Illinois Enema Bandit
Well-Known Member
BREAKING: curmudgeonly
I bestow 10 points on thee for the 14th century wit .
I like turtles

BREAKING: curmudgeonly
Hillary wants to confiscate guns. Hillary has no respect for the Constitution, just like many on RIU. Incidentally, I am not saying Trump is a better potential president. On 2A Trump might be better, and worse on other issues. I know this galls lefties such as @Fogdog, but I am not a Trump supporter. The two parties have nothing but shit to offer the US this election year. Johnson is the best choice in November; he gets my vote.
Hillary should be in jail, and Trump should be selling soap on his reality TV show.
Hillary on the Australian confiscation:
"The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background-check approach, more of a permitting approach,” Clinton said.
The Australian government purchased more than 650,000 guns from citizens in the compulsory 1996 buyback program."
Yep, and California has just passed a bill that bans all weapons from civilians. Too bad for your KKK events dude.Hillary wants to confiscate guns. Hillary has no respect for the Constitution, just like many on RIU. Incidentally, I am not saying Trump is a better potential president. On 2A Trump might be better, and worse on other issues. I know this galls lefties such as @Fogdog, but I am not a Trump supporter. The two parties have nothing but shit to offer the US this election year. Johnson is the best choice in November; he gets my vote.
Hillary should be in jail, and Trump should be selling soap on his reality TV show.
Hillary on the Australian confiscation:
"The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background-check approach, more of a permitting approach,” Clinton said.
The Australian government purchased more than 650,000 guns from citizens in the compulsory 1996 buyback program."
remember that time you spent months lying to us about your membership in a white supremacy group?
you should be in jail.
Hillary wants to confiscate guns. Hillary has no respect for the Constitution, just like many on RIU. Incidentally, I am not saying Trump is a better potential president. On 2A Trump might be better, and worse on other issues. I know this galls lefties such as @Fogdog, but I am not a Trump supporter. The two parties have nothing but shit to offer the US this election year. Johnson is the best choice in November; he gets my vote.
Hillary should be in jail, and Trump should be selling soap on his reality TV show.
Hillary on the Australian confiscation:
"The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background-check approach, more of a permitting approach,” Clinton said.
The Australian government purchased more than 650,000 guns from citizens in the compulsory 1996 buyback program."
Youre a jackass. Shut the fuck upHillary wants to confiscate guns. Hillary has no respect for the Constitution, just like many on RIU. Incidentally, I am not saying Trump is a better potential president. On 2A Trump might be better, and worse on other issues. I know this galls lefties such as @Fogdog, but I am not a Trump supporter. The two parties have nothing but shit to offer the US this election year. Johnson is the best choice in November; he gets my vote.
Hillary should be in jail, and Trump should be selling soap on his reality TV show.
Hillary on the Australian confiscation:
"The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background-check approach, more of a permitting approach,” Clinton said.
The Australian government purchased more than 650,000 guns from citizens in the compulsory 1996 buyback program."
I can't do Hillary either & I'm no " right winger " as the far left here claims,in fact for me personally I could care less about AR-15's & all the 60 round mag rhetoric,because I don't use rifles like that,but I want others to have the right to buy what weapons they deem fit for them & will never vote for any anti 2nd amendment anybody .
I didn't start off a trump voter,I was driven there because of the people running he is the only one standing in Hillary's way,her crimes against america are too vast,Trump may be a rich version of Bush W but he's a damn sight better that the lying thief Hillary turned out to be,I'll be proud to cast my 1st republican vote in 38 years for Trump,if only to show my extreme contempt for the corruption machine that is the DNC & Hillary .
Oh surprise!/two fucking cowardly, half witted racist, bitches find common ground.Yeah, me too. "Loves enema"
Yep, and California has just passed a bill that bans all weapons from civilians. Too bad for your KKK events dude.
She also said "I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it, or how would it work, but certainly your example is worth looking at."
Yeah, you have made a great case for your statement. Clinton is aware of what Australia did. OOOOOOOOOH scary.
I can't do Hillary either & I'm no " right winger "
You idiot progressives are getting Trump elected with your racial division strategy, and treating fundamental freedoms like shit. He is your creation.
Ooooooh scary. Clinton is aware and studying how Australia tackled the issue of extraordinary rate of gun death and violence. What? She can't look to see what another country did to successfully confront the issue of high rates of gun violence? What? Are guns in the US sacrosanct like the Catholic Church's declaration in the middle ages that even to talk about the earth orbiting the sun is a death sentence? You are against learning? What a chump you are.She is a lawyer, and the smartest human being to ever grace the planet. Certainly she understands the constitution. She just has nothing but contempt for it, and for ordinary middle class Americans, you included. That she would even say "it's certainly something we should look at" tells me all I need to know.
Enjoy having Trump as president.
you left out the fact that you have a neo-nazi tattoo splashed across your back.
Check what Trump has to say about regulations.
You may be dumber than Pie and only 20% less gullible. CongratsLook I like Trump as the Candidate, I want a new guy that can`t be bought. A guy that wont take no shit from anyone. Someone willing to go outside of the norm and abolish this two Party system that has been forced upon us via Electoral College. Unlike Hillary he sees America being bought out from under us and heading down the path to failure.
There are things I don`t like about him as well, just not so many or as bad as the things I don`t like about Hillary.
I like the idea of a wall, but not a permanent fixture as Trump wants. The one that is there now is ugly, not Trump`s doing and ineffective. The one there now is basically a pacifier for the voters. I like the idea of a manned mobile Artillery wall, it can be reinforced or pulled away. even the tire marks will fade away soon.
I don`t know his stance on gun regulations completely so I wont comment on it.
Look I like Trump as the Candidate.
You may be dumber than Pie and only 20% less gullible. Congrats