• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

First Official cfl grow


Well-Known Member
i'll high five to that bro! she looks girlish to me lol. by the way, my girl's stem wound is healing up nicely, thanks for sending the good vibes :) . peace


Active Member
I wish I could be a care giver very badly. Sadly, I'm not even close to being in a correct State for it, yet. I would like to either have a dispensary or work for one, either one is fine by me. All I need is a job paying 9 bucks an hr, I would be fine. I will eventually get my ass back to the West Coast. I firmly believe down to my toes that cannabis is awesome for medicine, as I know it is for me. I wish to grow more than 1 plant, but am afraid to. 5 plants get me a complete and utter felony here, less than 5 I might be ok. So I do one. No scale, no guns, nothing to add to any charges. Paranoid? Kinda. But also just trying to do what I want, while minimizing the consequences should I get caught "breaking their law". Asshole politicians. Especially Obama. "Oh I inhaled. Frequently. That was the point." Yet he won't legalize it, even though he KNOWS it didn't hurt him at all, shit, motherfucker got to be President! Tell me cannabis ruins lives. Uh huh. Ok, rant is over lol. I'm just pissed because I am stuck in the middle of country. lol. And sick again. Still got the insomnia too. So yeah, been rough.
I didn't know, HippySmoke, that you could develop tolerance to a strain as well. Thanks for the heads up! :) I do use it medicinally, for chronic pain and anxiety/depression. That's why I need the right strain :( Most of it works fine for the pain, but the anxiety, that takes a special one. Cause it's different for everybody. So I gotta find the right one for me, so I can be in heaven on earth for the first time in 6 years :) (Yes, I also use it for re-creation. I say it that way, because cannabis always help me be more creative, and I love that).
I am not a "legal" caregiver at this moment as that would restrict me to one patient as per local law so I work outside the box but still under the big scale. I am considering moving to someplace with co-op's and find some that aren't corrupt and look for work. But I have a bit of education I want under my belt first.

Glad ya know now, about strain tolerances. :)

And the obama quote is just the flavor of the month it is february so need to change it but I try to keep a cannabis based statement from a political figure in each one. Or at least cannabis related.

I can understand why you wouldn't want to have too many plants out there, on this side of the U.S. unless I don't get blatant or start a farm there are bigger fish to fry.


Active Member
High All! Did rollitup change their text format? Cause this ain't from me! Weird.
Update. She is growing, she is a bit taller, and the leaves are getting bigger. Here she is tonight:

feb 4 001.jpgfeb 4 004.jpg
I can see she is getting a second set of leaves! Yay!
Smoke report is still pending from my last harvest. The good thing is that it is starting to get near the end of cure, it's got that Hay smell right now, so in about 1 more week should be smelling good and ready to burn one! Will keep ya posted!
Have a good evening all!


Active Member
Nope, I didn't forget homer371 or hippysmoke! lol. Just had to get the update out of the way first lol.
homer371, thanks for the high five! hehe. She is growing, it's a beautiful thing! Wow. Who knew growing a plant, any plant, could be this exciting and cool? I got a taste of it this last summer growing a garden at my bud's house, but this is even better in so many ways! wow.
HippySmoke, wow, 1 patient? That's it? Dang. I guess 1 is better than none, but sheez. You want my total honest opinion on cannabis? And I know this will not sit well with many, but it's only my opinion, it's worth about as much as a a pile of shit lol. And I am for shit sure not trying to offend anyone at all. Not one bit. Because I would like to make a living off it too. But I honestly believe that cannabis should be free. I know we have many dispensaries, and I would like to work in one, but if I opened one, it would be very low cost. Enough to pay the bills and make 2000 a month, that's it. I know these care centers are charging 40 to 60 an eight, and that is wrong for me. That's street prices. That's not right. We should not be opening care centers to make a ton of money or be a legal drug dealer. That is not what cannabis is for, in my mind Make a decent living, sure. But get rich or middle class, no. If you want that, choose another profession. I wish I could grow a whole farm of it, and just give it away! I really do. Like, have a regular job, and simply grow it on the side, and just give it away to those that need it. Why? Because I think medicine should be free. And it IS medicine, to many. To many it is just a way to get stoned. To many, it's an eye opener, a creative catalyst. To others, a sacrament. It has so many meanings to so many people. It's weird that way, isn't it? It's just a plant. Yet it's used and thought of in tons of different ways. Unlike say, hops, which is pretty much just for making alcohol. I like your new quote. Good one. I liked the Obama one too, lol. It showed how much of a hypocrite he is lol.
Well, hmm. I could go on longer lol. Yeah, gets lonely here sometimes lol. But I will stop for now. Maybe later I will take a pic of my curing, and my current medicine that I got. It's pretty dense stuff. Not sure about it though, I prefer a different stone. Man, I need to live in a state with care centers so I can find the right one for me! Very frustrating! Anyhoo. Not going to get worked up and mad. lol. Later all!


