First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I still see new pistils so I think she still has some plumping to do, gonna leave her a few more days and see how she looks then. She's not the bulkiest lady so I don't wanna chop her while she's still filling out

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Also contemplating 24-48 hours of darkness before harvest, but I am still on the fence about it, there seems to be much debate over its efficacy


Well-Known Member
If I was going to put them in the dark it would be for a week or two, and the roots would be totally submerged in a tub of water. Yup, I would drown her ass!! Supposedly It starts the curing process early before you even start drying. I don't have references to back this up, but it does make some sense. I'll have to look through the thread where i read it and see what i can dig up. Later gator....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I read an article once that said something along the same lines, flood the roots and leave in the dark for 10 days, but I am about 100% sure that with the humidity here I would run into severe mold issues. I only water at the beginning of lights on, I have 3 desiccant based dehumidifiers with enough silica gel desiccant for over 500 square feet in my 4ft by 2ft by 2ft grow area, and it still hit 45% last night. Before I got my Eva-Dry (And was using damp-rid) the humidity was regularly hitting the mid 60's with lights off. With the rain we've been having the RH of the outside air has been around 85-99% and it makes keeping things dry a real nightmare.


Well-Known Member
For your first grow your plants look amazing (BTW I've only seen the pics on page one and nothing else :p )


Well-Known Member
I read an article once that said something along the same lines, flood the roots and leave in the dark for 10 days, but I am about 100% sure that with the humidity here I would run into severe mold issues. I only water at the beginning of lights on, I have 3 desiccant based dehumidifiers with enough silica gel desiccant for over 500 square feet in my 4ft by 2ft by 2ft grow area, and it still hit 45% last night. Before I got my Eva-Dry (And was using damp-rid) the humidity was regularly hitting the mid 60's with lights off. With the rain we've been having the RH of the outside air has been around 85-99% and it makes keeping things dry a real nightmare.
Holy crap man, yeah I don't think ya'll want to do that :neutral: GOT

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member

Check this out Ace! Being that you have very high humidity this may be just the ticket for you. I built one of these much larger and will get pics of it when I go visit my buddy as he paid for the materials to build it. Here's to hoping this may solve a very big issue for you. :hump: Cheers....J
Nice, that is exactly what I had in mind (except with a boxed in corner of the room instead of a tubberwear), the fact that that worked so well makes me very optimistic! What I never thought of is blowing in air over a heatsink so cool it, that is an absolutely genius way of keeping temps down in hot weather, I am suddenly glad I have tons of old heatsinks lying around from old computer builds hahaha


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that Ace. I have one more I'm going to show you, looking for what page its on so you don't have to spend time looking for it....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Ok so I had a little misstep today, went out for an early breakfast before lights on, and wound up spending almost seven hours at the emergency room (Everything is okay now thankfully) but because of that my plant had to wait an extra five-six hours for lights on. Not the end of the world since I'm so close to harvest, but now I'm unsure if I should go back to 12/12, or keep her on an 18/6 dark/light cycle til harvest to minimize stress. In a bit of good news, it seems my decision to postpone the harvest i had planned on the 20th has paid off, as many of the middle buds are plumping up now and today I noticed that even the very lowest branches have sprung to life with a second wind, throwing out a whole new batch of pistils. I have pics but I apologize in advance for the lighting. Check it out

Don't know if you can tell but the buds like this one have really swelled over the past few days

Here you can see the little middle branch buds really coming into their own, still throwing out a couple new pistils here and there as the calyces swell

And here you can the the lowest branches springing to life, even the branch that starts below the level of the dirt has new buds forming all the way down to where it hits the dirt. Kinda Crazy, I think when I harvest I'll definitely leave these and see if they plump up like the branches higher up, see if I can eke out a little extra weight from the harvest hehehe


Well-Known Member

It's in this thread starting on page 114, Riddleme called it a fermentation chamber. Actually this whole thread deserves a read as well as everything else he wrote, tons of links and great information covering all aspects of a great grow. When I go visit my buddy I will get detailed pics for you even though you may do something different. Someone else may benefit from it as well, and I don't mind sharing what I know....Enjoy my friend....J


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your misfortune Ace. :cry: I hope you are ok. Your lady friend looks lovely, Its amazing how they can kick it into high gear like that. I recommend just resuming the schedule that you had her on as switching to 18/6 will put her back in veg mode and make her buds fluffy. That little glitch shouldn't hurt her one bit....Take care my friend and happy reading....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I meant 18 hours dark, 6 hours light (Which is what she got today), but either way I can pretty easily go back to 12/12, she'll just have had one really long night.