Global Warming on trial...


New Member
Actually, being an old AC repair-man, it was R-12 that was the culprit, I am still certified as an AC mechanic and am one of the few entitled to purchase this antiquity. My 70SS El-Camino Had R-12 AC, Since I sold that I have no use for the 3 cans I have sitting on my shelf in the garage, someone make me an offer, I've heard they go from 30-60 bucks a can, be gentle.
regardless of the chemical used, it is the breakdown of that chemical in the stratousphere & the susequent release of CHLORINE, that was the culprit.

Chlorine attaches to and destroys ozone.

Carbon dioxide is OXYGEN and CARBON. and this idoit, dirtyal, is passing out this shit to people, about how CO2 destroys the ozone layer, like he knows something about science.

he's not just ignorant about science, which is not a crime. he's wrong and vocal, which makes him a fool.


New Member
Uhhh, does the science channel count? How about "an inconvient truth", The majority of scientists that don't work for corporations agree there is global warming and Man is a contributor. I don't have to read a book when I can see with my own two eyes the Ice caps disasapearing with photographs from space. Are you telling me those are staged? I saw with my own two eyes the massive smog that lay over the LA basin for years, it builds up in Vegas untill we have a windy day, thank God the wind blows quite frequently here, I watched a TLC program on the melting of Greenland, Staged also I presume. They may over-exagerate it, but I'm pretty sure with all the weather anomolies, something is going on, like maybe, GLOBAL-WARMING! We may agree on some things, but on this issue, you are wrong, and I'm not a stupid asshole that doesn't read.


New Member
Uhhh, does the science channel count? How about "an inconvient truth", The majority of scientists that don't work for corporations agree there is global warming and Man is a contributor. I don't have to read a book when I can see with my own two eyes the Ice caps disasapearing with photographs from space. Are you telling me those are staged? I saw with my own two eyes the massive smog that lay over the LA basin for years, it builds up in Vegas untill we have a windy day, thank God the wind blows quite frequently here, I watched a TLC program on the melting of Greenland, Staged also I presume. They may over-exagerate it, but I'm pretty sure with all the weather anomolies, something is going on, like maybe, GLOBAL-WARMING! We may agree on some things, but on this issue, you are wrong, and I'm not a stupid asshole that doesn't read.
i dont believe you are stupid, med. asshole? all guys are assholes. ;-)

but really, the question is, "do you read up on the OTHER scientists who disagree?" there are very good scientific facts existing that completely destroy the arguement of man-made global warming. if you NEVER bother to research BOTH sides of an issue, how can you call yourself 'well informed'?

p.s.- quit brings up the melting glaciers and shit. the fact the the planet IS warming has nothing to do with whether MAN is causing it. Why is that so hard for people to understand?


New Member
Who is to say that the temperature of the world, right now in 2007, is the ideal temperature for the majority of living creatures on planet Earth? It has been hotter and colder in the past. You would have to be naive to assume you know whats best for the planet and all its inhabitants. And I've seen elephants fly. That doesn't mean shit, Dumbo.


New Member
i dont believe you are stupid, med. asshole? all guys are assholes. ;-)

but really, the question is, "do you read up on the OTHER scientists who disagree?" there are very good scientific facts existing that completely destroy the arguement of man-made global warming. if you NEVER bother to research BOTH sides of an issue, how can you call yourself 'well informed'?

p.s.- quit brings up the melting glaciers and shit. the fact the the planet IS warming has nothing to do with whether MAN is causing it. Why is that so hard for people to understand?
So your arguement isn't whether the planet is melting, just that man has nothing to do with it, HAHAHOHOHEHE~LOL~Now that is pretty egocentric.


New Member
So your arguement isn't whether the planet is melting, just that man has nothing to do with it, HAHAHOHOHEHE~LOL~Now that is pretty egocentric.
jesus christ you're thick! you dont even address the main point, which was not said confrontationally:


have you? i'll assume from your response, you haven't. so, now i think you're stupid.

you're the ego maniac, not to mention gullible, who believes the first thing anyone tells you. i guess you're too smart to bother reading both sides.

maybe you're just brainwashed...and stupid.

i'm thru with this descussion. i'm arguing with a bunch of people who have an 6th grade level understanding of science.


New Member
have you? i'll assume from your response, you haven't. so, now i think you're stupid.

you're the ego maniac, not to mention gullible, who believes the first thing anyone tells you. i guess you're too smart to bother reading both sides.

maybe you're just brainwashed...and stupid.

I know you are but what am I? I know you are but what am I?

