First ever grow, grow journal.

Cheers man! Yeah maybe i do lol still time for it to mess up though :P its been on 12/12 with the girls so it should go straight into flowering. Im guessing it'll take a lot longer than the other girls as its using energy making roots etc at the moment. We'll see what happens. It was only a quick experiment im surprised its alive.
way to go on the clone, i will be trying my first here soon! I hope it goes as well as yours. Mary and Jane both look great- love the photo's the macro does wonders!
I read this entire journal, great job man, i am hoping to see results like this in the end of my grow... Those look like some killer tops.
Hi JungleBoy, er sorry, GigglePimp ... haha ... what are you up to now? Cloning and all (not sheep I hope). Good on ya, and looking great, really great. I'm doing good outdoors, but only beause where I live (wink wink) we are getting some "weather" for a change. Am a bit pissed now (when am I not?), will be doing an update tomorrow, and will give you another shout. Keep up the good, eh ... eh ....... ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!

green :)
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OB: Cheers man! Yeah the Macro works great, i can get alright shots without it but nowhere near as close or detailed.

Stealthpanda: Cheers for taking the time to check it out! Good luck for your grow!

KulanHunter: Thanks :) Yeah im surprised how well cloning went, perhaps this strain is relatively easy to clone?

Green_Behemoth: Haha erm cheers? Glad your girls are doing well outside! Hope the weather doesnt change!!

Quick update guys: Well unfortunately theres signs of yellowing on some of Janes leaves. Not just her bottoms ones. Now my first thought was it must be Nute burn. But then how could it be as i barely use any nutes and yesterday was the first time id added nutes for weeks. Then i clicked. I put a scented odor neutralizer thingy in the tent a couple of days ago. And it is since then that the signs started to appear. SO im guessing/ hoping that it is that. So ive taken it out and just hope for the best now :)

Other than that the girls look great :) Janes doing me proud!
Yeah she don't want the smell competition, haha
Actually it is probably putting out gases that are messing with her dude.
Consider that what it is doing to her, it is also doing to you!
Looking good tho dude and love the new avatar (display pic to you) lol
Yeah that exactly what i thought lol it works wonders as far as getting rid of smell but cant be good or them... Hopefully it'll all clear up now :) Im pretty confident. Im just keeping it generally near ish to the tent now see if it still prevent smells getting out.
Cheers :) i couldnt resist haha
Quick update: Lights just came on. Jane is looking a sorry state :( Im kicking myself now as about 5 days ago i remember thinking "God Jane is doing well shes looking so healthy.." Basically tips of all of her leaves are dying. Her older larger fan leaves are fading into light greeny yellowy browny colours.. Hm... Im guessing it was the odor neutralizer chemicals that have done this. Its gotten worse since yesterday but just because i removed it yesterday doesnt mean shes going to magically get better over night. Anyway hopefully shes on the mend now... Im not sure whether i should give her some plain water just incase its nute burn. But i cant see how it could be...
Kulan: Cheers for the links man great help! +rep im looking into it now. It looks like it may be deficiency of P+K or nute burn :S If it isnt the chemicals from the odor thing.. As ive said before i have barely used nutes on these girls so if it is nute burn then it must be nute lock? I Always PH my water before feeding between 6 to 6.5 however i have no way of measuring the PH of the soil.. So i think im going to give them plenty of Plain PH'd water and hope that puts them at ease if it is nute lock or burn... Still reading through the links though at the mo. I'll get photos up asap!
not every strain of marijuana requires the same nutrients in the same abundance. What cures one may injure another. Be careful you don't create problems where there aren't any.
Update: :(

Poor Jane :(




Havent flushed yet im not sure whether i need to, though i feel its the only thing i can do. Its definitely not too hot in there this time. Mary is Fine and so is the clone. If it is the odor thing it would make sense as it was directly above Jane not the others?
Ok cheers man well i doubt it could be heat issues simply because its not hot in there at all and the other plants are fine. So it must be chemical / nute burn. If it was the chemicals from the odor thing, well its been removed so theres nothing else i can do with that. If its nute burn then a flush should do the trick? However its odd as the signs began to show before i watered them with nutes day before yesterday. Anyway a flush should solve the problem so i'll do that and hope to see improvement over the next few days.