Global Warming on trial...


New Member
The main argument at the moment seems to be killing the ozone layer.

When I was in refrig-school they showed how several different freon molecules killed the ozone molecules. R-12 was the worst, (by a couple thousand times) over the next most common refrigerant R-22. But the next question is this, does CO2 kill ozone? I believe it displaces it and widens the "ozone hole" over the south pole. But I have never heard the answer to this exact question.

Perhaps Tahoe, or one of her scientist friends can enlighten us.

Yeah, when they first came out with R-134, the systems were not that good and people hated them. they finally figured out that you needed 1/3 more condensor capacity than an R-12 system and got the pressures into managable zones, then the systems we have today work well. My 2004 Dodge truck will run you out in 118* heat if your buzzing down the freeway, you actually have to turn the temps up or freeze your buns off. I'd like to remind everyone that lives in cold winter climates to run your AC at least a couple of times a month to lubricate the seals, makes them last a while longer.


Well-Known Member
I think if you laid all the scientists in the world, end to end, you wouldn't reach a conclusion.
No kidding. This idea of consensus is complete bullshit. All it takes is one scientist who can document and reproduce evidence to the contrary to call everything into question. That is how science works. I was reading an article yesterday, and the guy hit it dead on. If people tell you to accept a theory based on 'scientific consensus', steer clear, it's not motivated by science.


New Member
The majority of scientists who don't work for corporations would be out of research money if global warming didn't exist.
So you've just agreed that Global warming does exist, Well that's so nice Just-in, Now when you've figured out Man has had a major hand in it, let me know~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when they first came out with R-134, the systems were not that good and people hated them. they finally figured out that you needed 1/3 more condensor capacity than an R-12 system and got the pressures into managable zones,
They didn't just finally figure it out, the reason R-12 was used was its high capacity for heat absorption and release during the phase changes, R-134 has less heat absorption capacity so therefore more R-134 must be moved to carry the same amount of heat. With a system designed for R-12 then using R-134 in it the whole system is undersized and the compresser trys to compensate. But to compensate it needs to lower the evaporater pressure and raise the condensor pressure to equal the movement of heat with R-12, So understand that all parts of a R-12 system is undersized for R-134 and increasing the size of the condencer, evaperator and/or the airflow across one or both will cut the work of the compresser [which is undersized for R-134 within the limits of the R-12 system. A thermastatic expansion valve will self compensate but the compressor, condensor and evaporater are just undersized. Increasing compressor size will increase heat&pressure differentials and do the job, but it not only increases the risk of leaks it also will cost you extra every time you use it. The evaporater is a bit locked in size wise and though fan speed could be in creased, this area is already close to maxed out, So this leaves the condensor its easier to get to and theres room to expand. Simple.

medicineman393979 said:
then the systems we have today work well. My 2004 Dodge truck will run you out in 118* heat if your buzzing down the freeway, you actually have to turn the temps up or freeze your buns off. I'd like to remind everyone that lives in cold winter climates to run your AC at least a couple of times a month to lubricate the seals, makes them last a while longer.
Very true, Just run your AC a couple times a month no matter where you live, there is oil within the system. Also if you move a refrigerator and lay it down you can move the oil where it can get into the compressor and oil doesn't compress and could break your compressor so if you do this make sure it is turned off and then plug it in for a few hours before you turn it on.


Well-Known Member
So you've just agreed that Global warming does exist, Well that's so nice Just-in, Now when you've figured out Man has had a major hand in it, let me know~LOL~.
Just pointing out that everyone has a motivating factor behind what they're saying, its up to us to research both sides of the argument to form an educated opinion; something you have obviously not done.


New Member
They didn't just finally figure it out, the reason R-12 was used was its high capacity for heat absorption and release during the phase changes, R-134 has less heat absorption capacity so therefore more R-134 must be moved to carry the same amount of heat.

Just as I said, they increased the size of the condensor as that was the cheapest fix. I also stand by my claim that in the changeover years, I believe in the early 90s, the first couple of years, they had some problems keeping up with the desert heat. The actual size of compressors (in automobiles) has decreased in size over the years as they have been made more efficient. Not being an engineer, I can't quote you formulas and dimensions, but having something sorely lacking in todays society (common sense), I can see something for what it is.


Well-Known Member
They didn't just finally figure it out, the reason R-12 was used was its high capacity for heat absorption and release during the phase changes, R-134 has less heat absorption capacity so therefore more R-134 must be moved to carry the same amount of heat.

Just as I said, they increased the size of the condensor as that was the cheapest fix. I also stand by my claim that in the changeover years, I believe in the early 90s, the first couple of years, they had some problems keeping up with the desert heat. The actual size of compressors (in automobiles) has decreased in size over the years as they have been made more efficient. Not being an engineer, I can't quote you formulas and dimensions, but having something sorely lacking in todays society (common sense), I can see something for what it is.
Yes, but med not understanding the whys and wherefores, may leave you able to make something work but not understanding why it works, and this is your short coming.

Common sense is the least common of all the senses.


New Member
Politicians are elected, wiley or not the electorate is the only group to blame, if your blaming.
"Invent shit to make million and millions", so you finally concede man made global warming is a hoax. Well that settles it then!