Active Member
For the most part I feel the same way, I give out maybe 5-6 clones a month (averaged through the year) and ALL the cannabis I am flowering at this exact moment is for medical patients, (till next week!) what do I charge? I ask that if you have just a few bucks per plant feel free to help with the cost of electricity plus nutrients and such but if not no biggie it is about the medicine not money...

Although I admit I charge the patients I am helping to grow. And an enormous fee for each time I have to go out there and work more than an hour (such as on res flush day) I ask for lunch :) an exorbitant fee I must admit... :P Yea but sadly so few have the right perspective in legal states, due to the progression of the system. They see it as being a legal drug dealer just like you said, and that make it even worse for true patriot's of the cannabis movement, reminds me of the poll I once had among illegal growers in my area and whether or not they want cannabis legalized taxed and regulated... 90% said "hell no I may as well be a virginia tobacco farmer if that happened" or along those lines but the cannabis world is filled with many people whom have very different perspectives, I am glad you shared yours thank you. Because even if someone doesn't agree isn't the free trade of idea's part of what we're here for?


Active Member
HippySmoke, yes indeed the free trade of idea's is a huge part of what we're here for! Mankind was not created to live alone, or to be a hermit and ignore others. Part of what makes us humans is our need for interaction with each other, and our need/want for passing idea's back and forth. I love having a good conversation with someone, and exchanging ideas/thoughts. I can do that for hours lol. It helps me to see things in another perspective besides my own, and that is valuable. It helps me to learn about myself and see what things I might want/need to change to become a better person.
Lunch!! How dare you ask for lunch! LOL haha! Nice! I think that's cool. I think that if a person is a caregiver, really it's ok to make a bit of money, I just don't like how those care centers are sitting back and making 6 figures a year. They might as well be big pharma in that case! (kinda lol)
"90% said "hell no I may as well be a virginia tobacco farmer if that happened" Exactly. A big part of why prop 19 lost was because many voters didn't want to lose their cash cow. Greed. Gets em every time. And if they had not been so selfish, then we could have gotten either mmj or cannabis legalized nationwide a whole lot sooner I think! Those idiots didn't realize that with their selfishness they did some real damage to the cannabis legalization movement. Very sad.
Well, no updates on pics for my baby. But I think I shall share some pics of my curing harvest and my current med.
First, one of my curing buds, I can't believe it has purple pistils! lol

just pics 004.jpgjust pics 002.jpgjust pics 003.jpg

just pics 001.jpg

That's one of the buds.
Here is what I got right now for meds, have no idea what strain, but I really dont' like the smell.
just pics 007.jpg

Thats all for now. Might be back later, not sure. My baby is in dark time right now. If I am awake when she wakes up I might do some pics. Hope everyone is having a great evening and a good weekend so far!


Well-Known Member
hey man, i'm with you on the whole prop 19 thing and the selfishness of a lot of the people involved. and i agree that pot should (in theory) be pretty cheap, because it's so cheap to produce. sure it costs us amateurs a bit of money to buy equipment, nutes, etc, not to mention the price of "stealth" lol, but if it were legal and we could produce on a bigger scale with any type of dedication and efficiency, it would end up costing $10 (maybe $20) to produce an ounce of dank indoor weed. that's why prices WILL come down, it's just a matter of time. in fact they are already coming down big time in california.

anyway, your curing buds look so cool man. purple green orange brown yellow different green, lol, it's gotta be the most colorful bud i've seen. i hope you're able to dig into it pretty soon bro. toke it easy...


Active Member
Thanks, Homer371!! I think it's actually quite good looking and colorful myself! :) I've never seen bud like this, that's for sure lol. I will try to put up some more pics of the rest of the buds. That was just 1 of many. I think it's neat to keep our grow's in our memory through pictures. Helps us to remember and visualize and such. Also reminds us of our mistakes, so we don't forget them lol.
Glad you can agree on the Prop. 19 deal, even if you didn't, I would still respect you :) That's the whole point of us sharing how we feel. Not being afraid that oh, that person doesn't like what I'm saying, I will just be quiet. No. Spread our thoughts, our minds, our souls. It makes us human and it's really quite wonderful. How else can we teach others' ?
Ok, I think it's almost time for another walk. Taken 2 or 3 today. Fighting the anxiety, and also am withdrawing from Celexa. I am weening myself of it, a few mg's at a time. I was supposed to be on 20, I have made it down to 5mg a day. This is an ongoing battle, since 2004. But this time....I'm committed. I'm going to do it. I'm going to get off this damn chemical. Come hell or high water. And Heaven will be the result. So I'm hopeful.
Good Morning and Happy Sunday to All!!!!! :) :) (And the time is now 6 am CST lol)


