From Health Canada-if we don't advise of destroying they are telling POPO

I am in favor of legalization with the mandate that an individuals right to grow shall not be infringed. In the US federally speaking I would like to see something that would limit big business however governments have a lot of interest in earning taxes so there would be little motivation to limit size. It's a shame that legalization could be the worst thing to happen.
here at lot have missed out on the gov taking huge hst or gst and not just from the sale of the mj but from everything that is input into these new
there is hst on hydro,hst on cooling, hst on heat ,hst on labour, hst on supplies, hst on security and equip, hst on water bills.....hst on packaging supplies, hst on hst on hst,,,
until they see nothing but dollar signs..... med...mj should be tax exempt. period.
rather see the black market least they don't tax you to death...

I think black market dealers...usually friends...are way more compassionate....and in the past would even cut me a deal since I was med. patient/good customer.......
when I stash in two weeks will be dry for two weeks.....and zero time for a cure.....
though I am thinking I should put it out in the garbage as instructed by health can ,only put the cat litter in a baggy and leave the water in a bottle,then stuff it all ,in
that big old windowed envelope they used to out me....and put mmar destroyed med mj on it in big letters...and please do not steal.....
gives whole new meaning to "Pickers"
I will be getting my daughters take on , the potential for me being arrested and going to ,,since everyone will be home today visiting...
at least the conversation has to happen so they can understand, and discuss with their university friends ,how the gov is patients....
best I can do is try to sway the younger people into having this discussion and keeping it to the forefront in public kids network...especially with their friends very well....
though the young conservatives must be wondering why harpie is sinking their ship for them and the foreseeable future.....

Harpie(this dickweed) originally ran on how he was going to have a gov free of scandal and be fully accountable.....they have done nothing but the opposite....and everyone knows it....
they re-set the bar to a height no other party will ever reach....when it comes to dishonesty/scandal and mistrust
All politicians say what voters want to hear and do the exact opposite. It's the illusion of democracy that keeps us in our place.
I am not sure of the source of this info, but I question it's validity for a number of reasons. Firstly, I have not received a notice from HC about notifying them about anything, and with two weeks to go until the rules kick in they do not have time to give me proper notification. Secondly, HC can ONLY release information on individual patients at the request of the police. They cannot legally hand over a list of patients names and addresses to ANYONE for any other reason, and would be hit with a massive lawsuit if they did. Thirdly, the police in BC have said publicly that they will not enforce the new rules and would not be targeting medical grows. I'm not sure if this extends to the RCMP in BC or not though. I guess we're gonna find out!
its a pretty transparent illusion this day and age...... ITS HIGH TIME WE HOLD THEM CRIMINALLY RESPONSIBLE....for their actions/scandals, if they get caught they get removed....
If its on your do the time, since, ultimately your responsible
maybe a little threat of jail time for this group would ensure some honest people try out for the job instead....
Hi Vianarchris
its on health cans web site front and center....along with a pdf to fill in and fax to HC....
Hi Vianarchris its on health cans web site front and center....along with a pdf to fill in and fax to HC....
Thank you cannadan...I think! What kind of bullshit demand is that? I did not get anything in writing...not all patients have access to the internet. There was no requirement for me to report my possession amounts of cannabis so how or why would the amount I destroy be of any concern to them? What if everyone filled out the nazi's...err HC's forms saying we all destroyed exactly 0.01g...or would they prove otherwise? HC can try the threats and extortion games, but I can't see the police, the courts or joe taxpayer being too eager to prosecute and punish the evil pot-smoking patients. I choose to give HC the big F U and not report anything. Send the cops...face the lawsuit!
I hear ya vianarchris....gonna be a bunch of stoned garbage men....come the 31st....should we comply.....might have to tip them off
adding cat litter and water to it....probably won't do much to it other than make it re moistened....and putting it out in that windowed envelope HC sent my outing in....should make it easy to see for
might have to try for a guiness world record sized joint...with a few other patients....20 or 30 footer hooked onto a shop vac....should do the trick....
wonder if rice paper comes in long wide
all joking aside.....this whole thing sucks the big one....
I have spoken with all my kids today regarding this issue.....and they all support me...they also realize that I have to comply...for other reasons...
and would prefer I don't go back to opiate meds again...they are also following the lawsuit....and informing their friends.....
but they know that come the next election....what party was responsible for screwing over their father....
lie in the bed you've made harpie....
This is the letter that my doctor sent to all of his medicinal cannabis patients. Now aren't we happy that some of us decided to donate to John Conroy? Those who didn't, I hope you feel happy!

