• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fox News


Active Member
I like Fox News and Fox Business. I like the topics that they discuss and they are pretty fair most of the time. That doesn't mean that every now and then an anchor has his or her own opinion, but thats why I think for myself and can figure things out on my own. I'm not quick to judge people or their ideas. I listen and try to put myself in their situation and actually understand why they have the opinion that they do. There are people on here that hear Fox News and are immediately disgusted. I really don't understand that. People are so quick to judge everything, but really most people don't have the right to judge. As soon as you judge something you stop paying attention and don't want to understand what other people are saying. I try my best not to judge others and their ideas. By the way I happen to be a fan of Bill O'Reilly even though he is a big meanie on fox news. I don't think he likes pot very much, but thats probably because he doesn't understand pot as well as many smokers do. Its called ignorance, its just not knowing. But its also ignorant for someone to be judgmental towards someone that doesn't understand things the same way someone else might.
Well i put, i wish there was more people like you in this piece of shit world.


Well-Known Member
I understand your frustration, but universal health care won't help you.

@323cheezy I get 90% of my info from the web, I'm just pointing out Fox News is doing a good job covering health care reform. Also i suggest you watch The Obama Deception, it will open your eyes to the truth.

@FlyLikeAnEagle You need to relax and stop assuming i believe in the BS your talking about. I never said the system we have now is perfect it's not. But Universal health care won't help the masses it designed for the "elites" not for the people living on main street.
Yes it sure as shit would have helped me, had we had it already I'd be fixed and productive already. If I lived in any other country that has it I'd also be fixed by now. That's precicely the point and you completely miss each and every point or are just trolling now making shit up to stir people up because the last shit you just said, that universal health care is designed to only help the elite, holy shit you are either trolling hard or a real idiot. You have things completely backwards in your head but whatever, I'm done with this.


Active Member
Yes it sure as shit would have helped me, had we had it already I'd be fixed and productive already. If I lived in any other country that has it I'd also be fixed by now. That's precicely the point and you completely miss each and every point or are just trolling now making shit up to stir people up because the last shit you just said, that universal health care is designed to only help the elite, holy shit you are either trolling hard or a real idiot. You have things completely backwards in your head but whatever, I'm done with this.
You act like you read the bill you know exactly what it does -_-


Well-Known Member
YogiFresh - Where in world did you come up with that universal health care won't help the masses -it's for the elite? That's exactly what universal health care is - the elite can afford to go to any doctor in the world - I can't. Did you make this stuff up or did someone actually tell you this shit?


Well-Known Member
I understand your frustration, but universal health care won't help you.

@323cheezy I get 90% of my info from the web, I'm just pointing out Fox News is doing a good job covering health care reform. Also i suggest you watch The Obama Deception, it will open your eyes to the truth.
i watched video where they blamed bush for the towers... and funny u mention it im watching that obama vid also .....
Theres some truth to whats in these vids ... wall steet runs shit and the press is a puppet most of the time... its not any easy job..... i use to hate my government i went to jail... they took my license away .... and i went threw so much bullshit i hated everything about the gov....
The thing is man u remind me of myself 5 years ago....
but the thing is the system that i hate so much rehabilitated me .. and i went to school and majored in poli sci.... and learned alot of shit from books... not to say that the internet isnt good.... but any tom... dick .. or hairy can put news on the internet ... but that doesnt mean its true ...
the internet isnt alway refutable...
yeah the system sucks ...but the goverment was made for the people to fight injustice.... to help fight the corporations... the problem is a couple of bad appples runed it for everyone .... and yeah the gov has sided with corporations over the simple man in many instyances .... all my history teachers taught me how currupt government was especially when this country was founded... but we still have a chance.. and we have made many strides as a nation to make things right ... fox news is killing us... im all for free speech ... without a gov the peole would have been shot for treason... i willl digress.

the whole idea of democracy was discovered by aristotle..plato ... saucrities... if u read there works they developed the rules and ideas too free the people from tyranny... and they proposed ideas that we use today ...
many came along like russeau and challenged the idea set forth by the greeks....
you need to go on the internet and search for plato's "crito"... and read ruseaus' "noble savage"...
see one day you will realize that government has set fourth rules... these rules which help us ... without government like rosseau says we would just be savages ... and without law were less human...
i could sit here and tell u lots of stuff but i feel you need to educate yourself....

howev i love that vid and will finish watching it...
just try not to be so pnoid of your country ....
you have right .... that people take for granted... which some dont deserve..... read crito and noble savage now!
it may change your way of thinking... these stories are hundred of years old before there was even an america to hate ...