I think your responses have degenerated to the 3rd grade level so I'll just exit stage right.


Smoky McPot
wow closet.slut, do you get all of you information from the net? "this from the net:" Wow, thanks for the "proof". Can't prove a negative? How is that basic? So I can't prove that a flame is burning my arm if its sitting there burning my arm? I can't prove that cities are destroying the earth when CITIES ARE DESTROYING THE EARTH. Like you think any of this is was just supposed to happen. Yes, there have been climate changes throughout history but you are trying to say that climate changes won't affect us. Climate changes killed dinosaurs, so i guess we should just let histroy repeat itself? Just like us, dinosaurs depleted resources food. We can change that, that's why humans developed such great minds, we have evolved in order to survive and now you are saying you dont want to survive. you are a waste of a human being. Sorry i mixed up recent laws with ones someone here mentioned were passed in 96, either way, it happened. whats your point? I understand the bullshit that the government feeds us. You are so ass-backwards. You are saying the government only lies but then you say that are completely right about global warming. hmmm... the information given to the public is exactly your argument. FYI: Al Gore is not the president.

How does Bush and his friends benefit, the companies they own stock in lose money when they must cut down on emissions. And actually, CO2 is major compound found in the other molecular compounds that are PROVEN to deplete the ozone. And I do read books, not whatever i can google on "the net"


New Member
Anyone see what Australias new PM did when he got the news that by signing Kyoto electricity costs in Australia would jump by 40% in a matter of years. He renigged in typical liberal fashion! I guess he will start saving the planet tomorrow.


Smoky McPot
CO2 is a greenhouse gas and a by-product of humans and animals. Greenhouse gases are the #1 cause for global warming. Shows how informed you people are.

"Gloabal Warming Causes

Main articles: Attribution of recent climate change and scientific opinion on climate change
The Earth's climate changes in response to external forcing, including variations in its orbit around the sun (orbital forcing),[7][8][9] volcanic eruptions, and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The detailed causes of the recent warming remain an active field of research, but the scientific consensus[10][11] identifies elevated levels of greenhouse gases due to human activity as the main influence. This attribution is clearest for the most recent 50 years, for which the most detailed data are available. In contrast to the scientific consensus that recent warming is mainly attributable to elevated levels of greenhouse gases, other hypotheses have been suggested to explain the observed increase in mean global temperature. One such hypothesis proposes that warming may be the result of variations in solar activity.[12][13][14][15]"


Smoky McPot
Why do you feel that that the argument against global warming is so great? Like you think that jusy bc people believe in global warming that they havent seen the other side. Yes, people know both sides and they still believe n global warming. get over it. Hitler had scientists saying that Jews, blacks, etc. were scientifically lower on the food chain. Doesnt mean his argument was vlid. Gloabal warming is real


Well-Known Member
Actually, being an old AC repair-man, it was R-12 that was the culprit, I am still certified as an AC mechanic and am one of the few entitled to purchase this antiquity. My 70SS El-Camino Had R-12 AC, Since I sold that I have no use for the 3 cans I have sitting on my shelf in the garage, someone make me an offer, I've heard they go from 30-60 bucks a can, be gentle.
Yes it is R-12, not being a AC mechanic I forgot that its not F for freon but R for refigerant.

So it was you who has killed the ozone layer.


Well-Known Member
Actually, being an old AC repair-man, it was R-12 that was the culprit, I am still certified as an AC mechanic and am one of the few entitled to purchase this antiquity. My 70SS El-Camino Had R-12 AC, Since I sold that I have no use for the 3 cans I have sitting on my shelf in the garage, someone make me an offer, I've heard they go from 30-60 bucks a can, be gentle.
The main argument at the moment seems to be killing the ozone layer.

When I was in refrig-school they showed how several different freon molecules killed the ozone molecules. R-12 was the worst, (by a couple thousand times) over the next most common refrigerant R-22. But the next question is this, does CO2 kill ozone? I believe it displaces it and widens the "ozone hole" over the south pole. But I have never heard the answer to this exact question.

Perhaps Tahoe, or one of her scientist friends can enlighten us.


Well-Known Member
The main argument at the moment seems to be killing the ozone layer.

When I was in refrig-school they showed how several different freon molecules killed the ozone molecules. R-12 was the worst, (by a couple thousand times) over the next most common refrigerant R-22. But the next question is this, does CO2 kill ozone? I believe it displaces it and widens the "ozone hole" over the south pole. But I have never heard the answer to this exact question.

Perhaps Tahoe, or one of her scientist friends can enlighten us.
No it doesn't kill ozone