Dan Kone
Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if my posts have too much substance for you to wrap your head around. Not everything fits on a fortune cookie. I have no interest in spouting soundbite rhetoric aimed at gaining the support of the dumbest guy in the room. That's just not how I roll.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It makes it hard to read when you slice and dice and then argue with yourself and again you seem to be a different person who forgot again to ask a question back.
How do I counter a shotgun blast of ramble?
First if we stick to narrow visions of what is and what is not then we will only comfort ourselves that we are right.
I will do that if you accept my challenge of having a poll where the people get to decide who's version of legalization better. Since you claim to be defending the rights of the people, that should be the way to go right?Can you restate your post in more of a block reply? Add a question as well. I cannot do the work of organizing your reply back into a conversation without slicing and dicing as well.
I have no idea what that means.You suggested we would write polls and discuss but with this last entry you had a fight with the wind.
You are advocating a system where everyone registers their personal grows with the government. I'm not jumping to conclusions. You said that stuff. Sorry, I just don't think it's the government's business to inspect my personal grow. I'm perfectly happy with the cops not knowing about it. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has that opinion.I have said I am for a separation between business and private citizen. That doesn't mean you can jump to conclusions on inspections.
lulz? Really? You're denying you wrote those things then advocating them in the same breath? Ok then.So how about it? Did I really write all the things you just complained about?
We have to face facts that we cannot have legalization without supervision in our current political reality.
If the cops suspect there is an illegal activity and have probably cause, they can get a warrant. But if I'm growing at my house for personal business I don't see how that is the cops business.
Sorry, telling the cops about your grow is a bad idea. I don't care if you're following the law to the letter, that is still very risky. Cops are going to be cops always. That includes being very shady sometimes. I don't want them in my house. No thank you.
Ok, but when I get a doctors recommendation I don't mail the government a copy so they can send the cops over to my house. I'd like to keep it that way.Permits mean that if you are growing produce you can show you have a permit so law enforcement can avoid unnecessary actions such as a criminal investigation.
What do we do now? We show our Dr's recommendation and it is up to the officer to decide what is to be done.
Word of advice... This is probably the wrong audience to be talking about how awesome the cops are and how great it is to have them in your home. Many people on this forum have had their lives totally fucked over by the cops.I understand many officers are polite and damn happy to leave a peaceful pot person alone.
Sure, not all cops are bad and it really depends where you live. But I've lived in Richmond, San Francisco, and LA. Trust me, those cops are not your friends. Anyone who's lived in those cities knows what I'm talking about.
I've seen SFPD beat the shit out of an 8 year old for the crime of having a baseball bat. The cops used the excuse that it was a weapon even though the kid was at a park playing baseball. And you think I should invite that cop into my house to inspect my grow? lol. You've got to be out of your mind.
I don't even know what you're arguing anymore Ernest. You've compeltely departed from reason.You and I are still arguing apples and oranges.
Under your version of legalization you seem to want:
1) Invite the cops into your house to inspect your grow
2) Omit limitations on corporations for growing/selling cannabis so those corporations can write their own laws
3) Put no restrictions on grow size allowing for massive pot warehouses like they wanted to do under prop 19.
Have you lost your damn mind? That's insane! It's bad enough you don't want to put in any incentive for non-smokers to vote for it, but you've lost your way. What you're supporting is a horrible nightmare for the people of California.
Simple is ok. Shortsighted is not. Inconsiderate is not. What you're advocating is both shortsighted and inconsiderate. What I proposed was fairly simple. No one had a hard time understanding it. There is no reason we can't have simple without being shortsighted and inconsiderate.The point of a simplified for the people initiative isn't to defeat cannabis industry or open the door to International Corporations it is to grant rights to the citizen.
