gah!! I saw a bug And I have green spots, read and help.

Hey guys!!

I am on my first grow and I have 2 lemon skunks growing. One is growing really well in a correct 5 litre pot, the other I'm bodge jobing it to try different methods and to see how things happen.

I have it in a plastic bottle base (the top is cut off I put it in this to see how the roots grow.) I have spotted green spots around the plastic bottle And I saw a very small white bug in the soil. This has happend some point today after watering.

I believe the spots are alge (I think that's how its spelt ha!) But the bug id like to know if its a problem or natural.

So any info on the bug or the green spots would be great!! O' by the way I can't show you guys pics my cam has been lost : (


Well-Known Member
well the green is from moisture. there are millions of microorganisms in soil so its kinda hard to determine what it is. you can transplant to get rid of the green spot of algae and keep any more from forming but the bugs i think you would be better off leaving alone till you can find out what they are. they could be part of the natural processes