free speech warriors are trying to cancel culture me for calling it horsey meds

Sorry, my bad that was a typo on my part. I meant to say, It's also a fact that the first person in Israel to contract Delta was vaccinated; she contracted it abroad, and brought it home, infecting others along the way.

So what you are saying is that there is a global pandemic and people should be as safe as possible because it is highly contagious. It is a good thing you are such a proponent of people wearing masks, social distancing and getting the highly safe and very effective vaccine.
So what you are saying is that there is a global pandemic and people should be as safe as possible because it is highly contagious. It is a good thing you are such a proponent of people wearing masks, social distancing and getting the highly safe and very effective vaccine.
Yes, I always wear my mask in public indoor settings when around others, and certainly support social distancing. The rest of your statement is comedy.
Yes, I always wear my mask in public indoor settings when around others, and certainly support social distancing. The rest of your statement is comedy.
The tragic kind that 95+% of the people in the hospital sick with the virus are the unvaccinated because they have been brainwashed to think that the hundreds of millions of people who have gotten the shot with virtually no issues are the ones who are being unsafe.

Good to hear about you masking up though.
The tragic kind that 95+% of the people in the hospital sick with the virus are the unvaccinated
That's false, and since the CDC stopped tracking numbers months ago, there is no clear data for that in the US. The good news is that Israel has very robust data, because of the deal they struck with Pfizer early on to be a world test lab for covid vax. Interestingly enough 60% of those in the hospital in Israel are vaxxed.

PA just released their findings...

Between January 1, 2021 and September 7, 2021 in Pennsylvania, 97% of COVID-19-related deaths were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people.
  • Among a total of 6,472 COVID-19-related deaths identified in Pennsylvania in 2021, there were at least 213 post-vaccination deaths identified (3%).
    • Cumulative death incidence among the unvaccinated and not fully vaccinated was 7.9 times as high as the death incidence among the fully vaccinated (56 vs 7 per 100,000).
Between January 1, 2021 and September 6, 2021 in Pennsylvania, 95% of reported hospitalizations with COVID-19 as the primary diagnosis / cause of admission were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people.

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That's false, and since the CDC stopped tracking numbers months ago, there is no clear data for that in the US. The good news is that Israel has very robust data, because of the deal they struck with Pfizer early on to be a world test lab for covid vax. Interestingly enough 60% of those in the hospital in Israel are vaxxed. Shot 2021-09-17 at 1.40.08 PM.png
So a couple of problems with that.. First, it's pretty clear that these are only estimates (if you look at the .csv data). Their estimates are based on what's reported to the CDC, however there is no requirement to report to the CDC, and it's clear that there are millions of cases missing from CDC data:

The other problem, is that even based on these estimates it does not add up to the 95% you claimed. Their partial data suggests max 86%, but since Israel actually tracks everything very robustly, I'm gonna stick with their data to be much more accurate. Also it's worth pointing out that they are about 2-months ahead of us in their vaccine campaign, so looking at their data is much akin to looking into a crystal ball for what to expect here.
Another RCT by Hashim (et al53) in Baghdad, Iraq, included 140 patients equally divided; the control group received standard care, and the treated group included a combination of both outpatient and hospitalized patients.

In the 96 patients with mild-to-moderate outpatient illness, they treated 48 patients with a combination of ivermectin/doxycycline and standard of care and compared outcomes with the 48 patients treated with standard of care alone.

The standard of care in this trial included medicines such as dexamethasone 6 mg/d or methylprednisolone 40 mg twice per day if needed, vitamin C 1000 mg twice/day, zinc 75–125 mg/d, vitamin D3 5000 IU/day, azithromycin 250 mg/d for 5 days, and acetaminophen 500 mg as needed.

Although no patients in either group progressed or died, the time to recovery was significantly shorter in the ivermectin-treated group (6.3 days vs. 13.7 days, P < 0.0001).

Dont be like this guy ^^

If you're not a horse, get an rx! :wink:

Given the need to find an effective drug that can mitigate the harmful consequences of COVID-19, a large number of studies are being carried out in order to assess the effectiveness of different existing drugs, including ivermectin, with promising results.

This narrative review summarizes and outlines the evidence-based effectiveness and safety of ivermectin in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, recommending the drug for the treatment of COVID-19 especially in the early stages of the disease.
So a couple of problems with that.. First, it's pretty clear that these are only estimates (if you look at the .csv data). Their estimates are based on what's reported to the CDC, however there is no requirement to report to the CDC, and it's clear that there are millions of cases missing from CDC data:

The other problem, is that even based on these estimates it does not add up to the 95% you claimed. Their partial data suggests max 86%, but since Israel actually tracks everything very robustly, I'm gonna stick with their data to be much more accurate. Also it's worth pointing out that they are about 2-months ahead of us in their vaccine campaign, so looking at their data is much akin to looking into a crystal ball for what to expect here.
lmao right on man, keep using your foreign data and not listening to the actual doctors here in America telling you that their hospitals are filled with the unvaccinated because of whatever bullshit you are pushing. It doesn't make it reality.

You are pumping yourself full of shit by continually trying to rebut information that shows you are wrong and that the vaccine is highly effective and extremely safe. That is on you.

As for your trying to find the holes to allow yourself to pretend to be convinced by your nonsense, that too is on you.

Allowing yourself to be tricked by dick head Republicans and scam artists who are trying like hell to muddy the water so that they can keep their con going is just not something I am willing to do.
lmao right on man, keep using your foreign data and not listening to the actual doctors here in America telling you that their hospitals are filled with the unvaccinated because of whatever bullshit you are pushing. It doesn't make it reality.

You are pumping yourself full of shit by continually trying to rebut information that shows you are wrong and that the vaccine is highly effective and extremely safe. That is on you.