Well-Known Member
the bill isnt even finnished.... the congress and the senate have to revise it .. its not a bill until it passes .... dude your killin me...
It's not law until it passes, it most assuredly is a bill, and a bill that is flawed in its approach.

Prices will continue their ascent into the stratosphere not be reduced by this junk legislation.


Well-Known Member
It's not law until it passes, it most assuredly is a bill, and a bill that is flawed in its approach.

Prices will continue their ascent into the stratosphere not be reduced by this junk legislation.
well yeah you know what im saying tho.... its a bill but its not done yet my man .... its still gottta be rvised..right man?


Active Member
Fox news is “infotainment” and little more. Most of the information they disseminate use straw man arguments without a legitimate alternate opinion. A perfect example of a straw man argument:

Show’s opinion: Obama’s health plan will lead to the demise of America

Alternate opinion (if one is even presented): We need universal health care because (insert weak argument). Usually supporting evidence is lacking to say the least.

Straw man argument: Universal health care is socialism and will take us down the road of communism, which, as everybody knows, is a road to failure. Cue pictures of Hitler, aborted babies in Canada, and an interview with Joe the Plumber stating that universal health care will destroy the business he’s thinking of starting.

Of course they do this because this is what their demographic wants to see/hear…most people don’t want to hear news that doesn’t agree with their personal opinion or interest them. Granted, there are liberal news media like msnbc, but they usually present their material in a different manner and rarely resort to tricks like blatant straw man arguments.

The problem with this is that now people like Yogi think “I’m really informed on this important issue now” when in reality he’s only thinking what billionaire Murdoch wants him to think. I’m not sure which is worse…state-run media or business-run media. They both have the same goal.

As far as universal health care is concerned, if we define the basis of government - at least here in the United States - as “To protect and maintain individual rights,” then the only question is: is access to health care a privilege or a right? If it is a right, then it needs to be equally available to everyone.

I want to see effective health insurance for everyone and it's pretty evident that the free market can't (and really shouldn't) do that. Free markets provide privileges, not rights.


Active Member
Fox news is “infotainment” and little more. Most of the information they disseminate use straw man arguments without a legitimate alternate opinion. A perfect example of a straw man argument:

Show’s opinion: Obama’s health plan will lead to the demise of America

Alternate opinion (if one is even presented): We need universal health care because (insert weak argument). Usually supporting evidence is lacking to say the least.

Straw man argument: Universal health care is socialism and will take us down the road of communism, which, as everybody knows, is a road to failure. Cue pictures of Hitler, aborted babies in Canada, and an interview with Joe the Plumber stating that universal health care will destroy the business he’s thinking of starting.

Of course they do this because this is what their demographic wants to see/hear…most people don’t want to hear news that doesn’t agree with their personal opinion or interest them. Granted, there are liberal news media like msnbc, but they usually present their material in a different manner and rarely resort to tricks like blatant straw man arguments.

The problem with this is that now people like Yogi think “I’m really informed on this important issue now” when in reality he’s only thinking what billionaire Murdoch wants him to think. I’m not sure which is worse…state-run media or business-run media. They both have the same goal.

As far as universal health care is concerned, if we define the basis of government - at least here in the United States - as “To protect and maintain individual rights,” then the only question is: is access to health care a privilege or a right? If it is a right, then it needs to be equally available to everyone.

I want to see effective health insurance for everyone and it's pretty evident that the free market can't (and really shouldn't) do that. Free markets provide privileges, not rights.
Well put, But don't make assumptions of what i think, I was simply stating their doing a better job than any other news station reporting about health care reform. Which i will admit is surprising.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Only an idiot would think the US don't have the best health care in the world, but go ahead and let the government destroy it if that makes you happy.

We will only see real change once we hit rock bottom.


Active Member
Sorry but right now I am on socialist medicine and I hate it. Can't wait to get on my feet and be able to afford private care. It should be the peoples choice not the governments.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Guess I'm an idiot then...cuz we only rank 38...and 38 is definitely not "the best". I personally don't think its so great that my health is to be determined by how much I can pay. :-|
Only an idiot would think the US don't have the best health care in the world, but go ahead and let the government destroy it if that makes you happy.

We will only see real change once we hit rock bottom.