First Grow! First Post! PLEASE look at these PICTURES and tell me what the FUCK's up!


So what now? Did anybody figure out whats wrong with the plant? I have the same problem with mine. Is it a mutation or overnute or root rotting? waiting for reply?

So what now? Did anybody figure out whats wrong with the plant? I have the same problem with mine. Is it a mutation or overnute or root rotting? waiting for reply?
It might have been a ph issue because I didn't have a meter for the first 3 weeks or so. Two of four plant remain problem free. The issue is still seen on the other two today. I just let it be. All the talk in this thread went over my head. I let it be as well.

Check out how my plants are doing now-->

You can still see the disfiguring in some of the recent pics. Peace