As for your trying to find the holes to allow yourself to pretend to be convinced by your nonsense, that too is on you.

Allowing yourself to be tricked by dick head Republicans and scam artists who are trying like hell to muddy the water so that they can keep their con going is just not something I am willing to do.

Antivaxxers cherry pick and post any sciency report that confirms their bias. Antivaxxers deny the validity of guidance from actual medical science experts.

Their ability to remain convinced in the validity of their belief despite these two contradictions is appalling.

It is why we have to start mandating vaccines in order to push the vaccination rates above the threshold for ending this epidemic.
lmao right on man, keep using your foreign data and not listening to the actual doctors here in America telling you that their hospitals are filled with the unvaccinated because of whatever bullshit you are pushing. It doesn't make it reality.

You are pumping yourself full of shit by continually trying to rebut information that shows you are wrong and that the vaccine is highly effective and extremely safe. That is on you.

As for your trying to find the holes to allow yourself to pretend to be convinced by your nonsense, that too is on you.

Allowing yourself to be tricked by dick head Republicans and scam artists who are trying like hell to muddy the water so that they can keep their con going is just not something I am willing to do.
Yes, I like data, not a big fan of anecdotes. Show me the data. Sadly in the US the full data doesn't exist, so we are forced to look elsewhere. It's got to make you wonder why we can't collect data here like they do in Israel.

I mean it's already been shown time and time again that your 95% number is based on stats from the beginning of this year (back when the CDC was still collecting data), which is during a time of both peak infections, and also very few fully vaxxed individuals.

Here's a perfect example of that:

You might want to take notice that the article clearly points out "Today’s online report shows that since January 2021:"..

If you look at recent data, a very different picture gets painted.
Yes, I like data, not a big fan of anecdotes. Show me the data. Sadly in the US the full data doesn't exist, so we are forced to look elsewhere. It's got to make you wonder why we can't collect data here like they do in Israel.

I mean it's already been shown time and time again that your 95% number is based on stats from the beginning of this year (back when the CDC was still collecting data), which is during a time of both peak infections, and also very few fully vaxxed individuals.

Here's a perfect example of that:

You might want to take notice that the article clearly points out "Today’s online report shows that since January 2021:"..

If you look at recent data, a very different picture gets painted.
lol yeah damn those HIPAA laws.

You keep convincing yourself to not get the highly effective and safe vaccine because of that foreign data is a shame though. Especially when you are full of shit and try to do anything under the sun to try to spin shit into something that the doctors in American hospitals are telling us in real time that they are sick and tired of dealing with. The brainwashed idiots that are filling up their hospitals because they are unvaccinated.

You also are full of shit about the chart I showed you saying that below clearly states that 98.6% of the people hospitalized in July and August of this year were unvaccinated.


Im sure you will just keep selling your lies, because shit those quarters are not going to earn themselves.

This is a perfect example why I don't listen to anecdotes from doctors, but prefer data:

Again with the Dewormer troll?

You death cult trolls need to coordinate better. That bullshit was tried yesterday.
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This is a perfect example why I don't listen to anecdotes from doctors, but prefer data:

Anecdotes are not data. Show us some real data. Not those cherry picked sciency studies of dubious quality that you love to post.

How about the stunningly positive results from the vaccination program?

Why don't you post data showing lives saved by Biden's professional and effective rollout of the vaccines?
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Thank you for the table you posted. Unfortunately the above table was based upon flawed studies regarding the use of ivermectin to treat patients with covid or to prevent coronavirus infection.

Correct the following errors and post results for peer review:

Since the last revision of this section of the Guidelines, the results of several randomized trials and retrospective cohort studies of ivermectin use in patients with COVID-19 have been published in peer-reviewed journals or have been made available as manuscripts ahead of peer review. Some clinical studies showed no benefits or worsening of disease after ivermectin use,21-24 whereas others reported shorter time to resolution of disease manifestations that were attributed to COVID-19,25-27 greater reduction in inflammatory marker levels,26 shorter time to viral clearance,21 or lower mortality rates in patients who received ivermectin than in patients who received comparator drugs or placebo.21,27

However, most of these studies had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which make it difficult to exclude common causes of bias. These limitations include:

  • The sample size of most of the trials was small.
  • Various doses and schedules of ivermectin were used.
  • Some of the randomized controlled trials were open-label studies in which neither the participants nor the investigators were blinded to the treatment arms.
  • Patients received various concomitant medications (e.g., doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc, corticosteroids) in addition to ivermectin or the comparator drug. This confounded the assessment of the efficacy or safety of ivermectin.
  • The severity of COVID-19 in the study participants was not always well described.
  • The study outcome measures were not always clearly defined.
For a full list of issues, errors, omissions, commissions and outright lies regarding the use of ivermectin by those who wish the epidemic to continue in the US, refer to the following:

Ivermectin has several known risks for deadly or harmful side effects when used properly and at the appropriate amount.

Serious Neurological Adverse Events after Ivermectin—Do They Occur beyond the Indication of Onchocerciasis?

A total of 1,668 reports for ivermectin were identified. The most commonly reported adverse events for ivermectin were pruritus (25.3%), headache (13.9%), and dizziness (7.5%). Under the MedDRA SOC “Neurological disorders,” there were a total of 426 reports; 156 of these were classified as “serious” according to ICH Guidance.14 Of the serious reports, 60.9% (95) originated from Africa, 20.5% (32) from the Americas, 12.2% (19) from Europe, and 6.4% (10) from Asia. One duplicate report was identified and excluded from the analysis.

Note that these dangerous reactions were apparent at the "known safe and effective" (against parasites) dose of 2-3 mg/kg. In vitro studies indicate that 10 times higher dosage is necessary to achieve deactivation of coronavirus in humans.