Well-Known Member
What a drama queen. Are you sure you're a guy???
What a drama queen. Are you sure you're a guy???
If I were in your platoon, you would have been fragged. Fuck you Johnny fuckwad.
Don't feel bad Johnny, Here's one of my early encounter w/ my friend...If you are threatening my life, then do it like a man. Don't pussyfoot around it. Nobody respects a coward, especially one with a gun in his hand.
I'm waiting for the "Dickhead" "Asswhole" comments any moment now. Apparently his style is to spew vitriol, venom, and name calling to anyone opposed to his ideology. I am not a nice person, but I will not stoop to name calling that he exercises quite frequently.
Is that a picture of you in your avatar or are you really a spineless little bald "asshole"? Hey I'll talk to you on any level you choose, nice begets nice and visa-versa. By saying your wife was more mellow, that set you off? you must be a very agravated individual. Facts is facts, eh. Give me some facts why republicans are better than liberals, oh and all Democrats aren't that liberal. As I've stated many times, I'm an independent. That means I evaluate the choices and make the one I feel to be the best at the time, regardless of party affiliation. It just so happens I like my vote to count. So you are right. it is your vote to throw away, so go ahead. I'll try and influence the election with my one little vote. If you are really the little bald guy, my apologies. If you are the angry looking asshole type in the picture, I'm not afraid.
Where did that come from? I don't believe I even stated that you should be afraid, did I?
Just an observation about your avatar. My avatar isn't me, although I have some sympathy with the Indians and some interaction with medicinemen.
There's a better pic of me in my public profile.
Well, I checked out your picture. I guess I'd have to bring a friend if we were ever to scuffel,~LOL~, you know, like Smith&Wesson, or Samuel Colt. I can't figure out why a person would post his picture on a pot site though, makes me wonder. At least I have more hair than you,~LOL.
Raisin-like gonads? ~lol~
Med's snake oil cure = Socialism.
Might work. I find it hard to put myself in others minds, especially the priveledged. Having had a hard scrabble life, I find it rather insulting to be schooled by someone of priveledge with some phony degree that daddy paid for. Those that sit in their Ivory towers and look down on us commoners really piss me off. Am I jealous? Well that depends. I'm not jealous of their opinions just their opportunities. Having an IQ in the upper 3 percentile, I surely could have achieved much more in my short life given an equal starting pad. To be schooled by successful people does not sit well with me, therefore the barb. I'm not sniveling, just stating a fact. Spin it if you must, but I'll not be taking much advice from the Golden child.Since you opened yourself to criticism, I'll try to offer some constructively. People who disagree with you aren't automatically right-wing Bush lovers. And even when someone agrees with your points, it is wise to still distance themselves because you never know where your vitriol will be aimed next.
It seems when someone makes a good point you do not retort with a witty rejoinder or heaven-forbid a "gee - maybe you're right". Nope - not you - you're always right and anyone who disagrees is obviously an idiot who deserves your wrath. And when someone who is clearly offering more thought out ideas and responses makes an appearance, instead of shutting your pie-hole and learning something, you tell them how arrogant they are for posting something intelligent. smarts and firm grasp of vocabulary does not equal arrogance. Being right and backing it up with facts also does not qualify for arrogance.
Even what starts as a civil debate quickly deteriorates into ad hominem and to be blunt - the person who most often starts the name-calling is you med. So don't act all shocked when people return the favor.
Nearly every conversation I've had with you where we disagreed (most of them I think) and we continued to converse ended with you insulting me in one way or another.
You do yourself and your ideology a huge disservice by stooping to insults and personal attacks. Right or wrong, folks aren't going to jump on the bandwagon of someone who pisses them off all the time.
Treat people respectfully and kind not because they are respectful and kind but because you are.
Might work. I find it hard to put myself in others minds, especially the priveledged. Having had a hard scrabble life, I find it rather insulting to be schooled by someone of priveledge with some phony degree that daddy paid for. Those that sit in their Ivory towers and look down on us commoners really piss me off. Am I jealous? Well that depends. I'm not jealous of their opinions just their opportunities. Having an IQ in the upper 3 percentile, I surely could have achieved much more in my short life given an equal starting pad. To be schooled by successful people does not sit well with me, therefore the barb. I'm not sniveling, just stating a fact. Spin it if you must, but I'll not be taking much advice from the Golden child.
Johnny fuckwad, fuck you!Snakeoilman: the class-war crybaby.
you go med...![]()
Fuckwad speaks, right out his ass.Hey Snakeoilman. Do you know why you get encouragement from people like this? Don't assume they are your allies. They are just eager to see you get slapped around some more.
For someone "Having an IQ in the upper 3 percentile", you sure have squandered your gifts. More's the pity.
Johnny fuckwad, fuck you!
Fuckwad speaks, right out his ass.
OK, Fuck you johnny fuckwad, clearer now?Wow, Snakeoilman! For a Super-Genius, that response is kind of a let down. Try again.