Getting old and simple growing


Well-Known Member
Trying to be simple now that I am old and decrepit. Doing organic only in reused Promix is where I start, and only want to water. Thinking using just Jobes organic spikes for veg and flower, and maybe 1 or 2 amendments forked in on top of soil. Anyone found a good simple process as I describe?
Time release fertilizer is terrible for growing weed
You need to be more involved than set and forget unless you are growing in the ground
I'm pulling up a chair for this topic. I've also been doing ROLS for many years and I'm interested in continuing to grow the quality of herb I've become accustomed to while doing as little work as possible.
Trying to be simple now that I am old and decrepit. Doing organic only in reused Promix is where I start, and only want to water. Thinking using just Jobes organic spikes for veg and flower, and maybe 1 or 2 amendments forked in on top of soil. Anyone found a good simple process as I describe?

Well you're in luck because not only am I also old and decrepit, but I'm an expert at doing as little work as possible. Or at least that's what my wife says.
Time release fertilizer is terrible for growing weed
You need to be more involved than set and forget unless you are growing in the ground

You missed the point of the topic. Have done everything in the world for ferts before this, but age and general decreptiness have turned me into a shell of my prior being. Instead of not growing altogether, there has to be a somewhat effective process that is simple for people like me. The point is helping old growers keep growing, not perfect fert regimens. And you didnt recommend anything, just a critic of what I proposed.
Trying to be simple now that I am old and decrepit. Doing organic only in reused Promix is where I start, and only want to water. Thinking using just Jobes organic spikes for veg and flower, and maybe 1 or 2 amendments forked in on top of soil. Anyone found a good simple process as I describe?
Check my journal it’s similar to what you are looking for.

I would suggest about 2.5 gallons compost( ewc), 4 gallons promix hp, and 1.5 gallons of perlite. This is your base.

Don’t go with spikes or layers. Just a mix of quality amendments ( crab, kelp, alfalfa and neem will do wonders). About 2-3 cups per cf of base.

Then 4 cups per cf of base of minerals.
basalt, rock dust, azomite, greensand.
Edit: I forgot oyster shell and gypsum- these buffer are vital

then add some brown rice( 1 cup per cf). Put it all in the biggest container your can get.

fabric raised bed or something. If using pots go for 10-15 gallon containers.

water down with about 1 gallon per cf to start cook process.
cook for a couple weeks

water only
Better yet set up blumat self watering system

then just watch. :)
You missed the point of the topic. Have done everything in the world for ferts before this, but age and general decreptiness have turned me into a shell of my prior being. Instead of not growing altogether, there has to be a somewhat effective process that is simple for people like me. The point is helping old growers keep growing, not perfect fert regimens. And you didnt recommend anything, just a critic of what I proposed.

I discovered in my old age that the best fert/nutrient regimen for my plants was just to stop doing nutrient regimens altogether. At least then that's one less thing to worry about. I also gave up fussing over water, like its pH and EC. Then I gave up transplanting. Plant training alone and remembering to water are enough challenge for me after planting my seeds until harvest. I don't want to do anything else until the dreaded trimming time.

The way for me to do this was just to go no-till. That way you can mix soil once and never have to do it again. That saves time too between grow cycles because you just cut off the old plants at soil level, and drop in new seeds beside them. Not to mention it makes everything cheap too.
I take my old soil and re amend it then use it again. If you want to continue what your doing with less work look for a used concrete mixer to do the mixing for you.
I haven’t found one yet but I want to find a deal on a used one
Concrete mixers don’t work great. Lol at least as is.
The paddles and physics are meant for “liquid”.
I make mine work with a strong slip knot and tightly drawn fabric over the opening because you have to get the mixer farther turned than horizontal. If that makes any since. If you expect it to mix like concrete would it just stays in layers.
Hmm so would you recommend modifying the paddles some way or another?

this makes sense if the paddles can’t be adjusted would need to run it more angled
Buy an earthbox and a pre built soil from build a soil easiest way to grow hands down. And not even that expensive.
For some people the shipping is more than the soil at places like that.
If the OP is older and looking for easier ways to do things they might be on a fixed income.
Always cheaper building your own soil it’s just extra labor.

Concrete mixers don’t work great. Lol at least as is.
The paddles and physics are meant for “liquid”.
I make mine work with a strong slip knot and tightly drawn fabric over the opening because you have to get the mixer farther turned than horizontal. If that makes any since. If you expect it to mix like concrete would it just stays in layers.
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Was thinking about this a little bit.That looks like a smaller mixer(1.5 cubic feet)

if you found a used or broken3-4.5 cubic foot mixer you could half fill and not have to worry aboutit dumping out when your mixing making it more horizontal.
A local garden store(AllSeasons) has a old 4.5cubif foot mixer they got for free 15 years ago,it’s all they use and it works well