Satan saves another one

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Ted Nugent Tests Positive for COVID After Calling Pandemic a ‘Hoax': ‘I Thought I Was Dying’
Musician Ted Nugent said Monday he tested positive for COVID-19 and had been experiencing intense symptoms, though he’s called the pandemic a “hoax” in the past.

In December 2020, the 72-year-old entertainer dismissed the global coronavirus pandemic as “scammy.” Monday, he changed his tune, mentioning the “pandemic clusterfu–.”

During the Facebook Live broadcast in which he announced his diagnosis, in fact, he used that colorful word twice.
“I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days and I thought I was dying,” he told viewers. “Just a clusterfu–.”

Previously, Nugent declared that the ongoing global crisis was somehow “not a real pandemic” and people who choose to wear masks — often in compliance with local ordinances — are “sheep.”

Nugent is a political conservative who expressed support for former president Donald Trump’s policies and even performed at the Republican’s events. Trump, like Nugent, contracted COVID-19 at one point, requiring hospitalization last fall.

Nugent has attacked school shooting survivor and gun control advocate David Hogg and praised Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

Earlier this month, Nugent expressed no fear of the virus in another Facebook Live, instead quipping, “Why weren’t we shut down for COVID one-through-18?”
It was a 335 into a Marshall. Nothing at all special about it.
I bet if you take a 335, he takes a 335 and I take a 335 into a Marshall we all sound different. Way more goes into tone than just equipment. His byrdland also probably isn't just an off the shelf gibson
I bet if you take a 335, he takes a 335 and I take a 335 into a Marshall we all sound different. Way more goes into tone than just equipment. His byrdland also probably isn't just an off the shelf gibson
I can plug my 355 in to my BOSS amp, put on Stranglehold, and you wont be able to tell him from me.

It's nothing at all special.