New Member
Politicians are elected, wiley or not the electorate is the only group to blame, if your blaming.
"Invent shit to make million and millions", so you finally concede man made global warming is a hoax. Well that settles it then!
I agree on blaming the electorate, but the majority of the electorate, It seems, are very mindwashed and only watch TV and Eat junk food, a perfect combo for disaster. How in the hell do we change that. Getting government out of the schoolbook business, (McGraw-Hill) may be a start. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of made up stories in those history books. The Viet-Nam war was 2 paragraphs in my sons history book in the 80s, the gist of it was: "An unpopular war fought in Southeast Asia where 56,000 US troops lost their lives". And that was all. I wonder what the Iraq war will look like?


New Member
I agree on blaming the electorate, but the majority of the electorate, It seems, are very mindwashed and only watch TV and Eat junk food, a perfect combo for disaster. How in the hell do we change that. Getting government out of the schoolbook business, (McGraw-Hill) may be a start. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of made up stories in those history books. The Viet-Nam war was 2 paragraphs in my sons history book in the 80s, the gist of it was: "An unpopular war fought in Southeast Asia where 56,000 US troops lost their lives". And that was all. I wonder what the Iraq war will look like?
We're making progress with ya, Med. Now if only we can move you off of the "free" medical dime. :blsmoke:

And, you are dead on about the history books. Ronald Reagan gets one paragraph and Che' Rivera and Ceasar Chavez gets a whole chapter. :roll:



New Member
We're making progress with ya, Med. Now if only we can move you off of the "free" medical dime. :blsmoke:

And, you are dead on about the history books. Ronald Reagan gets one paragraph and Che' Rivera and Ceasar Chavez gets a whole chapter. :roll:

You see, Vi, It's not free, It's just for everyone, everyone will be covered. We'll have to pay with higher taxes and rich guys like you can keep your expensive Dr.s. The lack of co-pays, Insurance Premiuns etc. will offset the costs. We need to take profit out of medical, pay doctors well and cover every citizen. The amount of money spent on medical per person in America is well above the world average and 50+ million have no coverage at all. The salaries of Insurance and HMO CEOs are outrageous. No one is worth that much money, and how do they earn it, by cutting medical procedures to the bone. Making life and death decisions about other peoples health, Butchers all.


Active Member
sounds like definite anger, if not hate. well, i agree about the televangelist crowd... a bunch of crooks and robbers, imo. the best place i've ever been to church is alone on top of a mountain in N.C. at about -5f in January, i don't know how many miles from civilization, with just my pack and the horizon. that's where i confronted just how tiny we are and how significant it is that we even matter at all.

i don't know any Christian who doesn't believe in an eventual Rapture of some sort. so, what do you make of all the ancient prophesies that seem to be lining up with current events. the creation of Israel in one day without a war. the move toward global government, cashless society. the constant wars and war loving people running rampant killing and destroying all that they can. what about the fact that so many people are blind to the culture of death, secrets and deception we live in? do you not think God will tire of all these shenanigans and hand out some old-skool wrath? i mean, think about it... you're God. you send your Son and he suffers tremendously then dies a shameful death for all of humanity. his hand picked followers spread the word about his deeds and the miracles they saw first hand but people start to drift away. they forget and start to think maybe it's just a "fairy tale", maybe he was just a neat "spiritual leader". today, you've got money loving pigs rolling all over the city you gave your people several thousand years ago, they're pretending to be worshiping you while they conceal many facts about your Son's life from their followers... you see courts being judged by women (something you said not to do), you see openly immoral sexual perverts running the governments. seriously, if you were God, and if we really were created in His image, wouldn't you be getting near the end of your rope? even Jesus put a finite limit on the number of times we should forgive those who tread on us... ("not seven times but seventy times seven")


The prophecies spoken of in the revelations of saint john do appear to be coming true according to allot of people. But before you go planning on what your gonna wear during the rapture theres something you may want to remember. Saint john wrote revelations about 79 years or so after christ death. the part of the rapture was added by a pope about 700 years later. i was raised southern baptist and growing up the idea that all gods children would be magically swept away before the world went to shit sounded like a great plan, how ever based on what i know now about the catholic church and more so about how they have historically changed their views and what they teach to sute the views of the masses leaves me to wounder. I'm sure the world will end one day, probably sooner then we all think, but i'm not so sure that all of us wont be here to have a frount row view of our own ignorance coming back to bite us in the ass.


New Member
I see VI has no reply to my above thread, why? Because he knows it to be the truth!!!
Wrong-O MedicineBoy ... :blsmoke:

I didn't answer it because you and I have pounded this one into the ground. I'm beginning to think that we should just agree to disagree on this issue.



Well-Known Member
My points to you two sweathearts (Vi and Medicine) is that we have two huge problems in health care. The currancy is is inflated and almost meaningles. A dolllar won't even buy a small bottle of asperin anymore. Doctors must have huge bills to cover their cost like malpractice and student loans. The second problem is the strangely disproportional costs of procedures based on location. OK class, let's all say supply and demand.

The medical costs need to be leveled in several respects.