You're drawing a false conclusion. You've presented no evidence that people voted against prop 19 because it allowed dispensaries. I heard no one complaining about dispensaries. People didn't like prop 19 because they perceived it to hand over cannabis trade to large monopolies and interfere with medical rights. What you're proposing insures the things in prop 19 people objected to would become true.The reason for splitting the issues is because California voted NO Twice already for anything that legalizes cannabis industry and California voted YES once in ONE tries to legalize for the people with prop 215.
I've made that point several times and you ignore it. Ignoring it doesn't make it less true.
And there it is again. The non-commercial trade. You're more than happy to address trade, it just has to be the exact kind of trade you want. Sorry Ernest, but legalization is more that just the ability for Ernest to sell dime bags out of his house.The idea is to follow a safe and simple first step so we stop sending law abiding people to prison, stop taking their property, stop firing them from their jobs for simple use, horticulture and private non-commercial trade.
I know most people reply to posts different than I do. That's fine for them. I post this way for a reason. I like to address substance and content. This way helps me address each idea in a persons post.It will be better to block reply in my opinion.
Like it, don't like it, I don't care. I'll post how I please.
But my offer stands. If you want to write a proposal of your version of legalization so we can have poll to see what the people want, I'll conform to your wish and start posting in blocks.
Please elaborate. What would this clause entail? Would that stop large monopolistic corporations like Philip Morris from taking over cannabis trade?*2 How about this: We have a clause in the Initiative to establish commerce but deal with it separately so this effort doesn't sink to the deep depths of defeat?
Where are these people? Who are these people? Are these people the cops? I don't see any outcry from people to have personal grows inspected by cops.*3 Shouldn't be anyone's business indeed but it is. There are people who demand that before the people have rights that commerce be approved.
The different tones I take with you are directly proportionate to the content of your posts. When you're being reasonable and addressing content, I'm polite. When you suggest insane things and spout of rhetoric made to fit on fortune cookies, I become increasingly hostile towards you. I was hoping you'd pick up on that.Now on to the last of your reply. This is why it seems you are more than one person at times.
I assure you, I'm one person. I just treat you differently depending on what you're saying and how you're saying it.
You say that, but you've proposed nothing that would prohibit Richard Lee style pot factories. Unlimited is unlimited. Also, breeding is a commercial activity.Unlimited Scale was a topic we covered and I wrote I am in favor of Horticulture rights for the people so that means Non-Commercial growing such as breeding, seed saving and other activities commonly associated with plants.
And I'd like to keep it that way! But under your law, it will be more like a manufactured good. I support limits for a reason. It's to keep from becoming a manufactured good.This is a plant not a manufactured goods. So you do this a lot.
That's not true. You are VERY concerned with the business side. You advocate a very specific form of retail cannabis. So specific it makes me think this whole thing is just about what you want to do for a business.Flip back claiming that I am arguing some position you are against when i am not even concerned with the business side of legalizing
Yeah, you're not exactly Robert Frost, I don't think anyone was having a problem wrapping their head around that metaphor.Was it you who wanted to sell the hay and never mind the horse? Cart and Horse analogy is one of business and people.
The Cart represents commerce such as a load of hay going to market. The horse represents those who do the work of making commerce possible in the act of pulling the load.
Your still not distracting me from the fact that this is all a false assumption based off of questionable motives.
Have you picked up on the fact that pretending you're not concerned with cannabis sales and profits isn't working on me? I know what you're trying to do here. You care very much about the cannabis market and want it in a very specific way. Pretending this is about something other than that is very transparent.So Why must we be the Jesus for Cannabis profits in 2012 when we are happy with simple Horticulture, use and non-commercial private trade of seeds and clones for example.
You mean what is best for people who want to breed cannabis out of their Turlock homes and make a living off of it without going through the trouble of forming a legal business? Yeah, how noble of you.As long as we do our BEST for the people this time with a simplified Initiative.
If you're so concerned with what is best with the people why are you so afraid of a poll where the people decide what is best for them?
If what you're really advocating what is best for the people then you've got nothing to worry about. This can be settled and we can stop this exercise in futility.