Global Warming on trial...


Well-Known Member
people breathe out CO2. once again....we need to work on population control. right? or are we so righteous that we're okay? it's just my truck i have to worry about. i wonder how much CO2 1 human produces in the average life time. i'm not saying kill people but maybe stop making them for just 1 year.


New Member
how are you people saying you dont think man has added to global warming? Can you imagine if every city in the world was still just trees? The ozone layer is depleting because its lifeline (trees/oxygen) is being chopped down to make things like paper when we could just be growing cannabis and making paper out of that. Why do so many people here not believe in global warming when the argument that there is no global warming is almost as fucked up as the argument against cannabis. You want cannabis legalized but when it comes to something you dont want to hear about like global warming, you actually take Bush's side. You really want to be on his side of any argument unless its a contest to see who can guess the alcohol content in every brand of liquor?
Ozone? anyway...

O.K., those are LOGICAL arguments. But when you study SCIENTIFICALLY how much man affects the planet, it is negligible.

Be sure to always read both sides of any issue, by the most knowlegable people, before you can judge who has made a better case. Have you?


New Member
people breathe out CO2. once again....we need to work on population control. right? or are we so righteous that we're okay? it's just my truck i have to worry about. i wonder how much CO2 1 human produces in the average life time. i'm not saying kill people but maybe stop making them for just 1 year.
watch, they'll be a federal law against fucking more then twice a week to keep people from breathing heavily. :hump:


New Member
Man made Global Warming? Anyone forget about the suns role in the temperature of the earth as we presently know it? Any argument that supposes that all the humans in the universe/s are more powerful/influential than one star, our sun, in determining our planets future is blissfully ignorant? Global Warming is the lefts religion, assuming mother earth as God. Global warming, global cooling, not only possible, inevitable! Man made, my ass!


Smoky McPot
Yes, ozone, the thing that protects us from the sun and a major factor in global warming considering without it, the sun would melt the polar ice caps drowning every man and woman on earth. Don't worry tho, we will be burnt to a crisp by UV rays before the water even reaches us. We kinda need it to survive.

Show me the science that says the creation of cities had no impact whatsoever on the gaping holes in our ozone. Here's some science for you, 90% of the oxygen that the ozone gets right now comes from the rainforests that make up 17% percent of the world. -Planet Earth. Does that make it a bit easier to grasp the impact of trees on our environment? Now imagine if 50%, 60%, or even 80% of the world were able to provide oxygen to the ozone. It would at least buy us some time until we find a new planet or completely change society by pulling a 180 and getting rid of a lot of everyday normalcies.


New Member
Why wait dirty, I got a spaceship I can sell you for, say, $25,000. It travels well and has full UV protection. Great for planet hopping! I'll forward my bank deposit info as soon as you commit to the purchase, but, you better hurry, there seems to be a lot of interest from other parties participating in this thread.


Well-Known Member
\"Why wait dirty, I got a spaceship I can sell you for, say, $25,000. It travels well and has full UV protection. Great for planet hopping! I\'ll forward my bank deposit info as soon as you commit to the purchase, but, you better hurry, there seems to be a lot of interest from other parties participating in this thread.\"....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................LOL!!!!


Well-Known Member
how are you people saying you dont think man has added to global warming? Can you imagine if every city in the world was still just trees? The ozone layer is depleting because its lifeline (trees/oxygen) is being chopped down to make things like paper when we could just be growing cannabis and making paper out of that. Why do so many people here not believe in global warming when the argument that there is no global warming is almost as fucked up as the argument against cannabis. You want cannabis legalized but when it comes to something you dont want to hear about like global warming, you actually take Bush's side. You really want to be on his side of any argument unless its a contest to see who can guess the alcohol content in every brand of liquor?
Cutting trees for paper is irrelevant. Wood-pulp is a renewable resource. The real issue is prairie grass. Is is a natural thermal blanket. It absorbs CO2 better than trees and it is sacrificed for suburbs, willie-nillie. Save the prairie and you help the planet.

Also, some species of grasses are better than others. If you raise hay consider moving to switch-grass.

And for the record, I believe it is wrong to abuse the planet, but warming and cooling cycles have gone on forever.


New Member
Yes, ozone, the thing that protects us from the sun and a major factor in global warming considering without it, the sun would melt the polar ice caps drowning every man and woman on earth. Don't worry tho, we will be burnt to a crisp by UV rays before the water even reaches us. We kinda need it to survive.

Show me the science that says the creation of cities had no impact whatsoever on the gaping holes in our ozone. Here's some science for you, 90% of the oxygen that the ozone gets right now comes from the rainforests that make up 17% percent of the world. -Planet Earth. Does that make it a bit easier to grasp the impact of trees on our environment? Now imagine if 50%, 60%, or even 80% of the world were able to provide oxygen to the ozone. It would at least buy us some time until we find a new planet or completely change society by pulling a 180 and getting rid of a lot of everyday normalcies.
man, your argument is all over the place so there's no real way to debate this. i'll start by saying this...noone can prove a negative. so, i dont have to show you that cities have 'no impact whatsoever' on ozone. the burden of proof is on YOU to show me what cities have done to the ozone layer.

secondly, who the hell is talking about the ozone layer? cities DON'T impact the ozone layer. Ozone was being depleted because of the use of chlorofluorocarbons and that problem has since been mitigated by passing laws back in the 1996.

