Well-Known Member
u ever going to become a decent man ?
by "decent man", do you mean tattooing neo-nazi imagery across my back, like you have?
u ever going to become a decent man ?
You didn't check what is actually proposed. If it had been what you say, then I agree, the bill would be shit stupid and would be a ban on just about any gun design for a long time. The real shit stupid here is a reaction to the name without checking facts. The proposal is to reinstate the last albeit failure of a ban implemented under Bill Clinton and sun-setted in the mid 2000's. That ban had a specific list of weapons and a few features such as a Rambo sized clip, the only non military purpose being mass murder. Any title of a few words is vague, which is why people should at least check the facts before jumping to conclusions.
The ban proposed has no bearing on Medical MJ patient's rights to own a gun, any gun, even a black powder antique. And Clinton or Obama have nothing to do with that. That is because MJ is a schedule 1 listed drug by act of Congress and enforced by the DEA. Anybody who uses one of the drugs on that list by some twisted logic hasn't the right to own a firearm. This, by the way, includes anybody who uses MJ for any reason in legal states like mine. This is a shit stupid issue that's been around for a long time and I'm not going to argue with you about it. Get MJ rescheduled and this issue goes away.
I've said before that I have no interest in taking guns away from any sane user. I don't support the "assault weapons ban" either. I'm just responding to @desert dude 's shit stupid assertion that Clinton is planning to take all guns away from civilians. Desert Dude is not lying when he says that because to lie requires enough understanding to be stating a falsehood. He's just ignorant and repeating what is said to him by gun buddies. The fact is that Clinton is only on record for supporting the reinstatement of an assault weapons ban enacted under Clinton which was easy to get around and if anything encouraged more gun sales. For all intents and purposes this just a political statement by Clinton and her opponents are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Basically, I only know what I read. I'm no activist in this area. If anybody wants to check up on what I said and call me out for being wrong then please dig up something more than call me stupid and say nuh uh.
Here are links to two mainstream media sites that contain most of what I know about what Clinton is proposing. I'm not defending any of this, I just want the argument to at least stick to the facts. Note that Clinton doesn't list an assault weapons ban as a plank in her platform. She said two years ago that she thinks it would limit gun violence.
In 2014 at a CNN town hall, she told an audience member she thinks reinstating the assault weapons ban and a ban high-capacity magazines would help limit gun violence.
Clinton advocates for “common sense gun laws”
She wants to expand background checks
Clinton pledges to close loopholes in existing firearm laws
Clinton would repeal immunity protections for the gun industry
restricting mag capacity will in no way save lives or protect the public .
by "decent man", do you mean tattooing neo-nazi imagery across my back, like you have?
Cringeville, population: 1shitballWhen speaking to a testicle, one must talk it`s neighbors lingo,.....asshole.
Anyway, What ?
May I should talk in Digleberry.........or whisper in fart,....SBD.
just the regular white guy u could have a beer with & not have to worry he will get mad at you later on,flip the fuck out,then try everything in his white power to get u fired or arrested because you somehow offended him,that kind of white guy.
just the regular normal guy u could have a beer with & not have to worry he will get mad at you later on,flip the fuck out,then try everything in his power to get u fired or arrested because you somehow offended him,that kind of normal guy.
the above words read like hieroglyphics to you didn't they![]()
what do you like best about the neo-nazi imagery you got tattooed across your back?
GTFOHyour lips are sealed tighter than Joan rivers dead cunt
Ever going yo become a decent man
my statement peice,it says "White Pride" across my shoulders
Fucking vile piece of witless pussy shit.
Plead as you might, this sad sack AIN'T showing the skin, it seems.....typical of those cunting wimps, though....masks, hoods, etc....
praise be to Allah, kill whitey & a few dozen fags too while their at it because a book told em to,and its A OK with you![]()
Fucking vile piece of witless pussy shit.
panhead/assbandit is just a coward.
does your whore wife earn the hatred she receives?
CRINGE. The desperate grunts of a drooling imbecile, bitch.stfu you cowardly lugubrious laggard ,put that in your pipe n smoke it![]()
wow,your wife asked me the same thing today.
BTW you might not want to kiss her on the mouth for a while,or the butt![]()
CRINGE. The desperate grunts of a drooling imbecile, bitch.
You are so fucking critterishly awkward and stupid just shut your cock hole bitch and stick to emojis they make you seem less sickeningly pathetic.
If you just want to take pot shots then fuck off. If you want to discuss what's really on the table then let's do so. If you just want to say no way to any firearm restrictions then tell me why and I'll be glad to talk.I only tied the legal mj issue to this to show how stupid this proposed ban of firearms is as well as the ban on magazines over 10 rounds,any 10 year old can dump an empty magazine & reload in 5 seconds or less,restricting mag capacity will in no way save lives or protect the public .
the med mj issue has relevance because we both know my being a schedule 1 drug is ridiculous,yet its being used to take away rights of citizens by the federal government,which speaks directly to the governments inability to pass legaslation concerning firearms using common sense .
I know for sure once we give government an inch they will take a mile on every issue,once we give in on this firearm restriction there will be another set of restrictions to follow,its the way of our government in all matters .
oh how I weep from the words flowing from your vajanosis reeking mouth and quiver in fear of your singular infected testicle
I reccomend penicillin and fast![]()
The irony is these losers have no job, collect government checks, and didn't graduate high school. What exactly are they proud of?