Well-Known Member
Because more people will vote than comment. It's more accurate. Vocal minorities tend to be more present in the comments than in an actual vote. If this country was run by who ever spoke up the most then it would be run by Sarah Palin and Michelle Backmann. But just because those people and their supporters speak up the most doesn't mean they represent the will of the people. That's why we vote.
Look I ran a poll to see if people are in favor of taking a safe first step.
What is your argument? Can it stand alone?
What point of polling are you sampling?
Since there are 10 choices there are 5 yes or no possibilities. If there are more than 5 aspects to the decision the voter has to make then the sampling is worthless since there are basically only 5 options to agree or disagree.
Think about what you want to ask. Is it something like "do you support this?" Or "Do you support that."
frame it so that the voter has a yes no maybe and none of the above.. Works for me.
If you are wanting to have people vote on which they like better then what I have proposed is simply a small paragraph.
If yours can boil down to a small paragraph the voter is more likely to read that page and vote then move on to the next bit of fun.
If it's 2 pages and the other is two pages then it's a vote on what they like better then it usually splits along member-popularity from what I know.
If you want to contrast and hold a vote then i will write a paragraph. I will exchange with you in email and when we are ready we will present the poll.
Otherwise it's a Kangaroo Court with all the drama and none of the purity of a poll.
let me know if you want a paragraph from me.