Another Republican President, Another Recession.


Staff member
Ok is that bad? Those higher paying jobs are not being lost, and I know around me I have seen a shit load of 'help wanted' signs at local shops. Hell the Kroger is now offering $16 an hour. Pre-pandemic I am pretty sure they were about $10.

I'll double check real quick to just make sure your not just tossing that out there because it for sure doesn't say that in the AP article I posted and I havnt read the jobs report to know if it isn't just a make me chase my tail kind of thing.

Our highway system and infrastructure for the burbs to even exist in the first place would strongly disagree with this.
16 an hour is absolutely not enough to live on

just because someone is looking for work doesnt mean that its worth it depending where you live

everyone is hiring because they dont fucking pay enough to afford anything except when you have to have 4 fucking roommates

Adding jobs looks good on paper but the reality is different.

You have to realize your reality isnt everyone's reality this where you have to start understanding that our new work force generation cannot survive 40+ hours a week at kroger for 16 fucking dollars an hour

some of us are very privileged (im assuming you are one of them) who has been in the workforce gotten pay raises youre at a place of employment where you can survive, when we were younger we could survive on the shitty 10 dollars an hour with a shitty apartment , but now a days our new workforce generation cant a studio apartment where i live is almost 2000+ per month, a ROOM for rent is 1800 here.
dont forget the cost to drive to work, buy food, insurance, health insurance, internet, added costs of all ammenties for apartments

Im assuming you have no idea what its like to rent now a days but its pretty bad they tack on extras for everything upon your base rent, so base rent is maybe 2000 but than you have an additional 200-300 per month in amenities, smart locks, packages and community fees you literally cannot get out of

Our new work force is mostly well educated kids applying for hundreds of jobs and get turned down , all you need to do is expand your mind and reality and realize people are actually struggling despite what it shows on paper, go on to instagram there are people on there showing the break down costs of many things with cited sources, kids who have applied ot hundreds of jobs with no call backs etc

People who get denied at mcdonalds, kroger etc because their educational background is too high so the companies dont wanna risk employing them because they will leave for better pay

you seem to continually think everything is great and no ones struggling

You can be a dem, and realize its fucking shit out here for some people , you seem to have lost that somewhere , isnt that what being liberal is about?
understanding others? Being at your core a better person and realizing its not just what is on paper and being there for our fellow humans who share space with us on this planet earth?


Well-Known Member
I like the clip. I started to lol at their commentary (the guy talking anyways, the girl was actually pretty solid) when they start tossing out the word 'capitalist' like it is anything different than any of us.

What I think he meant was rich dickhead who has no idea that all those hours he works doesn't even come close to the time that all those people are putting in to make everything happen.
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Frequently named to top-lawyer lists such as the Daily Journal's "Top 75 Women Litigators" in California and California Lawyer's "Super Lawyers," she was the first labor commissioner to be included among the Daily Journal's "Top 75 Labor and Employment Lawyers." She has also been named one of the 50 most noteworthy women alumni of Harvard Law School and one of the 100 most influential people in Los Angeles in Los Angeles Magazine.

Su has taught at UCLA Law School and Northeastern Law School. She is a graduate of Stanford University and Harvard Law School and began her career with a Skadden Fellowship. Su speaks Mandarin and Spanish.



Well-Known Member
16 an hour is absolutely not enough to live on
I don't disagree. I take it more a solid part time job, or for families as a secondary income flow.

The national average is $35 an hour. But also it is so region specific to know what the cost of living is in those areas it is hard to really say how much it would take to actually live in those areas hourly.

just because someone is looking for work doesnt mean that its worth it depending where you live
That is a big thing here in Metro Detroit too. Everything is so reliant on driving here it sucks.

everyone is hiring because they dont fucking pay enough to afford anything except when you have to have 4 fucking roommates
It has been a while since I looked, so figured I would look at the cost of 1 bedrooms around. It looks like it is a couple hundred higher here than from when I rented a couple decades ago.