Active Member
Busy busy morning after coffee since my PH tester is broken using the old science trick of vinegar and a mason jar with sample pretty quick here then fighting PH issues, half my crop are off now perfect time for my PH tester to mess up... but on a lighter note so proud to hear you are taking the effort to remove that shit from your life dude sometimes chemical medications are the only option but thankfully not this time oh medicinal cannabis user :)


Active Member
Feb 6 002.jpgFeb 6 003.jpgfriendly tree 001.jpgFeb 6 001.jpgfriendly tree 002.jpg

These are pics from today. The evergreen branches are from my walk last night. Don't have many where I am at, but I partook of this one for my living room. :) Love the smell of evergreens.
She is growing! I'm very happy.
HippySmoke, sorry to hear your pH tester committed suicide on ya! Bummer :( I learned the importance of pH testing last grow lol, and so now I know how important that is! I hope you get it fixed or get a new one soon! Yep, I am one of those people that should not be on this chemical stuff. Some people have to, like you said. I think a large portion of it can be related to diet, whether we eat something we are intolerant of or whatnot. I am intolerant to wheat/gluten, and I am steadfastly not eating any while weening off the celexa, because gluten causes me to have more anxiety than normal. Day 6 or so I think, no gluten/wheat. I know much of mine was created all by myself, spent too much time indoors, cabin fever, no exercise, etc. So I am going to take another walk tonight, after done with grilling some chicken, that's what I'm doing now.
Have a good one all! Peace!


Active Member
It will be interesting also, when her leaves get bigger, might be able to tell if indica or sativa this time lol. Hopefully lol. Keep on eye out for me all, as I don't have any real experience in telling the difference aside from looking at pics on the net. Fat leaves vs. skinny, that's about all I know. Gotta order some nutes soon, have not done that yet. I did a pH up/down kit for hydro, using it for soil. I hope that's ok. Someone told me it was. thougths on that?


Well-Known Member
yo allforit, the plant is looking great dude. looking really healthy! one thing i learned recently about ph, might come in handy later on... if you use molasses, it lowers ph (1 tablespoon of molasses in 1 gallon of water lowers PH by about 1 point). molasses makes the water yellow so the ph tester kit is hard to use so this is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind if you're gonna use molasses, came in handy to me as i did my first molasses watering yesterday. anyway, take it easy bro. i'll be keeping an eye on the indica or sativa signs.


Active Member
Thanks homer371 for keeping an eye out with me! I would really like to know this time, if possible. I know there are many hybrids and such, but I think we should be able to tell mostly by fat or skinny leaves. Dominance for sure at least. I'm on the search for the right medicine, so strain is actually very important to me. But I have no strains yet. Just bagseed. Damn. Maybe someday, when I am 90, I might find the right strain for my medicine lol.
Cure Report. Still curing. lol. Seems to be smelling a bit sweeter, less of a hay smell for sure. However, the buds feel really really crisp and dry, and that is bad. It should be all sticky and able to form and stick in a pyramid lol. Like some good skunk. But alas. I obviously messed up the cure. either dried it for too long or not long enough. And/or burped it for too long a time frame, i.e. 2 hrs, then 1 hr. then 20 mins, then 2 hrs. etc. Not any kind of a set burping schedule is that bad? lol. Need some help with curing please lol.
Here she is today. No name yet, maybe soon. I will start thinking about it.

Feb 8 004.jpgFeb 8 005.jpgFeb 8 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice and perky!

Curing, man that's an art more than a science I think. You do it based on how dry or moist the buds feel. But if they're too dry going in it's hard to recapture the moistness. As long as the smell is improving, you're doing well lol.


Active Member
Sounds good to me, homer371! It's for sure a learning curve lol. I am going to simply add some moisture to it once it's done curing, and before I smoke some. Tape a piece of wet paper towel or something to the jar, let it soak up some of that. Seems to help most times.


Active Member
Thanks, lee harvey! :) She really grew since last night! The set of leaves that was tiny, not so tiny today! lol. Awesome. Hey, guess what? I bought some FF Grow Big and Tiger Bloom today at a local hardware store! I couldn't believe it! True Value carries all kinds of FF stuff for gardening. It's Feb. and a bit too early, but obviously they are starting to get ready for the season. It was just cool because I didn't have to order online, and also because I NEVER see ANY FF stuff on the shelfs here unless I go to the big city. So very cool! Didn't have to order online and wait and pay for shipping. I was so excited, I even gave my baby 1teaspoon of GB tonight with her watering :) Pics!

Feb 9 004.jpgFeb 9 001.jpgFeb 9 002.jpgFeb 9 003.jpg


Active Member
HippySmoke, together the both of them were 47 bucks. I can't remember the individual prices. And I already threw away the receipt lol.