• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Forming a Pro-People Only Initiative for 2012 group

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I get it a popularity poll.

I thought you wanted to poll the people on what they prefer.
How is that different? It's not a popularity poll between our personalities, I'm kind of a dick so I'd probably lose that one. It's to see who's ideas people prefer. What's wrong with that? I thought you want cannabis freedom for the people. Shouldn't you at least pretend to be interested in what they want?

Cannabis Legalization is a bigger issue than being right or winning do you understand? You and I are but players on a stage. Let us have a point and counter point the people want.
That's fantastic. You invoke the idea of giving the people what they want to rationalize not participating in a poll to see what the people want. Well done. You could be on fox news.


Well-Known Member
How is that different? It's not a popularity poll between our personalities, I'm kind of a dick so I'd probably lose that one. It's to see who's ideas people prefer. What's wrong with that? I thought you want cannabis freedom for the people. Shouldn't you at least pretend to be interested in what they want?

That's fantastic. You invoke the idea of giving the people what they want to rationalize not participating in a poll to see what the people want. Well done. You could be on fox news.
It's the difference between me knowing what it is to be your age and what it is to be mine.
You know you but you are yet to see your 50th year.

I am no different than I was yesterday. So the drama huh that is the point not any debate.


Well-Known Member
Look guys I am smart enough to find cycles in binary data then I am smart enough to think a cooperative poll through.

If I am to make the ruling then I would say Poll cannot be used to facilitate direct confrontation.
That can't be good on the insurance for sure.

So what? Poll or Grudge match>?

Which is it Dan?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Define full proposal>?

Are you expecting me to be a lawyer>? I'm not so there is a natural scope to my human powers.
You don't need to use legal language. Just be thoughtful and express what you want to see out of a legalization ballot measure. Just think of everything you want to see in a legalization law and write that down. There is no penalties for not using legally correct terminology. Just look over how I wrote mine. There are no complicated legal terms. Just a clear plan. That's all you need. A clear plan. If you need any assistance I'd be glad to help. Or better yet, ask the ruiner. He's almost as smart as he thinks he is and he doesn't like me but does like you. I'm sure he'd help read it over to make sure you don't make any big mistakes.

You don't need complicated legal language nor does it need to be really wordy to be good. If you've got something simple, go with that. Just make sure it contains what you want to see in a legalization ballot measure.

Here is mine for reference:

Here's what I support. I support this because it's a good start. It's something all the people of California could get behind, not just a select group with their own interests at heart. It's based off of what has been successful, and what we need to get proper support. Most important, it's practical and reasonable. I will just do an outline, not full legal wording so simpletons such as Ernest can understand it.

1) This is for the purposes of legalization the recreational use of cannabis. Medical laws are excluded from these regulations. Nothing supersedes a doctor's orders.

2) Allow all citizens of California to posses and grow cannabis for personal consumption. Legalize a grow area of 100sq ft, 99plants, and possession of up to 8lbs at your home. Legalize possession of up to 1lb on your person.

3) Allow citizens of California 19 years old and up to have safe access to acquire cannabis. Legalize dispensaries operating as a collective or cooperative either for profit or not-for-profit. Collectives and cooperatives may operate as store front dispensaries, delivery services, bakeries/cafes, or farmers markets. Collectives are limited to one commercial location. No one may have a controlling share in more than one collective.

4) If your personal grow exceeds your personal requirements you may put it up for sale on consignment at the collective of your choice. (for legal purposes, it must be consignment sales so you're not operating an unlicensed business.)

5) Legalize and permit commercial growing. Permits will be granted through the state in a process similar to forming corporation where everyone can access them. Permit costs will remain below $5000. Commercial growing will be limited to 2k feet per grow. One person can not hold more than one permit nor be involved in a company or multiple companies holding more than one permit.

6) Outlaw the taxation of medical cannabis. Tax recreational sales of cannabis at 9%. No further taxation through congress is permitted without an additional ballot measure where 2/3 of Callifornians agree to the tax.

7) All revenue created by the recreational cannabis tax will go directly to the local schools in that collective's county. Counties that do not allow or take measures to prevent collectives from opening will not receive tax revenue from cannabis. Counties that encourage collectives receive the greatest benefits.

8.) State and local government employees including law enforcement are prohibited from cooperating or sharing information with federal police in cannabis related cases.


Under this set of rules Californians would be allowed to possess, cultivate, purchase, and consume cannabis legally.

A tax rate is set because if you do not, congress will do it for you and their tax will be much worse.

Commercial sales/cultivation is addressed because if you do not do it through a voter initiative, Richard Lee types will lobby congress to set the rules for you. They will attempt to set up monopolies. By addressing it in a voter initiative congress can't over rule that. Another voter initiative would be required to change the rules. Under the system I proposed pot walmart type chains would be illegal. Massive scale farming would be illegal. The purpose of this is to set up an environment where citizens can open their own businesses and do well, but no cannabis billionaires or Phillip Morris type corporations can dominate the market. This will create a lot more middle class/upper middle class jobs where people can make a decent living.

The tax is an incentive for non-smokers. A reason for them to support legalization. The taxes will be distributed locally, not state wide so Californian communities will benefit more by accepting and encouraging legalization.

It is fair, it doesn't leave anyone out in the cold, and it is realistic enough so where the majority of Californians could support it. It is not an ideal law. It is just one everyone can be content with and still have a legitimate chance of passing.

I just got that feeling that I'm leaving out major parts of what I had in mind be I can't seem to remember what they are. Oh well, you get the idea

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Look guys I am smart enough to find cycles in binary data then I am smart enough to think a cooperative poll through.

If I am to make the ruling then I would say Poll cannot be used to facilitate direct confrontation.
That can't be good on the insurance for sure.

So what? Poll or Grudge match>?

Which is it Dan?
It's a poll. A poll to find out what people want. It's that simple. Also people can comment saying which parts of either proposal they like or dislike. The purpose is to gauge public opinion, nothing more. There are no winners or losers. Everyone wins by finding out what the people want, we all lose by not taking the will of the people into consideration.


Well-Known Member
You have a bunch of my ideas in there.

Isn't that a bit off as in cheating?

What am I to do when you claim my arguments?

Do you see why we should have worked in private first?


Well-Known Member
That really sucked Dan.. Hype it up then present my arguments wrapped in Commerce.

Look.. I'll point to the statistics. Propositions 19 I and II failed to pass.

All I can do is point out the obvious "suggested" pattern that a third Commerce Initiative will more than likely fail again. We can try a for the people as a separate effort so we can get our foot in the door for more.

What do I need to write? It's either one side or the other.
If we do an All in one again and it fails then the people lose again. From what I can tell Business is doing okay without legalization so there can afford to lose.

So what is it that you are requiring? A text similar to yours?

This is not a poll situation as I understand the function of the poll privilege.
I have to act responsibility out of respect to the owners and moderators.

I'll write a text if that is what you want but it's blown over size as a poll.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
You have a bunch of my ideas in there.

Isn't that a bit off as in cheating?
That is the original proposal I wrote pasted over here. The ideas you think are your own are the areas we agree. That's a good thing. Common ground.

What am I to do when you claim my arguments?
I'm not sure what you mean. Propose what YOU think should be law. There is nothing wrong with agreement. You don't have to be against something just because I'm for it.

Do you see why we should have worked in private first?
No. Quit stalling. Just write what you think should be in a legalization ballot measure and lets let the people decide which they prefer.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That really sucked Dan.. Hype it up then present my arguments wrapped in Commerce.
That wasn't something I just typed up tonight. That was what I originally proposed. I did not change it at all. See for yourself.


Look.. I'll point to the statistics. Propositions 19 I and II failed to pass.
Repeating tired rhetoric proves nothing. Quit stalling. Let's do this.

What do I need to write? It's either one side or the other.
Just write what you think should be included in a legalization law. It's that simple.

So what is it that you are requiring? A text similar to yours?
I just reposted that as an example to give you ideas. If you want to do it another way, go ahead. Just include what you think should be in a legalization law. Everyone understands you're not a lawyer and no one expects you to produce an airtight legal document. Just a collection of your ideas for legalization.

