First ever grow, grow journal.

From what i've read its a pleasant taste and we never get anything like it around here so im looking forward to it. Just fingers crossed that i get as far as harvesting these girls!! Its been a while since ive messed up lol
gigglepimp, your going to love it. i don't know about your tolerance but, mine is very very high. the highs i got from the strawberry were very clean, clear, and cerebral. at the time i was involved in a lot of complicated and pressure filled situations and quite frankly the strawberry put me in a place similar to being in the eye of a storm if you will. extremely calming, i'm quite sure if you have anxiety of any sort the strain would be a big help. but, fuck that. the thing that really entices me about the strain is that it actually smells and taste like strawberry. i've been smoking for a good 13yrs, the majority of that time exotic weed in high volume and yet the fact that the herb tasted like strawberries on the inhale and exhale really blows my mind, pun intended. one knock i had on it though was that after about a week of consistently smoking it i had built up a decent tolerance to it, but, on the other hand friends that i shared it with couldn't handle it. i was blowing a lot of purple haze and kush at the time, so, it might just of been me. but, all in all strawberry haze is a strain that i know you will love. i need a favor if you don't mind, clone them bitches and keep the line going because, if you run out your going to go crazy, crazy i tell you, crazy. much love and continued success:peace:.
lmao damn you youve gone an got me all excited again! haha that sound brilliant! Sounds like the exact kind of high im after. Wasnt too sure if it would actually mimmic the smell or taste of strawberries at all so if it does thats even better :D I must admit the smell they are producing at the moment is definitely recognizable as weed but much lighter and fruitier. Which is why im getting away with minimal odor control at the moment lol i dont think the misses has clicked yet lol Thanks for the input again my friend! Just cant wait now !!!!! :D

edit: Oh and yeah i have taken one clone already lol it seems to be doing fine and i also have three seeds left, all feminized :)
Hey 346ss, im using Canna Boost Accelerator and will be using PK 13/14 in about 3 weeks. They look like this:

Quick update: Just found some more info on this strain which is quite interesting:

'Strawberry Haze performs best and delivers the utmost in strawberry flavor when grown in soil. Hydro systems can be used to increase the yield, but the taste is less sweet. Green House recommends a light hand when it comes to nutrients, as this plant is more sensitive to overfeeding than most sativas. Start with a low pH (5.6 hydro / 5.8 soil) and slowly increase to reach 6.5 at the end of flowering. Extra P and K should be added after the 5th week of flowering. The maximum EC should be 1.9 in hydro and 1.7 in soil. Flush plants at the end of flowering, which takes about 10-11 weeks or until mid-October outside. '

This could explain why Mary has been showing slight signs of nute burn recently despite the fact ive used hardly any nutes. From now on i'll be using a little less than i have been and all should be ok!
Quick update: Just found some more info on this strain which is quite interesting:

'Strawberry Haze performs best and delivers the utmost in strawberry flavor when grown in soil. Hydro systems can be used to increase the yield, but the taste is less sweet. Green House recommends a light hand when it comes to nutrients, as this plant is more sensitive to overfeeding than most sativas. Start with a low pH (5.6 hydro / 5.8 soil) and slowly increase to reach 6.5 at the end of flowering. Extra P and K should be added after the 5th week of flowering. The maximum EC should be 1.9 in hydro and 1.7 in soil. Flush plants at the end of flowering, which takes about 10-11 weeks or until mid-October outside. '

This could explain why Mary has been showing slight signs of nute burn recently despite the fact ive used hardly any nutes. From now on i'll be using a little less than i have been and all should be ok!

Beautiful plants, my friend. I just read through a significant portion of your journal. I was entranced. Good to see someone who knows what they're doing.

If it recommends going easy on the nutrients, I'm all for it. However, maybe get some black strap molasses in there? I can't imagine it would be anything but beneficial.

Good growing!

Ethnobotanist: Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read through my journal man! Thanks for the really kind words lol I must admit i started this grow with minimal knowledge on growing, felt like i've come a long way since then and its all thanks to this website and the people on it. As far as nutes yeah i agree, i think i'll play it safe and go easy on the nutes just like i have been. I did think i'd have to increase them soon but i think i'll leave it. I'll look into the molasses as well man thanks for the input! Really appreciate it!

346ss: Erm well i havent been using it properly yet as the odor isnt much of a problem yet. In fact i can smell it every time i come in my room but its not really a skunky smell its kind of fruity so its not going to make others immediately think *WEED* so to save money im not going to use it for another couple of weeks. When i have used it, it works great. However i dont know how well it will work towards then end of the flowering period, only time will tell.
Cheers for the link Alto! To be honest i didnt know much about molasses at all. As far as i was concerned they were fruit flavored tobacco substitutes for Hookah pipes... lol Im going to do some research into them now after i post my update.

Update: Day 68 day 16 flowering.

Its all about Jane today. I dont take her out of the tent much simply because i dont need to, i can normally reach all of her branches from inside it. But she is growing so fast it is unbelievable. I have counted 25 bud formations so far. Thats 25 places where hairs are forming already. Obviously some are much more advanced than others but still. I took her out today to tie her down loads trying to keep her overall height really low. The next day or so she'll be fighting back loads to get all her tips facing upwards.

Her stem is similar to Mary's now and i have a video to show its semi circle. I got a piece of string along her stem so i could then measure it to see what her overall height would be if i didnt tie her down and it measured just over 2ft. After tying down today her overall height is around 9/10 inches which im very happy about.

So heres some photos:


Some of her buds forming:

Her upmost tip, its really beginning to fill out, seeing a difference everytime i go in there:

Two formations about a third down her main stem:

A ariel shot of her stem:

Video of her bent stem:

Im getting way to excited now about these girls haha I did some research on the strain last night and found this:

"Arjan's Strawberry Haze finishes with chubby buds, composed of rounded calyxes that are thickly coated with resin and thin long hairs. Aside from the expected, very sweet strawberry aroma, which is much sweeter than most sativas, the smell has also been compared to summer blossoms, rose petals and red berries. Her high is fast hitting, clear, creative and giggly. It is good for social moments as well as for introspective ones. Chasing the blues away, making love, making friends laugh, and making art are all recommended activities to accompany this strain. Arjan's Strawberry Haze was created by Arjan in the period 2000-2004. He introduced it on the market in 2006, after winning the 1st prize among Green House's strains at their Very Important Smokers Panel event in 2005."
Can you believe i just found a website selling the seeds i bought for $137?! And thats supposedly on special offer?! What a joke i paid £27 for mine so thats around $50!
DAMN tgp, congrats. You're doing a great job. I'm gonna have to make a trip up north to try that shit when it's done :mrgreen: Keep up the awesome work!

My woman is in amsterdam as we speak and picking up my seeds. I've decided on Northern Lights Feminised. The seeds should be here within a few days. I will start germing them in a month or so.
Cheers T :D haha i cant wait to try it !

Im thoroughly jealous, i was lookin at flights the Amsterdam this morning. I want to go back soooo bad it was fantastic. Thinking of going for the Cannabis cup 2008... When you going to put the seeds in? Ahh feminised! Its the way to go! More control and less time consuming.

Good work on Stretchette aka The Forest, shes getting MASSIVE!
I was bored so i made this lol quite interesting to see the plant grow step by step, particularly the recovery these plants made:
