First Grow! First Post! PLEASE look at these PICTURES and tell me what the FUCK's up!

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it as well as all everyone has done for this and other sites like this one. I've enjoyed it very much.

DISCLAIMER: This is my first grow as well as my first post.

Here's the facts:
-32 days old
-Grown from seed in soil
-under 400-W Metal Hallide 20/4

-The leaves grew and looked this way from the beginning so I didn't think it was a water or nutrient problem (nutes came 2 weeks after germination)
-I'm growing 4 in total. 2 were germinated 9 days before the other 2.
-I used the exact same method on all since the other 3 are healthy

the "little fucker" is 32 days old

Here's the little fucker:

Here's the healthy one's:
- I don't know why I clipped the leaves... I was high! Please don't heckle
- I ordered my ph meter thing 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting. Is that the problem?
- What is the problem?
- Will I have to chop it?
- Will it be no good to smoke?

Thanks a fuck-ton!


New Member
I wouldnt worry about it much. Possibly just a bit of mutated growth. Just keep an eye on the new growth and see how it does. Sometimes a lack of silica can cause mutations but I doubt thats an issue with your plant at such a young age. Bet it will be just fine. They look green and healthy too me...nice start...


Well-Known Member
the plants are small for their age and that light. your problem looks like pH lockout, possibly causing a magnesium deficiency (could be something else). what do you feed them? what water do you use? hard/soft/RO? what soil is it in? what's the size of the container?

it will be a good smoke anyway but if your problem persists it may reduce yield and even quality. you do need that pH meter, a good flushing never hurts as well.


Well-Known Member
They look good to me, the one in question is freaking a bit, no big deal. Leaf twist like that is usualy due to a rapid ph shifts, but since it is the only one I would not fuck with anything at this point or you will risk fucking the others up ;)


Active Member
your soil looks extremely dry... im gonna try throwing up some pics later of general plant problems which I already know the problem... Half you guys that answer are guessing usually...8/10 nutrients solutions have buffers n them anyways... growing in soil you have so many more options as to ph levels... none of those plants look burnt from nutes or extra salts. may be a small ph swing but f you didnt let your soil dry out to much like that that ph swing would be almost non existent.
Jiffy organic for seedling stage in solo cups
then transplanted to miracle gro organic in 3 gallon pots
but the problem has been going on since the seedling stage...
thanks a lot!
yeah i wish they had gotten bigger as well.
my problem may very well be a ph issue. as i stated above, i've been waiting on my ph meter to arrive.. ordered it 2 weeks ago. hopefully that'll help things.
miracle gro organic soil in 3 gallon pots.
water with filter tap water that has sat out at least 24 hours.
thanks a ton!
thanks a lot. yeah, it's time for a watering. thanks for the ph advise! i've never heard that drying out would cause big ph shifts, but it makes sense. thanks again!
Just got the ph meter in today!
Can anyone answer this: Should I test the ph level of the water before I add nutes or after or does it matter?


is that one close to a fan perhaps ive had something that looks like that with one of my girls might be gettin to much wind but if not that i would have to say ph fluctuation but she should grow out of it still looks healthy to me just watch the ph level


Well-Known Member
I can answer your pH questions, your first 1-

Test the water before and after, test before so you know what your tap water is! Test after nute so you know what the nutes change the pH to. You should have pH up and down as well, what pH meter is it and do you know how to check runoff to find soil's pH and probably plant problems?

An ec meter would have been twice as good here as it would be handy to know what the ppm/ec of the runoff is.


Well-Known Member
To test the pH of soil simply adjust the pH of your tapwater to 6.8 and water to runoff, collect runoff and test pH.

If you water at 6.8 and runoff is 6.4 your soil pH is 6.0.
If you water at 6.8 and runoff is 6.8 your soil pH is 6.8.
If you water at 6.8 and runoff is 6.0 your soil pH is 5.2.

So to flush you run water at 6.8 through the soil until the runoff reads 6.8. At this point you know that you have removed most of the salts left over from ferts from the soil. This is how to flush and just because you water at 6.8 and runoff is 5.8 dosent mean that adjusting the water to 7.8 and getting runoff at 6.8 is right, this is the wrong way to do it!

Now to adjust the soil pH (not flush the soil of acidic salts left over from fertilizers) you need lime or a physical buffer. Water dose not in no way change the pH of soil! Water cannot stop the peat in the soil making the soil acidic.

Hope this helps.