First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
On a side note about freebies, I always hate paying the fee for my medical card, but now that me and the wife both have one it actually saved us money pretty fast because all the dispensaries have first time patient freebies AND referral freebies AND day of the week specials, so I go once, get my freebie and the day of the week special, then bring her, get my referral bonus, her first timer bonus, and the day of the week special. Doing it right you can buy 3 grams and get 5 grams free at every new place you go to, and you don't even have to feel bad because they want you to do it. Weedmaps changed my life hahaha :hump:
I wish Mich. would get on board with the dispensaries, but alas they are highly discouraged and raided soon after they are established. I was a member of one for about 2 months before the cops come in and shut them down. I was pissed too, because the owners wifey was hawt as hell, not that I would do anything or her for that matter, but man o man was she easy on these old assed eye's of mine...lolol

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I feel yah! I dunno how but they always seem to have very pretty lil' gals workin at the clubs. Thankfully my wife lets me go by aquarium rules, I can look at the fish all I want as long as I don't try to pet them or fry them up with chips or sushi hahaha! I can't see it being much longer til there is medical or even full legalization pretty much everywhere, I mean if you had told me fifteen years ago that I would be able to go online and order weed that would be delivered to my door the next day, I would have laughed

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Her main cola is fattening up nicely

And some of her buds are even starting to turn purple, although it's hard to see through the trichomes

Annnnnd a shot of one of the little nugs closer to the main stem growing and doin' what it do, this is what most of the little nugs along the branches are doing, I'm thinking it's a good thing I didn't chop her last week hahaha

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Some of the pistils on the higher up nugs have started to turn color again, from the light brown to a much darker brown, so I think I am going to chop her before I start to pass the peak of the bellcurve and the potency starts to drop. I've decided I am going to leave the lowest four branches intact as they are the source of most of the new growth and I think that they will really explode once the rest of the plant is gone and it can focus all it's energy on them, and I'll harvest them in another 1-2 weeks. Debating whether or not to give her a feeding right after I chop, with a good dose of bloom nutes and nitrogen for the new growth as well as b12 to help with the stress of chopping the top. I think I will use tomorrow to clear out and set up the closet to hang dry them in, and chop her day after tomorrow when the rain should have stopped and the outside humidity will go down from 99 to about 70, which I should then be able to keep right around 45-55 in the closet. I think that should work to give her a nice 5 day dry before jarring and starting the cure. Seem like a decent course of action?


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Ace, Be careful how much you feed her though as you will be removing a good portion of the plant. Don't want to give her a belly

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Good call, I was just thinkin' some blackstrap molasses, a little indo bat guano, and a couple drops of superthrive, nothing that should burn her. Alternatively I could probably get away with just drenching from the top, as I have been bottom feeding her water to keep they top layer dry (to combat fungus gnats) so I never really washed down all her top dressing.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Well my pot is cloth, so I don't have drain holes, but my understanding is that they can live anywhere damp, usually in the topsoil, where they lay eggs and the larvae feed on the roots and fungus in the soil. The adults thankfully don't feed on anything, they just drink water, lay eggs, and die, it's the larvae that are the problem. And you can stop the larvae from getting at your roots by keeping the top layer of soil dry so they have nowhere to lay and hatch eggs. At least that was the idea I got from my research


Well-Known Member
Yeah duh, I forgot you were using a cloth So I see you liked the pics of the CMH, that's one bright light isn't it. Not to be nosy but do you own or rent. I have an idea for ya.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Rent, but the owners are medical patients too, hence my ability to grow outside, but also hence my lack of an ability to do any serious remodeling to properly vent my grow closet hahaha


Well-Known Member
Do you think they would would mind you cutting a 6 or 8 inch hole in the ceiling of the closet to run a duct through that way the fan could be mounted away from the bedroom so you wouldn't hear it, provided there is space above the ceiling. When you are done growing you could mount a light fixture effectively covering the hole and adding a light to the closet.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
That's a good idea, I'll run it by them. I know there is an attic somewhere above me, but I tend to stay away from dark spaces due to the sheer number of black widows that inhabit every shadowy corner. I am waging a war against them, this whole neighborhood is infested, I should post some pics because it is terrifying. I'm gonna start guerrilla dropping preying mantis egg sacs in all my neighbors gardens since they are pretty much the only thing that actively hunts black widows (Except for blue mud dauber wasps, but I don't really fancy bringing a swarm of wasps to town)


Well-Known Member
You can keep those black widows out there in cali bro, we have the brown recluse and wolf spiders here. I hate damn spiders and their fricken webs. Sounds like a good idea to encourage praying mantis's to inhabit the area. It's cool to watch them munch on their kill. And they are a badass lookin