Go for it


Well-Known Member
Might work. I find it hard to put myself in others minds, especially the priveledged. Having had a hard scrabble life, I find it rather insulting to be schooled by someone of priveledge with some phony degree that daddy paid for. Those that sit in their Ivory towers and look down on us commoners really piss me off. Am I jealous? Well that depends. I'm not jealous of their opinions just their opportunities. Having an IQ in the upper 3 percentile, I surely could have achieved much more in my short life given an equal starting pad. To be schooled by successful people does not sit well with me, therefore the barb. I'm not sniveling, just stating a fact. Spin it if you must, but I'll not be taking much advice from the Golden child.
Oh, you have GOT to be fucking kidding me! Yes, you're sniveling, you had exactly the same opportunities that were afforded my husband, my father, HIS father, my grandfather, and both great-grandfathers who came to an island dirt fucking poor, and who made their way up in the world by starting somewhere. For one of my great-grandfathers, it was making and selling CHARCOAL as a boy not even 13yo.

Some phony degree daddy paid for, my fucking ASS. Each and every one of them WORKED for their educations, then went on to DO something with their lives.


Well-Known Member
I doubt Med is a Homosexual, Narcissistic Personality may apply

To Save time, check this link https://www.rollitup.org/881996-post8.html it has a definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
I agree. I am sure he's terrified that deep down inside, he might be gay. He's clearly a homophobe and suggesting a straight homophobe is gay is a supreme insult.

I am fucking with his pea brain.
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Well-Known Member
You know, when I was a kid we used to like to poke small neighborhood dogs through the fence with sticks... We would get a chuckle and the dog would get pissed off. It was one day when a friend poked the dog 3 houses down the street and was laughing his ass off until the dog found a small hole in the fence. I'm sure that you know what happened next.

The Moral of the story is:
It's funny until someone gets hurt..... Then it's HILARIOUS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Might work. I find it hard to put myself in others minds, especially the priveledged. Having had a hard scrabble life, I find it rather insulting to be schooled by someone of priveledge with some phony degree that daddy paid for. Those that sit in their Ivory towers and look down on us commoners really piss me off. Am I jealous? Well that depends. I'm not jealous of their opinions just their opportunities. Having an IQ in the upper 3 percentile, I surely could have achieved much more in my short life given an equal starting pad. To be schooled by successful people does not sit well with me, therefore the barb. I'm not sniveling, just stating a fact. Spin it if you must, but I'll not be taking much advice from the Golden child.
I don't know what it is like to be privileged either - at least financially. I worked pretty hard for everything I have - though I do love what I do for a living. My dad was a steel worker at least until all the plants shut down and I personally have no degrees at all - unless a high-school diploma counts. I have great respect for learning and learned individuals. I would swallow my pride to learn something even from someone i despise. I suppose it all depends on what we value. Some folks are difficult to learn from - no doubt. But even assholes can teach how to (or how not to) act like assholes.

I think we are all free to measure are own success how we see fit.


New Member
I don't know what it is like to be privileged either - at least financially. I worked pretty hard for everything I have - though I do love what I do for a living. My dad was a steel worker at least until all the plants shut down and I personally have no degrees at all - unless a high-school diploma counts. I have great respect for learning and learned individuals. I would swallow my pride to learn something even from someone i despise. I suppose it all depends on what we value. Some folks are difficult to learn from - no doubt. But even assholes can teach how to (or how not to) act like assholes.

I think we are all free to measure are own success how we see fit.
Thats the most honest post I've seen from you, Kudos. Yeah learning can come from anywhere. Just because I didn't graduate from some fancy college (university) doesn't mean my mind has been closed these 67 years. I don't pretend to be learned in the ways of higher education, but life has offered me valuable insight into the workings of humans. I mean, you don't need a PHD to spot assholes, no inferance intended. My son can shut me down on jeopardy in a heartbeat, (University grad.), but I hold my own on Wheel of fortune. I think we could all learn from each other. Some hereabouts seem to think I only come here to spread hate and dissention. Nothing could be further from the truth. I may be a little rough around the edges, but inside, I bleed red like all of you. I guess I've pissed off a few on the site. They will have to deal with their own views of me and do what they fell is right.


New Member
Honest? All my posts are as honest as I can make them. It may be the most personal one I've posted.
OK, it makes you a little more human to me, not just a voice on the other end of the computer. I think we all take that part of the net for granted, the de-personalization thing.


Well-Known Member
First I read this in one thread, A Challenge ...:
I agree. I feel like every time I come on here I have to go on defense mode. If you guys want to dance, make it one place and I'll respect your sanctity also. Or not.
Then I see this in another thread, Libertarian National Convention on CSPAN.

Bullshit. I have a few mexican friends and they don't care at all if I refer to them as mexicans. They refer to themselves as mexicans. I guess if you were being an ass and started calling strangers mexicans they might get a little miffed, but my "mexican" friends are above that trite bullshit. And BTW, that was an escape from the reality of no people of color being at the rich mans rally.
The timestamps on each post tell the story. You are a liar. You want to pick a fight? Come here. I'll accommodate you. Miserable liar.