So in this one example, it would be about 50 hours working per month at the local Kroger to pay for it.

Adding jobs looks good on paper but the reality is different.
How would it be bad?

Adding jobs looks good on paper but the reality is different.

You have to realize your reality isnt everyone's reality this where you have to start understanding that our new work force generation cannot survive 40+ hours a week at kroger for 16 fucking dollars an hour
I'm guessing you are saying this like the jobs report was all just shit jobs? I am not sure if you saw the part that 100k of those jobs were in solid industries and the wage averages increased to over $35 an hour.

And I disagree. If it takes 50 hours to get enough money for rent, you have 110 hours worth of labor a month here to spend on other stuff.

Shit talking people getting work because every job is not reliable for a stable retirement plan doesn't mean they don't benefit the people who earn the wages they bring.

some of us are very privileged (im assuming you are one of them) who has been in the workforce gotten pay raises youre at a place of employment where you can survive, when we were younger we could survive on the shitty 10 dollars an hour with a shitty apartment , but now a days our new workforce generation cant a studio apartment where i live is almost 2000+ per month, a ROOM for rent is 1800 here.
dont forget the cost to drive to work, buy food, insurance, health insurance, internet, added costs of all ammenties for apartments

Im assuming you have no idea what its like to rent now a days but its pretty bad they tack on extras for everything upon your base rent, so base rent is maybe 2000 but than you have an additional 200-300 per month in amenities, smart locks, packages and community fees you literally cannot get out of
I am sure there are all kinds of places that are expensive sa shit. I would not be looking to settle into one of those spots thinking I would be able to wing it at entry level jobs that's for sure.

Our new work force is mostly well educated kids applying for hundreds of jobs and get turned down , all you need to do is expand your mind and reality and realize people are actually struggling despite what it shows on paper, go on to instagram there are people on there showing the break down costs of many things with cited sources, kids who have applied ot hundreds of jobs with no call backs etc

Being well educated doesn't mean you don't fall for scams.

As for struggling. I get it, I don't need social media to know people struggle out there to get my mind bent into whatever it is that my feed ends up pushing me into believing is far more prevalent than it is.

People who get denied at mcdonalds, kroger etc because their educational background is too high so the companies dont wanna risk employing them because they will leave for better pay
I can see that happening. I am sure that unless that person was just looking for a long term secondary household income, they likely would be looking for better jobs.

you seem to continually think everything is great and no ones struggling

I am pretty sure I can find many posts I have made during any period of time we come up that point to the fact that yes, I do understand people suffer all the time and that no everything is not great.

You can be a dem, and realize its fucking shit out here for some people , you seem to have lost that somewhere , isnt that what being liberal is about? understanding others?

Being at your core a better person and realizing its not just what is on paper and being there for our fellow humans who share space with us on this planet earth?
I actually have no idea what being a 'liberal' is about. I think it is one of those ink blot test words that can mean whatever it is that people trick themselves into believing it means.

And as for you thinking so little of me. I would point to the word 'seem'. Because I do not know where you would have gotten that from.

Do I think that economically we are far better than we were under Democratic control of our national government, yes, emphatically yes. The data proves this over the last several decades.

Does this mean that I think whatever batshit thing it is you think I do. No, it really doesn't.

As for what I think the Democratic Party is about. As of right now I am voting for them because it is about lessoning the fascistic tendencies of our nation through having full representation of our population (more voices, more input means more potential for understanding of how the impacts are felt in all the communities) and making the best decisions possible with the actual information that is on the table. Outside of that, I would love for a Republican Party that wasn't trying to achieve the opposite.


Well-Known Member
I read every single one of your posts as my job here, it isnt what i think its what you write.
Well it must suck to have to read so many bad things that what I post makes you think sunshine and puppies.

Thank you for the work you do. I know you might not believe it, but I do appreciate you.