First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Two things, one I just realized that I haven't posted a picture of the plant as a whole in a while, and thought I should upload one because she has this very pretty christmas tree shape

Second, I noticed something on one of her very low branches near the base that I hadn't seen before because it is on the exact opposite side of the plant from where I normally look. There is like a dense thicket of new growth that looks different than almost all the other areas of the plant. I tried to get a picture but it was tough (and turning the plant with my light setup is a pain in the nuts). I'll have to get a better picture later, but in the meantime here it is. It is growing super thick in the crotch where the branch connects, and it has some strange leaves that actually look to me like cotyledons, you can see one of them in the picture. I cropped and circled the cotyledon-like leaf in the second picture in case it's hard to spot (like the spider was in my Friend or Foe post)

I think I am going to harvest most of the plant in the next few days, but leave all the little growths like these on her lower extremities, basically just take the top 3/4ths of the plant, and put the remaining 25% outside (Since the days are now just about 12hrs long) and see how they plump up for a week or two, since they seem to be growing on a totally separate schedule from the top 3/4ths of the plant


Well-Known Member
Hey man do you know your growing a dang christmas tree? Ahhh I know you must like that old school piney taste...LMAO...J/K bro. I just couldn't resist Ace. On a serious note, do ladybugs also eat the eggs of mites? I asked this on my own thread too, because I really want to know. If so I'll order some and fix those little leaf suckers good....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Hahaha actually it's funny, behind the intense smell of oranges there is a distinct piney scent to it, like a fresh cut pine tree polished with Orange Glo :weed:


Well-Known Member
HAha that is funny, and I was just messin with ya :hump: Thanks for the quick reply Ace, I appreciate it very much....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
So I have a couple more pictures of the strange new growth area on her third-from-the-bottom branch. She literally had buds coming off it from all angles, wrapping around it like a little turtle neck in a way that's not happening anywhere else. Kinda fun!



Well-Known Member
Look who finally got their rep bar filled out...only took me about 6 yrs and I still got a bit to go yet to be beyond

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
The top is looking pretty good, I get slightly depressed looking at the main cola because I can see a couple areas that have seeds, but it keeps plumping up every day, still throwing a couple new hairs here and there, but nothing like those bottom branches. Whats weird is that like 2 weeks ago there really was nothing on those branches, especially in those areas. I don't know what sparked them to suddenly leap to life like this, and start producing so many new bud sites. I am excited though, by the looks of it it will add quite a bit of bud to my final harvest that I hadn't expected. And as an added benefit, it doesn't seem like the new growth on those lower branches caught any pollen, and the bud structure seems different because of it. It just seems like the bottom four branches are their own separate plant hahaha

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Look who finally got their rep bar filled out...only took me about 6 yrs and I still got a bit to go yet to be beyond
Hehehe I dunno why but it seems folks have quite a fondness for my particular style of arguing with people on here :D
But that just proves how unfair things are, if I had my druthers your bar would be overflowing!


Well-Known Member
Seeds might not be a bad thing bro. Did she hermie or do you think she got some pollen while outside? That is very strange that the bottom is still going strong, because usually the bottom finishes first, at least some strains do. Did you run into your favorite troll again? You know some people will defend what they think to be truth, even though a whole flock of members are telling them that they are full of shit. I'll tell ya man some peoples kids..sheeesh. Thanks for showing me so much respect Ace, I truly appreciate that. Maybe we will have an opportunity to meet since it looks like I will have to come out there if I want seeds from the seedbank I posted a while back. It all depends on how well things go this summer if you catch my

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
For sure brother! And naw I haven't had any more run ins, but one particular post I made keeps getting rep as people read through the thread every time someone bumps it hahaha. I know for a fact my girl hermied on me, I been picking off stray male flowers every now and then when they pop up, and there are no other plants for her to have caught pollen from when she was outside. I'm guessing it was from my newb mistakes, light leaks and such, and not due to real hermie genetics, so I think if I am careful I should be able to grow her seeds without them for sure turning herm. It will be nice to know that at the very least they will pop as females hehehe. And who knows, because of Mendelian genetics even a seed she made with her own pollen could still express a different phenotype if it pulls two recessive genes off her, ya know?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how you got so much rep so fast..haha..that's cool bro. It would be awesome to get a couple of different phenos for sure, especially if one was indy and the other more on the sativa side. Hell you would have day and night covered with 2 plants!! I'll tell ya bro, I think you have done an amazing job with her. When they go into flower mode it get's a lot trickier than most people think, due to the demands of flowering. You should have seen some of my early work. Talk about fucked up plants!! I think I've made about every mistake you can make with a pot plant. I just didn't post them online, because I was too damn embarrassed to show well my friend I should get my ass off this puter and lay down for a while. I'll catch ya on the flip side....J

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Thanks man, it means a lot! I got lucky it went as well as it did, I have a bad habit of being easily discouraged when things don't go well :P I think I owe a lot of my first time luck to picking a good clone, not sure that things woulda turned out this well if I had grown it from seed hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Seeds might not be a bad thing bro. Did she hermie or do you think she got some pollen while outside? That is very strange that the bottom is still going strong, because usually the bottom finishes first, at least some strains do. Did you run into your favorite troll again? You know some people will defend what they think to be truth, even though a whole flock of members are telling them that they are full of shit. I'll tell ya man some peoples kids..sheeesh. Thanks for showing me so much respect Ace, I truly appreciate that. Maybe we will have an opportunity to meet since it looks like I will have to come out there if I want seeds from the seedbank I posted a while back. It all depends on how well things go this summer if you catch my
Yeah, seeds ain't bad at all; other than taking a bit of potency away and making you work harder when trimming you will still be rewarded in the end with both seeds and bud.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Yeah I got lucky too, only a few of the buds got seeded at all, and even those only have a couple seeds each, the vast majority of it is seed free. On the plus side, the seeds give me a bonus indicator of when the plant is fully mature, I figure when the seeds are finished I'll chop chop chop :weed:


Well-Known Member
It takes a lot more than just a good clone. Subcool doesn't mess around with feminizing and that's why his strains are so stable and tolerant of newbie mistakes. Hell when my Cali dream hermied, it didn't affect my pandora's box at all. As a matter of fact the only one it did affect was the Blue Mammoth which was feminized,every other plant was from reg seeds. Anyway's that's my observations on the subject and why I stick to ordering reg seeds. I have feminized plants going, but they were freebies. Gotta love

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
I really like the looks of all Subcool's gear. What's really cool is that one of the dispensaries right near me carries his full line of seeds, so if I want to grow any of his stuff this summer I won't have to order it online which is a huge plus (Not to mention it's nice to get a couple free grams with my purchase at the storefront hahaha)


Well-Known Member
I really like the looks of all Subcool's gear. What's really cool is that one of the dispensaries right near me carries his full line of seeds, so if I want to grow any of his stuff this summer I won't have to order it online which is a huge plus (Not to mention it's nice to get a couple free grams with my purchase at the storefront hahaha)
Hells Yeah!!!!...Nothing like free samples...sounds a lot like Sam's club

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
On a side note about freebies, I always hate paying the fee for my medical card, but now that me and the wife both have one it actually saved us money pretty fast because all the dispensaries have first time patient freebies AND referral freebies AND day of the week specials, so I go once, get my freebie and the day of the week special, then bring her, get my referral bonus, her first timer bonus, and the day of the week special. Doing it right you can buy 3 grams and get 5 grams free at every new place you go to, and you don't even have to feel bad because they want you to do it. Weedmaps changed my life hahaha :hump: