Global luke warming

Please cite your claim that CO2 emissions are a symptom of global warming.

Asked and answered. Proceed to the rebuttal, just make sure it was published prior to 1988. I'd just love to see it. I might even list a couple thousand of my sources if you could provide just one. Oh, lib whackjob source is grounds for immediate dismissal and a belly laugh in your general direction.
Not all of them, but a fair amount to be sure.
Still waiting on that citation for your claim that global warming causes CO2 emissions and not the other way around as the consensus among climate scientists regarding the vast body of research on climate change has confirmed.
Still waiting on that citation for your claim that global warming causes CO2 emissions and not the other way around as the consensus among climate scientists regarding the vast body of research on climate change has confirmed.

Asked and answered. Still waiting on ANY rebuttal prior to the formation of the IPCC.
You guys act like you expect a mentally ill person to respond to you with anything intelligent!

I don't know if he's a coward, but he will not give anything factual.


Asked and answered. Every single piece of reference material written on the subject prior to 1988.

Take your pick.
Still waiting for that citation for your claim that global warming causes CO2 emissions and not the other way around as the consensus among climate scientists regarding the vast body of research on climate change has confirmed.
Still waiting for that citation for your claim that global warming causes CO2 emissions and not the other way around as the consensus among climate scientists regarding the vast body of research on climate change has confirmed.

Have you tried begging?
