslim family, and now you plan on voting for the candidate who says "they have to go back".

can you explain what it is like to be a complete and utter fucktard?
you claim to have gone through a whole bunch of trouble to fetch your whore wife's muslim family, and now you plan on voting for the candidate who says "they have to go back".

can you explain what it is like to be a complete and utter fucktard?

when i present on topic evidence of what most " assault rifles" in America are used for,by law abiding citizens,and the only response i get from the far left anti gunners is memes, in a thread devoted to the gun topic,I know I've won & your shooting blanks,but other zombies will flood a meme with likes like sheep:dunce:

your anti assault rifle & yet you can't explain exactly how depriving one honest law abiding owner of his right to own makes america safer in any way :dunce:
Look I like Trump as the Candidate, I want a new guy that can`t be bought. A guy that wont take no shit from anyone. Someone willing to go outside of the norm and abolish this two Party system that has been forced upon us via Electoral College. Unlike Hillary he sees America being bought out from under us and heading down the path to failure.
There are things I don`t like about him as well, just not so many or as bad as the things I don`t like about Hillary.
I like the idea of a wall, but not a permanent fixture as Trump wants. The one that is there now is ugly, not Trump`s doing and ineffective. The one there now is basically a pacifier for the voters. I like the idea of a manned mobile Artillery wall, it can be reinforced or pulled away. even the tire marks will fade away soon.

I don`t know his stance on gun regulations completely so I wont comment on it.
You like the guy but can't be bothered to find out what his policies are. Ooooookay.
when i present on topic evidence of what most " assault rifles" in America are used for,by law abiding citizens,and the only response i get from the far left anti gunners is memes, in a thread devoted to the gun topic,I know I've won & your shooting blanks,but other zombies will flood a meme with likes like sheep:dunce:

your anti assault rifle & yet you can't explain exactly how depriving one honest law abiding owner of his right to own makes america safer in any way :dunce:

why are you always so angry?
I bet the grand kids dread Thanksgiving when they have to be nice to this enema on two legs. or is it four? Maybe in a wheelchair?

he has no grandkids.

he had kids at one point, but they got burned alive. he claimed it was 1982 and smoke detectors did not exist. his wife and two kids perished. somehow he came out unharmed.

woooops, thought we were talking about @Catfish1966