CO2 is the culprit, according to modern politics. you haven't even read the information put out by the side you 'agree' with, have you?

you are the most uninformed, brainwashed sheep i've met yet. read some books or science studies before you go around insulting others more educated then you.


Smoky McPot

Yes, CO2 destroys the ozone, vegetation supplies oxygen to the ozone. What's your point? We create CO2 in our emissions and we destroy vegetation by building cities. Its not just one thing we have to change. You tried to discredit my argument by providing me with a random fact that doesn't prove anything. You also seem to polarize your argument by saying no one can prove a negative. You most certainly can and by saying you cant, you are discrediting yourself. And the laws passed in 96 that were supposed to cut down industry CO2 emissions, cut them down by mere percentages, something like 10%. If you didnt know, CO2 is present in a lot more places than our breathe. And its funny that you mention that i'm the sheep. You are on the same side of this argument as George W. Bush. You are a minion. Lemme guess, you probably believe the "War On Terror" is a good thing?


New Member
"War on Terror" good?, try necessary. Not everything can be black and white, sheeple.
Excellent point. Which reminds me of a girl friend I used to have. She was so liberal, she had two left hands. She would always say: "You conservatives only see the black & white of the issue." To which, I would always ask her to show me the "gray" areas. She never had an answer. ~lol~



Well-Known Member
man, your argument is all over the place so there's no real way to debate this. i'll start by saying this...noone can prove a negative. so, i dont have to show you that cities have 'no impact whatsoever' on ozone. the burden of proof is on YOU to show me what cities have done to the ozone layer.

secondly, who the hell is talking about the ozone layer? cities DON'T impact the ozone layer. Ozone was being depleted because of the use of chlorofluorocarbons and that problem has since been mitigated by passing laws back in the 1996.

CO2 is the culprit, according to modern politics. you haven't even read the information put out by the side you 'agree' with, have you?

you are the most uninformed, brainwashed sheep i've met yet. read some books or science studies before you go around insulting others more educated then you.

F-12 was the main culprit used in auto ACs and refrigerators. F-11 used in centrovacs can be used as a wetting agent to read mail without opening it. That said UV also adds heat to the planet, not just cause skin cancer and giving sun burn. It also will sun burn plants and reduce the amount CO2 uptake.


Smoky McPot
Excellent point. Which reminds me of a girl friend I used to have. She was so liberal, she had two left hands. She would always say: "You conservatives only see the black & white of the issue." To which, I would always ask her to show me the "gray" areas. She never had an answer. ~lol~

"You seem to be the sci-fi fan, I'm just well read." - ccocaine

As Obi-Wan would say "Only a sith deals in absolutes"


New Member
F-12 was the main culprit used in auto ACs and refrigerators. F-11 used in centrovacs can be used as a wetting agent to read mail without opening it. That said UV also adds heat to the planet, not just cause skin cancer and giving sun burn. It also will sun burn plants and reduce the amount CO2 uptake.
Actually, being an old AC repair-man, it was R-12 that was the culprit, I am still certified as an AC mechanic and am one of the few entitled to purchase this antiquity. My 70SS El-Camino Had R-12 AC, Since I sold that I have no use for the 3 cans I have sitting on my shelf in the garage, someone make me an offer, I've heard they go from 30-60 bucks a can, be gentle.


New Member

Yes, CO2 destroys the ozone, vegetation supplies oxygen to the ozone. What's your point? We create CO2 in our emissions and we destroy vegetation by building cities. Its not just one thing we have to change. You tried to discredit my argument by providing me with a random fact that doesn't prove anything. You also seem to polarize your argument by saying no one can prove a negative. You most certainly can and by saying you cant, you are discrediting yourself. And the laws passed in 96 that were supposed to cut down industry CO2 emissions, cut them down by mere percentages, something like 10%. If you didnt know, CO2 is present in a lot more places than our breathe. And its funny that you mention that i'm the sheep. You are on the same side of this argument as George W. Bush. You are a minion. Lemme guess, you probably believe the "War On Terror" is a good thing?
you are so misinformed i can almost ignor anything you have to say. but let me educate you on some basics in arguing.

1. it is impossible to prove a negative. -this is basic shit, my man.

i don't have to prove global warming is NOT being caused by man. you have to prove it IS, because you are asserting it. but every 'fact' you give is subject to scrutiny & testing. and i can disprove ANY fact you relate because
A) all the 'facts' given to the public are lies, and
B) you can't even get one 'fact' right. such as...

2. there were no laws passed in any year to cut down CO2, untill recently. CFC's were the ozone problem, not CO2. why? because CHLORINE destroys ozone. CO2 DOES NOT destory ozone. you dont know a goddamn thing about science or history, do you?

this from the net:

"Ozone depletion and global warming are not directly related – increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the main cause of climate change, and chlorine, bromine and other ozone-depleting chemicals in the upper atmosphere deplete ozone."
you must understand the 'story' you're trying to argue befor getting in the descussion, little man.

3. you have no idea of my position with this war or this idiot president. why? because you're too mislead by the polititions who have convinced you and the other sheep with another fear tactic to keep giving them money.

one day, when you understand how good they are at selling their bullshit to you and the rest of American, you will wish you read a book instead of watched the news.

p.s.- George Bush and his rich friends stand to benifit greatly from legistlation being passed over the Global Warming scare. he is simply playing his role when he downgrades the global warming bit. you dont a goddamn thing about politics either, do you?