free speech warriors are trying to cancel culture me for calling it horsey meds

Thank you for the table you posted. Unfortunately the above table was based upon flawed studies regarding the use of ivermectin to treat patients with covid or to prevent coronavirus infection.

Correct the following errors and post results for peer review:

Since the last revision of this section of the Guidelines, the results of several randomized trials and retrospective cohort studies of ivermectin use in patients with COVID-19 have been published in peer-reviewed journals or have been made available as manuscripts ahead of peer review. Some clinical studies showed no benefits or worsening of disease after ivermectin use,21-24 whereas others reported shorter time to resolution of disease manifestations that were attributed to COVID-19,25-27 greater reduction in inflammatory marker levels,26 shorter time to viral clearance,21 or lower mortality rates in patients who received ivermectin than in patients who received comparator drugs or placebo.21,27

However, most of these studies had incomplete information and significant methodological limitations, which make it difficult to exclude common causes of bias. These limitations include:

  • The sample size of most of the trials was small.
  • Various doses and schedules of ivermectin were used.
  • Some of the randomized controlled trials were open-label studies in which neither the participants nor the investigators were blinded to the treatment arms.
  • Patients received various concomitant medications (e.g., doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc, corticosteroids) in addition to ivermectin or the comparator drug. This confounded the assessment of the efficacy or safety of ivermectin.
  • The severity of COVID-19 in the study participants was not always well described.
  • The study outcome measures were not always clearly defined.
For a full list of issues, errors, omissions, commissions and outright lies regarding the use of ivermectin by those who wish the epidemic to continue in the US, refer to the following:

The problem with their studies is they are using it in already infected people. Not as a preventive or those with the mild symptoms. And that article is from Feb of this year. Way out of date.
Notice the words in that article such as "to estimate", "we assume", and "no other data", which will give you false results every time.
Wow you are so insightful.

It must work out great for you with your kids when you tell them what to think, but in the real world it is just being a troll.

If you cherry pick through everything you disagree with like you do it would set you up to thinking you know more than professionals doing the actual work in their fields. But it is just bullshit.

The problem you likely don't know enough to understand is that those estimates are based on available information and currently there are states and yes even hospitals that are trolling our society and withholding data necessary to give exact statistics, which is why estimates are needed.

And to think that they are inaccurate is just more nonsense by you.

I assume that when I walk to my car it will be there. If I put food out for my dogs, they will eat it. Dick heads thinking they know better than the scientists working on the hospitals and how they are filling up with Covid patients because they want perfect information is just more proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.
The problem with their studies is they are using it in already infected people. Not as a preventive or those with the mild symptoms. And that article is from Feb of this year. Way out of date.
So you posted knowingly crap studies about a known crap treatment. That seems idiotic.

Why do you even try?
Wow you are so insightful.

It must work out great for you with your kids when you tell them what to think, but in the real world it is just being a troll.

If you cherry pick through everything you disagree with like you do it would set you up to thinking you know more than professionals doing the actual work in their fields. But it is just bullshit.

The problem you likely don't know enough to understand is that those estimates are based on available information and currently there are states and yes even hospitals that are trolling our society and withholding data necessary to give exact statistics, which is why estimates are needed.

And to think that they are inaccurate is just more nonsense by you.

I assume that when I walk to my car it will be there. If I put food out for my dogs, they will eat it. Dick heads thinking they know better than the scientists working on the hospitals and how they are filling up with Covid patients because they want perfect information is just more proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.
Once I assumed my car would be there, but it wasn't -- got towed in British Columbia.. Didn't realize that yellow zone is the equivalent of our red zone. I've put out food for my dog, and she didn't eat it -- turned out she had an internal infection, cost me over $5k to save her at the emergency vet hospital, if I has assumed everything was ok she would have died. I know people in the medical field (doctors and nurses), who tell me that their ICU's aren't full. If they can't find "beds" it's not due to lack of beds, it's due to lack of staff as many in the industry left because of covid, and now you will see more leaving because of mandates. See there's this little thing called ratios, and you need adequate staff to be able to fill beds.

Once I assumed my car would be there, but it wasn't -- got towed in British Columbia.. Didn't realize that yellow zone is the equivalent of our red zone. I've put out food for my dog, and she didn't eat it -- turned out she had an internal infection, cost me over $5k to save her at the emergency vet hospital, if I has assumed everything was ok she would have died. I know people in the medical field (doctors and nurses), who tell me that their ICU's aren't full. If they can't find "beds" it's not due to lack of beds, it's due to lack of staff as many in the industry left because of covid, and now you will see more leaving because of mandates. See there's this little thing called ratios, and you need adequate staff to be able to fill beds.

Once, how many times out of that one was it actually there?

Same with your dog, how many times did she eat the food?

If you did the statistics on it, was it an anomaly that those assumptions were not met? Of course, and when those occasions occur it warrants looking closer to find out why. That is the power of statistics.

For example, if the statistics on all available data tell us that 98+% of all hospitals were filling up with unvaccinated people if you came across a hospital claiming say 70% of the patients in for cover were unvaccinated you might want to look closer. And chances are it would be something like it being a childrens hospital, or a area were it was something unlikely like a area with almost everyone vaccinated.

That is the stupidity of your trolling.

You pretending like you know something because you are trolling so hard to sell the death cult nonsensical spam is pretty sad man. But I am sure you impress the shit out of your kids.