From Health Canada-if we don't advise of destroying they are telling POPO


Active Member
Recently, the Government of Canada amended the*Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations*to require participants of the Marihuana Medical Access Program to provide written notice to Health Canada by*April 30, 2014, stating that they no longer possess marijuana (dried marijuana, plants or seeds) obtained under the old program. Those that were authorized to grow marijuana must also attest that they have discontinued production. Participants are also required to confirm the amount of marijuana and number of plants destroyed, if any.If participants do not comply with the requirement to notify Health Canada, the Department will notify law enforcement. The Department will also continue to cooperate with police and provide information needed to protect public safety, as appropriate.
They can suck on my big fat ppm meter.
I don't like to be threatened, especially from the same people who just fucking publicly outed me a few months ago.
I just went to HC and they have in fact amended the rules. We need Conroy to contact us and tell us what to do. I totally get why people go postal. I get that lump in the pit of my stomach when I think about the cops showing up at my house to arrest me in front of my children. I am really starting to stress about this. But I'm not just going to throw everything in the garbage. I wonder why they give people until April 30th to let them know.
This is crazy throw your Medicine away that you grew legally to buy an untested strain??? I agree "suck my Ppm meter" but I am stressing I have a job that I loose if I get a criminal record
I guess all growers can expect a visit from their local precinct after April 30th regardless of weather or not you've stopped. I'm pretty sure they're gonna have a look see some time or other in the near future.

talk about being fucked up the ass ...jail doesn't compare
So they couldn't come around for 13 fucking years and all of a sudden they're gonna have time for us? You gotta go the HC website and read about the pesticides that LPs are going to be allowed to use because they requested it, how they are going to protect LP's from disclosing locations (but I had to tell them where I grew)...seriously take the time to go and read up on this shit. The doors are coming off. My heart is just pounding with anger right now. Can anyone contact and get a hold of Conroy? Protecting producers and letting patients suck hind tit. Ohhhhhhhhh I hate Harper!
Health Canada and the Harper fascists resorting to extortion and threats now, not surprising but I still don't know how to feel about this. Government should fear it's people, people shouldn't fear their government. Funny how they can turn patients into criminals just like that.
I think HC didn't have much choice about notifying people about the deadline. It was probably written into some regulation somewhere by the politicians.

And those people who went public to vent on tv that they wouldn't stop no matter what, just pushed the issue to the front. If people had not thrown public hissy fits the gov could have quietly ignored a large part of what everyone knew was going to happen anyway.

Why couldn't they just keep their heads down, their mouth's shut and gone about their business? Smile and nod people - smile and nod.
If you comply and HC inform the police and they come knocking. Would that not be mean that for a second time our info was given out and maybe another class action?
The only ones being screwed here are the ones who are sick.
40000 people will look like Chump change in less than 6 months.
I agree a second class action against HC and the police...both.
I just got my renewal in the mail today.....geez thanks harpie.....i have till march 31....for both
anyone know if its possible to do a crop in two weeks....never mind....
I think we should at least make them get warrant to have a look......
wonder if the judges will sign that many unfounded warrants.....
install a cam and just don't answer your door.....
also this date that's the cut off is also the day you pay your taxes.....hmmm cut a check or not cut a check.....that's the question...
maybe save the money and pay it when there is a gov you support

also the day the cops show up is the day I become a drug dealer under the mmpr.....I'm sure all my friends that are recreational will love the concierge service of being able to pick off of an lp's menu,and have it delivered to them .
I'm Thinking we also need a map that lays out all the locations of lp's....everywhere....and we can just update it as needed....
if the gov can out us then we can out by one....untill all of them don't sleep at night for fear...of the unknown....
ya but we will all know when one opens up
there own security will give them away...
I can't believe I am actually contemplating complying Don't understand why I didn't see this one coming. I literally feel like I'm going to puke about this. It isn't going to change the fact that I can't afford this so I still won't be registering with an LP until wcb covers it. This territory is too small, and I happen to be in the capital so it wouldn't be hard to get to me. I like the idea of not answering the door.
I know how you feel......
I have been stressing for weeks about security,since the letter.....all that is left is the court case...
Hopefully John Conroy...has something up his sleeve
Its also why its hard to sit back and listen to the giddy lp's making their plans to screw us over......this is why we can not support this model...
If you fill out the form and send it in then the cops have no reason to visit you and have no cause to enter. They would need a warrant, and have to have a reason to get a warrant.
If you don't fill it know....