First ever grow, grow journal.

Excellent! Cheers man much appreciated! +rep

Im tempted to replace the back metallic cover of my phone as well now to a black one. Mine is dented and its difficult to get the sim out so may be worth it. However it looks like a much tougher job as you have to unglue/ reglue a load of plastic to the new cover.. I think i'll see how i do with the screen first lol
Yeah, the problems start when you have to start "breaking" things to get it apart. I mend computers also. Desktops are no problem, but I dread the phone-call that says "My laptop doesn't work" as that usually means trouble! Getting into them can be a nightmare as they deliberately build them so that when you try to take them apart, stuff breaks LOL.

As I said, slowly but surely is the secret. It always looks daunting at first, but before you know it your new screen will be in place and you'll be screwing her back together again. Good luck anyway ;-)

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Cheers man :) Yeah just need to order a tool kit as well now and Hopefully i'll be ok lol thanks for the help! Bits of the screen keeping falling off/ sticking in my finger...
Update! Day 76 24 Days Flowering

So things with Jane seem to be ok now. The parts that were damaged before have just died now so may trim them a bit. But it isnt spreading any further. Wont need to water her for a good while i think. Buds are appearing everywhere!!! Hairs are beautiful arent they lol As far Mary she is catching up with Jane really well lol. Some of her branches or reaching for the sky at the moment now that ive turned the light around. I love seeing these girls develop.

And the clone is doing really well. So surprised how well i managed to clone haha


Firstly, bit irrelevant but heres my phone from tuesday lol.. :(

Heres the clone going strong :)

Over all shot mainly of Mary:

Some of the damage on Jane:

Sorry a bit out of focus, but its general shot of some of Janes tops:

Actually heres a better photo of the one above:

Quick closeup of Janes top most flower:

My favorite shot of Janes bud, you can see the crystals forming?

Another photo of Janes bud lol sorry...

Shot of some of Janes buds but with the damage on their leaves:

Shot of Mary and some of her top branches reaching out:

Overall shot of Mary:

And thats it, i will upload a video that i took and add it in here or on another post later just got to dash to work for now. Dont think i have missed out anything.

Cheers for stopping by!

Catch ya later
Cheetah yeah bad tuesday lol

Alto Yeah it doesnt seem to be getting worse, just where the damage was seems to drying up which was to be expected. The yellowing/ browning isnt spreading which is good. Im confident that this is the end of it. Odor isnt really a problem anymore in my room anyway which is quite good. I still have the odor thing outside in the room the tent is in and it seems to be doing the job :)

Heres the video i mentioned, sorry about the poor quality it doesnt focus really well.

your plants are looking ok bar the damaged leaves

have you thorght about putting up something reflective instead of the black?

maybe panda plastic or maylar?

hope that problem has stopped now and that your plants thrive

lol I was so high watching that video I caught myself moving my head with the camera like I was really there- but you were going every where i wanted to look so props!!! great video- i love that your journal has vids' unique- and i cant do it...
Hey TGP, ur plants are picking up quite well. You've had a lot of setbacks just like me but with your TLC and hard work man you'll have something reall nice in the end!! Keep up the hard work bro!!
Kulan Hunter: Yeah man i mean i had about a metre of Mylar but it got damaged so i only have small usable patch of it left which i have on one side of the tent. The only other stuff i have to hand would be tin foil which everyone says to avoid (However may be ok with my CFL?). I could get some white board actually i know its not perfect but would definitely reflect more light than the black. I wish i had ordered some Mylar when i bought my dutchmaster reverse etc would have saved money on postage. Im trying to cut back on spending at the moment seeing as im supposed to be saving money for my holiday. Particularly as i have to fork out for my iphone repair...

OB: Lmao glad i managed to show everywhere you wanted to see!

Toolage: Yeah i think so. I mean Mary and the clone are doing great its just Jane and she seems to be improving now which is good. Going to take them all out tomorrow and tie them down again and trim back a bit of Jane and possibly some of Mary to get more light to her budding sites. Cheers for stopping by again!
Kulan Hunter: Yeah man i mean i had about a metre of Mylar but it got damaged so i only have small usable patch of it left which i have on one side of the tent. The only other stuff i have to hand would be tin foil which everyone says to avoid (However may be ok with my CFL?). I could get some white board actually i know its not perfect but would definitely reflect more light than the black. I wish i had ordered some Mylar when i bought my dutchmaster reverse etc would have saved money on postage. Im trying to cut back on spending at the moment seeing as im supposed to be saving money for my holiday. Particularly as i have to fork out for my iphone repair...

OB: Lmao glad i managed to show everywhere you wanted to see!

Toolage: Yeah i think so. I mean Mary and the clone are doing great its just Jane and she seems to be improving now which is good. Going to take them all out tomorrow and tie them down again and trim back a bit of Jane and possibly some of Mary to get more light to her budding sites. Cheers for stopping by again!

Do you have any white printer papaer around? I taped sheets of 8x11 together in my first grow box and it reflecs great, not to mention its cheap, and if on part gets creased just put another sheet there... Hope this helps.
Cheers man i'll do that then. Hadnt really thought about it recently.. Hopefully i'll get some time off work in the morning so i'll get on it

Stealthpanda: Yeah man thats a good idea haha Will save me a lot of money. Would probably be better suited for my grow op as well seeing as the outer material of the tent is so tight its ripping so the extra thickness of card may be too far lol Cheers mate!
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Yeah, i pretty much wanted to save money on my op from the start, and i have successfully spent $6.00 total, everything else was around the house, waiting to be reused...:joint:
Haha thats mad. I spent way more than i originally intended by about £100... And i have stuff i just dont use like my water pump, full HPS system etc....
Haha thats mad. I spent way more than i originally intended by about £100... And i have stuff i just dont use like my water pump, full HPS system etc....

Wow! I have probably close to 2000 us dollars (total) into my system plus extra crap i didn't need (and i don't even have CO2 injection)!!

the thing i regret purchasing the most was one of those stupid PC planters.... what an aggravating waste!

how come you don't use your HPS system? too hot?
Yeah man wayyy too hot screwed my plants up completely. Reason being my grow op is basically a cheap plasticy tent.. Ventilation with limited space was really hard and the HPS was just wayyy too hot. Which was a a real shame, however when i move house hopefully i'll have a closet or somewhere easy to control climate. In which case i'll be using my HPS with my envirolite as side lighting if needed.
Yeah man wayyy too hot screwed my plants up completely. Reason being my grow op is basically a cheap plasticy tent.. Ventilation with limited space was really hard and the HPS was just wayyy too hot. Which was a a real shame, however when i move house hopefully i'll have a closet or somewhere easy to control climate. In which case i'll be using my HPS with my envirolite as side lighting if needed.

Tell me about it - it takes all i got to keep my box temps at about 80-82 with an air conditioner!