From Health Canada-if we don't advise of destroying they are telling POPO

but isn't that the point? You just don't know what the fuck their going to do. If I lived in a bigger centre or alone,I wouldn't think twice about it. I will have to speak to a lawyer but I'm going to wait to do anything until this court ruling. I don't know how much difference it's going to make. If I sign it will be under duress and of no effect in a court of law. I have some real concern about LP's being allowed to used pesticides. You know how it goes...this week it's all safe and next week it causes cancer. They don't know what the long term effects are of prolonged use are,blah blah blah. I don't put anything but nutrients into my plants so I don't think it's an unwarranted concern. Dan... You must have similar concerns?

Most definitely...Whatfg we do not need anything sprayed on ,mixed in or added.... I do just fine now with a home brewed soil........
You can not trust and I repeat you can not trust ...what others will do when money is on the line.....
peoples business decisions should be left completely out of this system...
You're absolutely right. I stated before in a previous post how the quality of product coming fromP.N has dropped considerably since my forst order. And it's only been couple months. I imagine that theu are rushing crops now to fill demand and not letting the plants develop to their full potential. On another note, does anyone know if patients sucb as myself who were noy able to meet the deadline and had to become mmpr patients, will be included if there is a favorable decision after tomorrow? The way I understand it we will be but I haven't heard specifically if we will be.
You're absolutely right. I stated before in a previous post how the quality of product coming fromP.N has dropped considerably since my forst order. And it's only been couple months. I imagine that theu are rushing crops now to fill demand and not letting the plants develop to their full potential. On another note, does anyone know if patients sucb as myself who were noy able to meet the deadline and had to become mmpr patients, will be included if there is a favorable decision after tomorrow? The way I understand it we will be but I haven't heard specifically if we will be.
I'm Not sure about those caught between...the two programs.....I would imagine that the possession part would still qualify you,but getting a licence to grow could be a challenge ,but if the SC decides in favor of patients (and they should)
then HC would have to make that allowance in the interim
I wish you the best one should have to participate under duress, as Whatfg mentioned earlier...
The funny part to this whole situation is that health Canada complained they couldn't control and inspect yet suddenly everyone in the program has till April 30th to comply or information will be released. Don't see how this could have been done before and regulated the same way. This shows me that health Canada is very worried about the upcoming court case on Tuesday and trying their best to save face with their LPs that have spent millions who are all close friends with current political parties and need campaign funds for 2015 election.

I will be stopping by my local MPs office to let him know his government is killing my father intentionally.

I could care less about the money I have spent on my equipment, health Canada is endangering my family and not allowing my father to have access to his medicine which he has been using for years now.

LPs are just legal organized crime syndicates who have a legal way to sell at above black market prices. You think they won't be unloading it out the back door, good luck on that one. I can't wait to see the first one caught trafficking then what will health Canada say.
surprised they didnt demand we send them the meds so they could resell to us lol i will have smoked it all by next wk and i stopped growing in nov so why would i contact them haha
I guess the idea is if you don't comply......they will send the local police around to make it known ...that they know....
plus the neighborhood gets to see them deliver a warrant and maybe canine units... speculation by your neighbors will be rampant,
plus by the time your hood figures out you have been violated,by the gov. and why will be too late...
you will now be a target for B and E if you continue to medicate or not...
I'm sending in the pdf....just to see if they still come to embarrass me publicly ...

I too foolishly, have been over medicating for the last few an effort to clear out my stock pile...and I'm making" head way" so to speak....
@ german1 I can't wait to see the first one caught trafficking
Shouldn't take more than 9 months. lol
I thought the same thing whether or not I send it in they will rat me out. I still think the courts are going to side with patients. I don't think there is a judge that is going to be very thrilled with government threatening it's citizens. I hope that Conroy can really emphasize how the cost will be out if reach, as well as the personal growing.
I think best case scenario that one can realistically hope for would be that low income patients would get some type of subsidy/coverage to go towards their meds. But home growing imho is something we'll never see again.
I think best case scenario that one can realistically hope for would be that low income patients would get some type of subsidy/coverage to go towards their meds. But home growing imho is something we'll never see again.

There is no way there will be a subsidy from the government to receive meds, that is just more paperwork and more "government manpower" to monitor. The government was hoping this would go to court again so that they can appease both sides by saying "judge made the decision"

It will be grandfathered and both sides will be happy. No new people in the previous program and everyone else rolled into the next one. Just like in the past.
I hope I'm wrong but that idea is just to simple to work lol both sides getting what they want?..... Harper would roll over lol
Yeah but their is zero chance of that happening.

I can't tell you how much I would love for the MMAR to continue at least another year but that's not going to happen. I'm almost at the point where I just want this whole Conroy thing over with so everyone can just start(or at least try) moving forward already. MMPR is here like or not. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in for a big disappointment.
Yeah but their is zero chance of that happening.

I can't tell you how much I would love for the MMAR to continue at least another year but that's not going to happen. I'm almost at the point where I just want this whole Conroy thing over with so everyone can just start(or at least try) moving forward already. MMPR is here like or not. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in for a big disappointment.

I am of the opposite view (hope) for the court case tomorrow. I fully expect the judge to grant the restraining order allowing us to continue growing until the SC challenge. The SC has already said we are entitled to "reasonable access to a safe supply of medical marijuana" so my argument as someone trying to survive on $800/mo would be that the financial barrier of having to pay an LP effectively denies me access. Regardless of the decision tomorrow, I will not enroll in the mmpr and I will not advise HC of ANYTHING. "Not-on-my-watch" Harper has already done the about face on decriminalization and it won't end there. We are on our way to full legal by 2016-17(imo) so arresting and jailing sick people now is not a smart political move.
I am of the opposite view (hope) for the court case tomorrow. I fully expect the judge to grant the restraining order allowing us to continue growing until the SC challenge. The SC has already said we are entitled to "reasonable access to a safe supply of medical marijuana" so my argument as someone trying to survive on $800/mo would be that the financial barrier of having to pay an LP effectively denies me access. Regardless of the decision tomorrow, I will not enroll in the mmpr and I will not advise HC of ANYTHING. "Not-on-my-watch" Harper has already done the about face on decriminalization and it won't end there. We are on our way to full legal by 2016-17(imo) so arresting and jailing sick people now is not a smart political move.

I totally understand the "hope" part but honestly find talk like this and the whole Conroy case as a reach, unrealistic and even seems to be holding some people back from moving forward. My apologies for coming off negative, I do respect and even "hope" your opinion is correct even though I don't think it will stand a chance against the government in court...guess we'll soon find out for sure though.
Not going to lie Leaffan I haven't been very active on the forums lately and haven't even heard about it yet. Has a bomb been dropped that I don't know about yet lol? I noticed their is a thread on the topic, I'll go read up, thx leaf.
I am of the opposite view (hope) for the court case tomorrow. I fully expect the judge to grant the restraining order allowing us to continue growing until the SC challenge. The SC has already said we are entitled to "reasonable access to a safe supply of medical marijuana" so my argument as someone trying to survive on $800/mo would be that the financial barrier of having to pay an LP effectively denies me access. Regardless of the decision tomorrow, I will not enroll in the mmpr and I will not advise HC of ANYTHING. "Not-on-my-watch" Harper has already done the about face on decriminalization and it won't end there. We are on our way to full legal by 2016-17(imo) so arresting and jailing sick people now is not a smart political move.

What court case is tomorrow/today? I thought Conroy didn't go to the SC until the 18th?