This is not a poll situation as I understand the function of the poll privilege.
I have to act responsibility out of respect to the owners and moderators.
Cheap excuse.

Come on now. If you're really proposing something in the best interests of the people this should work out well for you. You've got nothing to worry about. Don't be scared.

I'll write a text if that is what you want but it's blown over size as a poll.
We can make it work.


Well-Known Member
It still comes down to the fact that California votes no on commerce.

How do you get past that?

In order to simplify the issue of cannabis in California for the voter and to attract the largest number yes voters I propose a common sense approach.
Since two efforts have been voted down that contained commerce language I propose that the efforts to legalize be divided into 3 or more separate efforts so that we can win one or more efforts in 2012.
Focus on getting legalization for the people first.

The first thing then is to legalize cannabis for the non-commercial use by the citizens of California. That would include employment protections, horticulture, use and the non-commercial trade I wrote about so often.
Apply these rights to cannabis to everyone including medical. I don't see why medical people cannot gain ground too.

This will create an atmosphere in the State of California which will allow a transition for our communities and law enforcement.

I have stated that over sight is necessary and that a system of permits can generate revenue for the State. I have stated that a central authority is better than 600 jurisdictions so I am in favor of that if in it's existence all citizens enjoy equal rights to the peaceful and lawful use of cannabis and it's related activities such as horticulture all up and down the State.

Now I can gather up every article I have written and synthesise something larger but the point is California will shoot any commerce language down because we can show directly that it has twice.

They do not want pot shops on main street.
It will be an enormous change for our State to have just legalizing for the people.

So trying to find enough votes to pass something that has proven to be unpopular twice and ignoring what did pass is a gamble.

Is it time to Gamble or is it time to sacrifice and pass simple for the people only legalization.

So that is it. Are you voter willing to gamble on a polished up version of failure or shall we narrow our scope and get legal?


That is it Dan what else is there? I mean details? None of that matters since the main debate is to go with a gamble or play it safe.

It is an issue of which Green is more important to get first. Cannabis smoking green or Cannabis profits Dollars Green.

California doesn't like drug gangs and drug dealing. They will vote no to legal drug gangs and legal drug dealing but they just might allow people to grow and trade their own.

So are you willing to gamble with all our lives and possibly squander our next chance at legalization for the people because of trying to attach a commerce rider?

That is the debate.

Is it to be or not to be that is the question. Whether is is wiser to follow repeating failure or plot a safer course to success.

2 strikes for commerce and one Home Run for the people. You tell us; are we to have freedom or are we hostage to profiteers?



Well-Known Member
How about this for a poll.

Given the fact that two cannabis initiatives have failed that contain commerce language and one has passed that did not have commerce language would you support a third attempt to pass commerce language or would you support legalization for just private citizens this next election.

I have thought and thought this and that there is only one point of debate..

Do we let business ruin another chance to be legal?

That is all I have. If that is the debate I can work on a nice post but it comes down to breaking up the efforts so we get some place this next time.

My point of debate is one of observation of the voting results.
Write a poll on that. I'm cool with a poll on that.


Well-Known Member
Ernest why don't you just write the poll and Dan edit what he thinks and then you both agree...or are you going to have a poll about starting a poll for a poll ????geezzz already


Well-Known Member
Ernest why don't you just write the poll and Dan edit what he thinks and then you both agree...or are you going to have a poll about starting a poll for a poll ????geezzz already

Go ahead Dan a write the poll already..

You know my position you should be able to write a poll.

As for what people will vote for I see only one argument. Do we support another commerce initiative or do we go with a people only initiative in the spirit of prop 215.

Anything other than this debate is pointless to me because California votes down Commerce every time and I believe cannabis industry at this time is a non-starter.

So go on Dan make the poll.


Well-Known Member
GDo we support another commerce initiative or do we go with a people only initiative in the spirit of prop 215.
I think you keep generalizing too much. You say they vote down commerce? No, they voted down prop 19 because of the wally-worlds of pot. It wasn't just because of commerce. If anything, it was voted down because it was going to kill commerce on the smaller scale. I personally think a "commerce initiative" (I really don't like calling it that) could still pass. I am in favor with Dan's initiative, after a little more debate and maybe a few changes of course.