Go for it


Well-Known Member
Am I supposed to insert thank you doctor here? Are you a psychiatrist or a fraud. I suppose you are one of those educated fools from some uneducated school that doesn't know common sense from Adam. I may bellow like a wounded bull, but most of my posts are in jest. There are a couple of fellows on here that get my blood boiling, You have just joined the ranks, But in reality, I could really care less abolut your pernicious exclamations. If you knew me, you would have an entirely different perspective on me. As for SM, I am still trying to figure out what set you off against me, I guess you may be (insert name) or something. You seem to take pleasure in joining in with others to demean me, Geeze I am developing a cult following. Well all you Med Haters can kiss me where the sun don't shine. I'll take your criticisms under advisement and see if there is any salvagable interaction, if not then so be it.
Hardly, mm, I am making observations. You are disingenuous when you say that your posts are in jest because then you yourself go on to provide exceptions. It is your "behavior" here online that I speak to, as there is no way for me to know anything about you otherwise. And that, quite honestly, is the objection I have, it is to the behavior that I see. Don't count yourself to be in any type of exclusive club on this, either. I've made mention to other people whose behavior is less than palatable. From those who insist on calling people names to those who must make personal attacks in order to support their own (weak) arguments. Just search my posts, you'll find it.

I see no reason why you should 'hate' Johnny, he is also making observations and has not once attacked you on a personal level. The same cannot at all be said about you, in fact this is your tactic of first resort. If you're really better than that, if your arguments can stand on their own, then let them do so, and show us better. :)

I am able to separate bad behavior from the person. Are you?


Well-Known Member
My continued effrontry of members rants are not to be taken personally, Well there are those exceptions.
It is the message being attacked, not the messenger.
I hafta ask MM....What message were you attacking in this statement?...
Jesus Christ you are such a pitiful asshole. Who made you the judge and jury. Why do you think you are so superior? I've witnessed egomaniacs in my day but you certainly take the cake. Breaking me down, what a fucking joke. Expose away asshole, like you said, it is an expression of yourself and your own inadequacies. You are the joke.
Or should this one be taken in jest as well?


New Member
Hardly, mm, I am making observations. You are disingenuous when you say that your posts are in jest because then you yourself go on to provide exceptions. It is your "behavior" here online that I speak to, as there is no way for me to know anything about you otherwise. And that, quite honestly, is the objection I have, it is to the behavior that I see. Don't count yourself to be in any type of exclusive club on this, either. I've made mention to other people whose behavior is less than palatable. From those who insist on calling people names to those who must make personal attacks in order to support their own (weak) arguments. Just search my posts, you'll find it.

I see no reason why you should 'hate' Johnny, he is also making observations and has not once attacked you on a personal level. The same cannot at all be said about you, in fact this is your tactic of first resort. If you're really better than that, if your arguments can stand on their own, then let them do so, and show us better. :)

I am able to separate bad behavior from the person. Are you?
Here's the deal. I don't really see the point in cut and paste to prove a point. It is rather sophmoric the way I see it. anyone can use Google to prove their point, from either perspective, so what's the point. I post what my 67 years of exposure to the world has taught me with my opinions thrown in. I realize they are not always right or precise, but the commoners approach to complex problems. There are a lot of educated fools as their opinions only have some book to back up their proposition. Hell, anyone that can read can get a book to back their viewpoint, does that make them right when someone else can get another book to prove them wrong. Use your own mind to observe a situation and then make up your mind based on the sense that God gave you, but don't throw out my viewpoints so casually just because you don't like the messenger.


Well-Known Member
Am I supposed to insert thank you doctor here? Are you a psychiatrist or a fraud. I suppose you are one of those educated fools from some uneducated school that doesn't know common sense from Adam. I may bellow like a wounded bull, but most of my posts are in jest. There are a couple of fellows on here that get my blood boiling, You have just joined the ranks, But in reality, I could really care less abolut your pernicious exclamations. If you knew me, you would have an entirely different perspective on me. As for SM, I am still trying to figure out what set you off against me, I guess you may be (insert name) or something. You seem to take pleasure in joining in with others to demean me, Geeze I am developing a cult following. Well all you Med Haters can kiss me where the sun don't shine. I'll take your criticisms under advisement and see if there is any salvagable interaction, if not then so be it.
Pernicious exclaimaitions? Pernicious is defined as causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie. Please back up your claim. Refute me.

I may bellow like a wounded bull, but most of my posts are in jest.

Now THAT is a lie. As I stated previously, you are deadly serious when you are 'joking.' You can't hide behind your old standbys anymore. We all know exactly what you mean.

If you knew me, you would have an entirely different perspective on me.

Seamaiden is right. We do know you. You define yourself.