March 14, 2014
For immediate release

OTTAWA - Health Canada does not endorse the use of marijuana and is taking the necessary steps to protect public safety while providing reasonable access to marijuana for medical purposes, as ordered by the Courts. The program introduced in 2001 under the Marihuana Medical Access Regulationswas open to serious abuse and had unintended consequences for public health, safety and security, as a result of allowing individuals to produce marijuana in their homes.
The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations, which came into force in June 2013, strengthen the safety of Canadian communities, while making sure that Canadians who are authorized, have access to marijuana grown under secure and sanitary conditions.
As of April 1, 2014, producing marijuana in a home or private dwelling will be illegal. As of that date the only legal source of marijuana will be produced under secure and quality-controlled conditions by licensed producers. Licensed producers will have to comply with strict regulatory requirements to demonstrate security and quality.
Possession and use of marijuana remains illegal in Canada unless authorized under the regulations with the support of a doctor or nurse practitioner.
Recently, the Government of Canada amended the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations to require participants of the Marihuana Medical Access Program to provide written notice to Health Canada by April 30, 2014, stating that they no longer possess marijuana (dried marijuana, plants or seeds) obtained under the old program. Those that were authorized to grow marijuana must also attest that they have discontinued production. Participants are also required to confirm the amount of marijuana and number of plants destroyed, if any.
If participants do not comply with the requirement to notify Health Canada, the Department will notify law enforcement. The Department will also continue to cooperate with police and provide information needed to protect public safety, as appropriate.
I haven't told anyone in my family yet. I am really not looking forward to dealing with that shit as well. Holy fuck I tell you when I rains it pours! My stomach is in absolute knots. And I thought I lived in a democracy where legal precedent was actually adhered to and not just given lip service. Signing those papers would be under duress, and wouldn't hold up. There is so much of me that just wants to carry on until they take me away...if I was alone I wouldn't give it a second thought. Funny how the rules were just amended and they extend past the mmar deadline. I wonder how the SC will feel about people being threatened by their government for not doing what their told to do? This is bullying at it's best. This government I so hypocritical and I can't wait to see them suffer. Wouldn't it be ironic if one of harpers ended up getting sick and needed this medicine? No heart where he's concerned...I hope he rots in hell!
Health Canada should be abolished or have absolutely nothing to do with regulating marijuana in Canada. They do more harm than good and are nothing but hypocrites. How can they not endorse the use of medical marijuana yet endorse/approve a medical vaporizer only available through the first licensed LP, that just happens to be a subsidiary of Prairie Plant Systems. What the hell do they think people use vaporizers for? Taking their tylenol? I've never been so disgusted with a government entity in my life, harming patients, taking away their constitutional rights and using gestapo tactics to force them into a for profit model dominated by corporations. A model that was created based on nothing but lies, deceit and non existent data. I'm eagerly awaiting to see what Turmel has planned for Monday.
one thing I don't understand is why hasn't HC sent this destruction form to us all by mail ?
seems a bit sneaky to just post the info on their website.
not everyone has internet!

It is more than a little is downright criminal. Posting a notice online was deliberate as their goal is to release as many names and addresses to the police as possible in order to scare patients into compliance. The fact that no court will uphold any charges filed in relation to privileged HC / patient information does not matter, they get off on the power trip of watching sick people squirm. Does anyone seriously believe the cops are going to get warrants to raid houses to ensure the pot was destroyed? 40,000 of them? I have 49 plants growing and 6lbs dried, all of it obtained legally with HC's permission and I will not destroy my personal property on the orders of anyone. The Harper government is acting like the Hitler might be time for people to dig up the guns the government ordered registered and destroyed, we may need them soon.
Anyone who is interested...I have created my own medicinal cannabis website. Come by and become a member if you Share your stories. It's a new site so don't expect the numbers of members to be huge or anything. Just starting.
It is more than a little is downright criminal. Posting a notice online was deliberate as their goal is to release as many names and addresses to the police as possible in order to scare patients into compliance. The fact that no court will uphold any charges filed in relation to privileged HC / patient information does not matter, they get off on the power trip of watching sick people squirm. Does anyone seriously believe the cops are going to get warrants to raid houses to ensure the pot was destroyed? 40,000 of them? I have 49 plants growing and 6lbs dried, all of it obtained legally with HC's permission and I will not destroy my personal property on the orders of anyone. The Harper government is acting like the Hitler might be time for people to dig up the guns the government ordered registered and destroyed, we may need them soon.

but isn't that the point? You just don't know what the fuck their going to do. If I lived in a bigger centre or alone,I wouldn't think twice about it. I will have to speak to a lawyer but I'm going to wait to do anything until this court ruling. I don't know how much difference it's going to make. If I sign it will be under duress and of no effect in a court of law. I have some real concern about LP's being allowed to used pesticides. You know how it goes...this week it's all safe and next week it causes cancer. They don't know what the long term effects are of prolonged use are,blah blah blah. I don't put anything but nutrients into my plants so I don't think it's an unwarranted concern. Dan... You must have similar concerns?