From Health Canada-if we don't advise of destroying they are telling POPO

Ya of course fill out the forms and send them in.....doesn't mean they don't come to check....though.....I have zero choice but to get rid of everything....and close up the room...I know this doc has even pre cut me scripts for
pain if anyone wants a look it will take a warrant.....

as patients if this shit goes ahead.....we need to stick together and organize.....I would much rather do an at cost co-op in each province....and supply every one from his or her own supply....
The remainder of the money grubbers can sit there and rot....or what ever
how about a patient co-op that takes the production off shore.....grows viable amounts under the sun at low cost...
ships it back to Canada....Via the co-ops mmpr...there are plenty of countries that need business....
I have the forms in front of me it says here

"In some cases, information may also be disclosed without your consent for purposes not outlined in this privacy notice pursuant to ss8(2) of the Privacy Act."

So they can give your private info to the cops for enforcement or compliance purposes, but if they think of another reason they can use that too and they don't have to tell you. I agree Dan..nobody coming through my front door, back door, etc, without a a warrant.

So I didn't gat my pupl until November. I'm so glad that I didn't spend a pile of money buying equipment to grow my own. I'll have to ask HC how they would like me to address having a pupl but not using it given the short time frame that was left by the time I got my licence.

I'm going to send an email and ask them that question. Should be an interesting answer.
just due to timing I'm out several grand in equip. and half built a high tech greenhouse...
gotta love how it worked out for some of us...
my current crop should be dry but not cured by the time I have to destroy it...
maybe Turmel's approach is the best...
I see a 20 plant dube coming on march 31.....maybe I should film myself medicating(destroying) with my current stash
anyone sell 20 foot rolling papers..???
This just goes from bad to worse. I think a quick check of our smart meter readings say one in Dec 2013 and one in May 2014 should tell them if we deserve a visit or not. Wont even have to put down the donuts
I have employee's and a ex wife counting on me for money. 4 people without a job and my ex losing her shit for some plants is just not worth it. I cant go to jail. I have no choice but to tear down. This conspiracy..6 plants/6 months..then attack the med patients. The King can do whatever he pleases but I wont join this new bullshit program. I am so mad, heart broken beloved Bodhi strains..the very rare phenos gone foever. My Dr Greenthumbs cuts I paid big bucks for and have put me into a sound, pain free sleep nightly...gone. I want to break something. Years of sifting through strain after strain trying to find something that works. I have never hated someone as much as I hate Harper for this threat against my freedoms, rights, family and health.
FUCK HC AND FUCK THE COPS.. Do you seriously think that police are going to come and visit every single production site across Canada?? Not a chance, this is called scare tactics, hc knows that people will continue to produce and keep there meds so the only thing they can do is threaten you into complying. Don't send them a fucking thing. HC has zero power once april 1st hits, as the mmar is gone so therefor they have no authority. Also the police have zero right to enter your house without a warrant no matter what. If they show up you tell them to leave your property immediately unless they have a warrant and don't answer a fucking question they ask. I find it funny to how you can produce and possess meds legally until the end of march, but all of a sudden those same meds are now illegal at the end of the month, fucking joke.. I smell tones of court challenges coming. If you have meds that you want to save, vaccum seal it or put in jars and ask a friend to hold on to it for you or find a place on your property to hide it, not very hard to do. Worse comes to worse dig a small hole in your yard and bury some mason jars, problem solved.
I wish I lived in BC as I would feel much better about carrying on. But I live in the Yukon, where there are supposedly only 20 of us. And I wouldn't have the pleasure of dealing with local city police who will look the other way as they would in bc; no I have the pleasure of dealing with the RCMP. They are part of this problem. I need to speak to a lawyer ASAP. I can't really risk losing everything, but then again if I don't have my health what does it matter anyway?
Oh come now. Time for all the small producers to step aside. Big government and big money are moving in.

Definitely innundate the system it's your last gasp before buying mids from the man in the mail.
sounds to me like you guys already took a good beating down on Co.
we would like to prevent what happened in Co or Wa from happening here .
We aren't too bad off. Individual right to grow for recreational or medical.

Where it sucks is if you grow your own, you can't legally do anything but give away surplus. We can't even wholesale to a dispensary.
better than what we have been facing then.....snaps
I have just been seeing like 400 an oz pricing and such.....which is off the chart for mj
I'd be happy with have my meds without a surplus...and big brother breathing down my neck.....
so far since becoming legal I have had about two weeks of peace of mind....about not being busted....then
the mmpr started.....and bam we are all criminals again....nice way to be viewed in the eyes of the gov and public...
I hope this stuff works out for you Co. I really do....
here the writing is on the wall....and we need some paint to cover it up.....
Dispensary retail is crazy high here but at least residents could opt to produce their own medicine. Even though it's high, it is inline with black market prices in other non legal states here in the US. Our medical patients get way better pricing however complaints are abundant on the medical side saying rec buyers are smoking up all the quality leaving larf while rec patients complain that they're paying more for the same stuff. Lol. The state needs to allow private growers to wholesale to dispensaries. That would help stop black market, increase available medication on the shelves and raise more taxes. It would preserve the micro growers who put out quality medicine instead of protecting big money.

To maintain best quality, imho we need lots of small growers not a few large ones. Same goes up there. You all got hosed and I hate seeing it happen.