Well-Known Member
Why are you accusing me of throwing out viewpoints? That's your specialty, MM. Do you see how you prove Johnny's observations when you put up stuff like this? Did you miss entirely what I said? Are we even speaking the same language?

Honestly, for someone who is so quick and able to dish out so much crap, you are rather thin-skinned.


New Member
Why are you accusing me of throwing out viewpoints? That's your specialty, MM. Do you see how you prove Johnny's observations when you put up stuff like this? Did you miss entirely what I said? Are we even speaking the same language?

Honestly, for someone who is so quick and able to dish out so much crap, you are rather thin-skinned.
Fuck this, I've taken enough crap for one day. I'll be back tomorrow to rain on your parades.


Well-Known Member
Gosh... ok. :|

But, we'll be in the air all day long... and, well, it's conceptually quite weird, this date line thing. We're in "tomorrow" (it's Monday afternoon here), and tomorrow (Tuesday) we're flying home, leaving early in the a.m. Yet, we'll be arriving home at about the same time on the same day (Tuesday) as when we left. Somehow I feel robbed. :lol:

Wishing you hadn't opened this can of worms now, eh?


New Member
Gosh... ok. :|

But, we'll be in the air all day long... and, well, it's conceptually quite weird, this date line thing. We're in "tomorrow" (it's Monday afternoon here), and tomorrow (Tuesday) we're flying home, leaving early in the a.m. Yet, we'll be arriving home at about the same time on the same day (Tuesday) as when we left. Somehow I feel robbed. :lol:

Wishing you hadn't opened this can of worms now, eh?
And worms it is. I can take it, I'd just rather not, Bye Bye little darlin.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal. I don't really see the point in cut and paste to prove a point. It is rather sophmoric the way I see it. anyone can use Google to prove their point, from either perspective, so what's the point. I post what my 67 years of exposure to the world has taught me with my opinions thrown in. I realize they are not always right or precise, but the commoners approach to complex problems. There are a lot of educated fools as their opinions only have some book to back up their proposition. Hell, anyone that can read can get a book to back their viewpoint, does that make them right when someone else can get another book to prove them wrong. Use your own mind to observe a situation and then make up your mind based on the sense that God gave you, but don't throw out my viewpoints so casually just because you don't like the messenger.
Med-think: Oh crap. Thumped again. Must discredit.


Well-Known Member
Why are you accusing me of throwing out viewpoints? That's your specialty, MM. Do you see how you prove Johnny's observations when you put up stuff like this? Did you miss entirely what I said? Are we even speaking the same language?

Honestly, for someone who is so quick and able to dish out so much crap, you are rather thin-skinned.
Bullys can't take a punch. They fold like a house of cards after the first well placed blow.


Well-Known Member
Gosh... ok. :|

But, we'll be in the air all day long... and, well, it's conceptually quite weird, this date line thing. We're in "tomorrow" (it's Monday afternoon here), and tomorrow (Tuesday) we're flying home, leaving early in the a.m. Yet, we'll be arriving home at about the same time on the same day (Tuesday) as when we left. Somehow I feel robbed. :lol:
That's just Med's way of implying that any attacks made while he is away are unfair. He's trying to elicit sympathy and it's not working. He must be very frustrated right now.

Wishing you hadn't opened this can of worms now, eh?
He should read my posts again. This can go away instantly. The power is his.


New Member
That's just Med's way of implying that any attacks made while he is away are unfair. He's trying to elicit sympathy and it's not working. He must be very frustrated right now.

He should read my posts again. This can go away instantly. The power is his.
Won't happen, Johnny. Med sees the world though a prism of negativity. It would take Divine Intervention for Med to begin to see the glass as half full. :hump:

Last edited:


New Member
Won't happen, Johnny. Med sees the world though a prism of negativity. It would take Divine Intervention for Med to begin to see the glass as half full. :hump:

Who was talking to you? It seems that you jump in every time something negative comes up about me. I might venture that you may have a bit of meanness in you and a full modicum of negativity yourself


New Member
Who was talking to you? It seems that you jump in every time something negative comes up about me. I might venture that you may have a bit of meanness in you and a full modicum of negativity yourself
Did I solicit your opinion? Please remain seated until asked to rise. Thanks ...



New Member
Did I solicit your opinion? Please remain seated until asked to rise. Thanks ...

Uhhh, you were opining about me. I think I have a response coming. And be truthful, every chance you get you slam me with some raunchy debasement. Who has the high ground? You and your snooty religious attitude always sleaze out


New Member
Uhhh, you were opining about me. I think I have a response coming. And be truthful, every chance you get you slam me with some raunchy debasement. Who has the high ground? You and your snooty religious attitude always sleaze out
Snooty religious attitude? ~lol~ ... You've cut me to the quick! :mrgreen:
