First ever grow, grow journal.

Hey TGP!!!

grats on the female!! hope everything's going ok man, i'm finally back!! Can't wait to see her beast up! How's the LST going??
Welcome back mate! :) Its going alright, ish lol. Its crazy its so hard to keep them down. Particularly Mary im running out of horizontal room in my grow op lol im about to get both of them out an do some more tying down then i'll b posting pictures, should be within the hour :) Cant wait for an update on strechette!
I HATE photobucket sometimes fair play. Its been a stressful day as it is without the fact i have tried to upload 12 photos onto photobucket 6 different times today all of which it jams and doesnt tell me just continues to "upload". So sorry i havent had an update sooner im trying it again as i type this.... You know what i could do with right now but im out of?? :P :(
Day 66, Day 14 Flowering

Mary is doing great, her new growths are all reaching for the sky shes putting on an inch daily on her main stems. Have tied her down loads within reason and running out of horizontal space. Her overall height now is around 8 inches which is great considering when i started tying she was just over 12 and that was weeks ago. Her width is just over 18 inches. She is showing small patches of nute burn on a couple of leaves from about 5 or so days ago but i did a quick flush and made her a weaker solution since and shes on the mend. Although you can see the nute burn in a couple of pictures. Her preflowers are still very small although she is beginning to show hairs :D. Picture time:

Tried to give you an idea of scale:

Scale again..

Near the top of her main stem

Another idea of scale

Tried to get an overall shot of her circular stem but was impossible to get it all in...Sorry OB Cron! :(

And thats all the photos of Mary for today.


Shes doing fantastic, shes got hairs popping up everywhere and her undergrowth has really shot off. Shes around a foot in height despite being tied down. Tied her down more today as well as her side branches. She will be finished before Mary as she has been showing hairs for a fair few days longer than Mary (if you can even say Mary has started yet..) Erm not to sure what else to add. Shes doing really well :D Shes a lot easier to control than Mary whos just a fat bitch at the moment. Pics:

Mary And Jane


Bud formation? Right at the tip of her stem :)

More hairs lower down two or three nodes down from the top

All of her new growth emerging due to her main stem being tied sideways :)

Another shot of her new growth

And thats about it.. Oh yeah the clones doing great, not going to water her again now for a day or two trying to keep the rockwool from being slightly damp but not soaked so it creates roots in search of water? I dunno lol anyway thanks for stopping by! You guys have no idea how much hassle i've had uploading these photos!!! I took them around 2 o clock it is now quarter past 8!!! haha


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I got a pretty good idea of the circular stem :)! And mary is definitley a fat bitch lol, but her buds may do the same!!! just gotta do some quick catch up- which is pretty common- large spurts- and wow jane is looking like a good girl- the way you have her tied- and the new growth prove she is getting great light for being so think and tied up- loving the grow- thnx for the pics- blazing a bowl to this crop as we speak- keep it comin!
Cheers for stopping by and the kind words! Yeah Jane is really getting going, i love it :D ha wish i could join you! hava good'n!
Looking good man, keep up the good work.
Nice job on the bondage (LST), they are responding extremely well.
It's pretty exciting to see those hairs and buds forming isn't it !!
My Lowryder#2's are starting in on the bud formation and I get kind of giddy looking at them, if you know what I mean.:mrgreen:
We will be smoking our own kick-butt weed before long !! It just seems like forever right now.:peace:
Alright BGT!! Hows it going? Thanks for stopping by! Yeah nothing like seeing the hairs develop day by day! I've enjoyed growing these girls so much its been such a learning experience, whether i get anything from this in weight or not doesnt matter as i've gained so much experience! Yeah not too long now! About half way through the grow soon if not now ish.

Peace! :D

hey nice grow!

i'm also growing with envirolites and seeing your grow is a real help espesialy as your a little ahead of me

i'm realy excited about seeing your results so i know what to expect from my feminised cheese check out my journal ;)
Hi gigglepimp,

Hope you don't mind me jumping in. Great journal and I love your most recent pics. Things looking really good for you, you've done a first rate job. Won't be TOO long now so hang in there LOL.

Keep up the good work mate.

strawberry haze thats my shit!!! one of my all time favorite smokes. i got locked up fucking with that shit and i still love it. i just read the whole thread and damnit i'm proud of you for bringing them bitches back. i'm going to follow it until u finish and i would like to know how she smokes. by the way my avatar is strawberry haze, hope your bitches look like her or even better. much love and continued success!:clap:
Looking good sir
Man you can get real close ups
I have to remove the plants from the reservoir to get that close and its something I do not do very often.
Nice work TGP
DonHolland: Cheers mate :D Thanks for stopping by!

Lenny87: Thanks man, yeah envirolites seem to be doing the job just fine! My plan was to use HPS but it was too hot. My envirlite is so much cooler its perfect. Good luck on your grow i'll be sure to check it out!

GreenBehemoth: No worries mate, more than welcome! :) Thanks! With all the stress they've been through im so happy to see them like this! Only 10/11 weeks to go lmao :( Only half way through the entire grow lol

DirtyShawa: Alright mate! Y'know i've never smoke Strawberry Haze which is partly while i chose to grow it. It was between this and lemon kush. Happy that i chose Strawb Haze though! Cant wait to see how they turn out :D Thanks for taking the time to read through the journal! It is a bit of a disaster story in parts haha

Alto: Well i can only really get close ups on Jane as she doesnt get branches in the way lol and even then its a pain to get any light on the part im photographing. I found my fisheye lens the other week so remove the Macro lens from that and use that for close ups. Seems to be doing the job :)
Alto: Well i can only really get close ups on Jane as she doesnt get branches in the way lol and even then its a pain to get any light on the part im photographing. I found my fisheye lens the other week so remove the Macro lens from that and use that for close ups. Seems to be doing the job :)
Ha a SLR, I am using a Nikon L3 digital camera
It has macro but its really small and hard to hold steady
I use a tripod in the OP but it will not allow me to get as close as I want.
When I pull em out of the pool is the best opportunity to get good pictures.
Girls are looking great man.
Thats a nice camera man, i was looking into Nikon and Cannon when purchasing mine but went for a Sony. Its ok, but having played with Nikons and Cannons since i kind of wish id gone for them. I dont know what it is its just the way they hold and perform. Dont get my wrong my Sonys alright it just seems to drain batteries so fast and bits keep falling off it lol. Thanks for stopping by again man, welcome any time.

On a different note, i have realized a likely cause for Mary producing flowers slower than Jane. It was kind of obvious when i thought about it i just hadnt clicked until i looked in the op just now. The way the light is set up in the reflector is so the bulb itself is over to the right more than the left because of the socket... Therefor the main intensity of light will be below this... Which is where Jane is lol. This wouldnt be a problem at all as the light would be completely evenly distributed if the light was higher up its just ive kept it low and close. So i think im going to turn the lamp around every few days and then raise it in a week or so. Hope that made sense lol i'll try get a photo to explain better next time.


Youd think lol but their pots have overlapping rims already and the door has began to rip because the sides of the pots is pushing the material out making it taught. When i raise the light it shouldnt be a problem :)
sounds like a good solution! I have smoked a bit of strawberry haze, i enjoyed it, great taste and a very laid back stone. never had lemon kush, but by name- you made the right choice, 10/11 lmao it'll be well worth it, i feel ya tho