But the death penalty doesn't do much if they don't carry the damn thing out. We need to bring back public hangings and sell tickets or something.........
$5 dollars for the public execution, or $10, or even $20. I can just imagine how much revenue the government could draw from that.
ROFLMAO. I can already imagine the response this next comment is going to draw.
We can do what the ancient Romans did and have the prisoners fight each other, or wild animals. (I'm joking, well, kind of...)
As far as charges that there are innocent people convicted of crimes. I suppose that is a small problem, but when it costs $15,000 - $150,000 to imprison a convicted murderer or a convicted rapist, then in the end the cost of locking them up for life greatly exceeds the cost of executing them.
Besides, even if there are innocent people, the effect of bringing put Capitol Punishment is that it would have a drastic negative effect on crime, similar to the negative effect on crime caused by people carrying there own weapons. If the criminal gets lucky and doesn't murder/rape some one carrying a weapon there is always a chance they may find their career as a criminal shortened by a death sentence.
More to the fact is that the cost of locking these people up for life is a cost that makes the amounts taken in executive compensation look piddly by comparison, and the difference between the executives, and the murderers and rapists is that the executives were at least elected by the shareholders of the corporation, the victims of the murderers and rapists did not get to choose or not choose to be raped or murdered.
As far as lesser crimes, a lot of crimes just need to be taken off the books. The only real crimes there are are crimes against another person, their property, or their right to not have to worry about getting a STD from their spouse who got it from some one that they were cheating with.
I was about to say that that view opens up questions that would be difficult to answer, but it doesn't. (The question I was thinking of was is some one that gives another person an STD guilty of Murder/Rape, but as it takes two to Tango, I don't see how the person could be rationally charged.)
Of course, the government would never consent to a system that would abolish the vast majority of the crimes. Most of the crimes are offenses that generate revenue for the government.
Running Red Lights ($$$)
Speeding ($$$)
I can understand adding charges related to those when it involves property damage, but when there is no harm, then there should be no foul.
Then there's laws that are just illogical, having been perpetuated by the Fascist Socialism of FDR, such as the laws against Marijuana/Hemp, and ingesting other chemicals.
It should not be the government's business what chemicals you ingest or inhale. Nor should it be the government's business where you do such things. If it is in the bar, then there is a contract between you and the owner of the bar that allows you to do it. There is not a contract between you, the owner and the government allowing you to do it, and thus the government should not be able to interfere in the contract that was created by your patronage of the bar.
So, to shorten everything down. I see nothing wrong with capital punishment for crimes such as murder, rape and theft, with murder and rape deserving the death penalty, but the laws need to be seriously revamped so that speeding, and running red lights are crimes only if it results in the injury of some one else. Laws regulating the ingestion or inhalation of chemicals also need to be repealed, as do laws regulating where such actions can be taken, because those laws represent government interference in contracts between the customers and the proprietors in the case of actions taking places in businesses, and a gross violation of privacy (illegal search) when it comes to attempting to regulate those actions in private residences, vehicles, or on private property.