First ever grow, grow journal.

From what ive notice these plants love to immitate what their roots are doing, i had this same problem with my seedlings and it progressed a little into veg, but i mixed molassas and water with a few drops of h202 and they came back to life... Just throwing that out there, your leaves look identical to mine, it is possible that your strain is just really senstive to nutes and chemical contamination.
Well funny you should say that man i recently found some info on my strain that i hadnt read before and heres an extract from it:
"Green House recommends a light hand when it comes to nutrients, as this plant is more sensitive to overfeeding than most sativas. Start with a low pH (5.6 hydro / 5.8 soil) and slowly increase to reach 6.5 at the end of flowering."

So yeah a flush should clear it up i guess. Not overly worried at this point. If i continue to see problems progressing over the next few days then i'll worry :)
You may consider spraying them down with some plain old water as well to possibly rinse off any remaining stuff from the oder things while you are at it.
You said at one point that a leaf smelled just like the odor of those things so they may be retaining some of the chemical.
Besides water cant hurt them especially if your buds (as I see them) are not that awfully dense yet. (then you would have to worry about mold)
Just be sure to use some wetting agent (like the best one Penetrator) or dish soap a very small drop in the spray bottle (should not suds)
to keep from the magnifying glass burn effect.
and move the lights back in either case until they are good and dry.
Just thought I would toss that out as well. Hope it helps you some.
I have now decided I will probably not grow that strain because of the issues you had all along and how sensitive they seem to be to almost everything.
I will just smoke Indica:joint: and eat strawberries for the flavor/smell.
Cheers Alto i'll do that now! Haha yeah this strain does seem to be rather sensitive, im hoping what i get out of it (if anything) will be worth it :). Hows things looking for the dutchmaster equip? They have them in stock? Im ordering mine tomorrow found both for £20!
Hows things looking for the dutchmaster equip? They have them in stock? Im ordering mine tomorrow found both for £20!
Well they did not have any but get this I saw another "ball" (which I also thought to be a male sex part) and left it to test the Reverse once I get some.
Wouldn't you know that it sprouted a couple white hairs!
Damn man I am such a noob.
Those were not boy parts at all.
I am still going to the other Hydro shop today (skipped work)
and have some on hand in case, but not going to use it outside
directions (1st day and 10th day of flowering) unless it becomes necessary.
I feel stupid yet very happy I'm stupid all at the same time.
An odd feeling for me.:mrgreen:
:joint: pass...
haha no worries id make the same mistake easily! Yeah well it'd be good to have on hand anyway! A good investment. Glad to hear it produced white hairs :D My main worry is my girls producing balls without me noticing. Especially if the balls were within a bud i just wouldnt notice. Theres hairs everywhere now on Jane. Shame shes got these burns :( Mary is slowly catching up.

I just sprayed them as you said and adjusted the fan to cool them down a bit more to prevent the magnifying effect. I also turned my light around its surprising how much more light intensity there is on one side compared to the other and this is obviously why Jane is ahead of Mary on bud production as it was in her favor. Hopefully over the next few days Jane will chillax a bit and recover and Marys hairs will burst into action.
Sure thing mate, what of? There pictures of the burns on the previous page. I havent seen them today, lights just came on though.
Cant really tell if Jane is looking any better today. I'll have another look soon.

Just bought some supplies to hopefully hold me over till the end of this grow now. With the nutes i have etc they should be good for at least one more grow as this strain needs hardly any.

So i have bought 1 30x magnifying glass (Hopefully i'll get far enough to use it..)

Weighing scales which go from 0.1g -1000g Should hold me over even if i get no bud i guess it could be useful if i try to make hash..

Dutch Master penetrator + Dutch Master reverse - To help me relax as far as hermies are concerned. Again these should last me ages. So im all set. Just hope i havent jinxed myself with buying all of this stuff.

I hope what im about to say doesnt fuck me over lol... Mary is looking great and hairs are really kicking in now that i rotated the light AND the clone is still alive haha im shocked! Its obviously still producing roots as theres no sign of sex yet. I know i shouldnt have put it straight into 12/12 but i didnt think id make it this far with it. My batteries are dud at the moment keep running out really fast. Hopefully i can get you guys some pics up soon!
Well they did not have any but get this I saw another "ball" (which I also thought to be a male sex part) and left it to test the Reverse once I get some.
Wouldn't you know that it sprouted a couple white hairs!

They (male and female parts) look very much the same when they first appear - one of the dangers of checking on them several times a day (you notice everything whether a problem or not). One way you may be able to tell is if the "ball" is on a stalk (male) or not (female). That is, the males are usually slightly elevated whereas the females tend to grow directly from the node.
Quick update: Just checked on the girls. Mary is doing fine hairs emerging everywhere. Jane on the other hand is looking a bit dire. Her tips are now just brown with yellowing emerging around it with some dots. I dont know if it has gotten worse but doesnt look better than yesterday. Hopefully things will improve over the next few days. Wish i had access to some Canna Flush or something just to clean her soil out for her!

On an up note with Jane. Her top most bud (the one that i always take macro shots with) Is starting to fill out loads and i looked closely at some emerging leaves underneath and theyre covered in tiny crystals haha :D So if i finnish this grow (fingers crossed) It looks like this may be a sticky strain :)
They (male and female parts) look very much the same when they first appear - one of the dangers of checking on them several times a day (you notice everything whether a problem or not). One way you may be able to tell is if the "ball" is on a stalk (male) or not (female). That is, the males are usually slightly elevated whereas the females tend to grow directly from the node.
I found that out, and thanks dude. I posted a picture (altho its hard to really see what I saw) I know a LOT more about it now and should have read a LOT more before I panicked!

Wish i had access to some Canna Flush or something just to clean her soil out for her!
Couldn't you just flush with some water for a day or so?
I read with soil you should flush with 3x the volume of soil to completely flush then after the soil dries out a lot go back to your nutes like nothing happened.
I am sure the damaged parts will not recover, but new growth should be fine and with flowers its all really about the "new" growth anyway right?
Yeah i suppose cheers man. I'll flush her again now as i only watered about a liter yesterday. So i'll do another now. Cheers man.

Not having a good day today, went to take pictures after charging the batteries for a good few hours and it drained straight away.. Just got back from the gym, while working on the Ab machine i tapped my pocket. Literally tapped it like barely touched it then heard a loud click... I suppose it must have been alot of pressure as it was 70kg but it felt like i barely touched it.. Anyway get my iPhone out of my pocket and the screen had shattered... And if that wasnt enough i cant get it replaced on warranty. My fault for hacking it before release in the UK... and on top of that i have loads of tiny shards/ dust from it in my hands now and i couldnt continue because of the pain. I cant see any of it in my hand nor is there any bleeding it just hurts to hell even to type this....

/Rant.. Sorry.. Gues what i could do with right now but have none?!?!!?
Yeah i suppose cheers man. I'll flush her again now as i only watered about a liter yesterday. So i'll do another now. Cheers man.

Not having a good day today, went to take pictures after charging the batteries for a good few hours and it drained straight away.. Just got back from the gym, while working on the Ab machine i tapped my pocket. Literally tapped it like barely touched it then heard a loud click... I suppose it must have been alot of pressure as it was 70kg but it felt like i barely touched it.. Anyway get my iPhone out of my pocket and the screen had shattered... And if that wasnt enough i cant get it replaced on warranty. My fault for hacking it before release in the UK... and on top of that i have loads of tiny shards/ dust from it in my hands now and i couldnt continue because of the pain. I cant see any of it in my hand nor is there any bleeding it just hurts to hell even to type this....

/Rant.. Sorry.. Gues what i could do with right now but have none?!?!!?
Aww man that sucks, I've had days like that.
As they say "this too shall pass", and then life goes on, after all the healing and kicking yourself in the butt too.
Here's to better days my friend, Good Luck.:peace:
Cheers guys :) after much effort i found a marble of bubble hash i brought back from Amsterdam! Thought id lost this haha so im happy now :) Hopefully i'll have an update of sorts in the next hour or so!
Sorry to hear about your day (your luck has obviously changed though - hope you're enjoying your bubble LOL). On the positive side, just think of all that icky, sticky gooey stuff being produced by your girls as we speak. Hope your problems get resolved soon ...

wow sorry bout the Iphone, props on hacking it tho! Did that Bubble Has suffice? Cant wait to see ur new pics... great journal
Cheers GB and OB im going to DIY fix it... Should be interesting. Ordered the parts last night... The bubble hash worked wonders on me as i cant remember much of last night i think i just went to sleep lmao updates later when theyre awake. Shouldnt have problems with batteries for my camera today :)