First ever grow, grow journal.

hahaha fuck me im not alone! Thats awesome! I still dont know why it does it, but cant be bad as surely its just more surface area for the light to reach?! Plants are looking good mate keep it up!
Finally an update...

Day 58 and 6th day flowering

Girls are doing Great. Mary is massive. Shes such a bush its crazy, the photos do not do her justice, i have taken a video of her as well to try and scope all of her new branches. Both plants are showing alternating nodes and development of preflowers. Both plants have beautiful pink veins. Whether this is over watering or genetics (Strawberry haze?) i dont know. Mary in particular has shit loads of developed branches as well as her main stem. Shes so bushy alot of her branches cant get direct light thought they seem to be doing alright.

Im limited for space vertically and horizontally. Though tying down should solve the vertical problem it has caused the horizontal problem lol. It is inevitable that the lower branches on these girls, particularly Mary will suffer from lack of light later on in the flowering stages but i will do my best to counter act this. Perhaps have shielded strip fluro lights down the side. Every little helps right.

Anyway pictures time.

Both, Mary to the left Jane to the right:


Mary from above (fish eye is only way i could fit her in)

Macro shot of Marys preflower development? or am i wrong?

Macro shot of Jane and her pink veins. She is showing some development of preflowers but if behind Mary, not sure if this picture shows any i havent looked at it yet lol

I will edit the video in after i upload it.

And heres the video. May i point out that the leave that seems to be dancing in the fan isnt always like that i had to move the fan to open and film. Sorry the vids a bit rush and not the best quality but you'l get this gist of things :)

There seems to be so many tops to Mary now because ive tied her down its great lol

Lights just came on. Mary is out of control. Ive counted twenty different tops on her now all facing upward to form the canopy because of tying her down. I wish i could take clones coz these branches are making her so dense. Im contemplating take a clone from her and sitting it under a small cfl until i get back from holiday just to keep it alive. Im not sure. Getting worried about space even more now i think it would have been wiser for me to have one plant in this grow area to think i was going to have three...
Awesome, it's very hard to see how big they are on the pics so the videos is very helpful for a noob like me. I tried to top off two of mine yesterday and it seems to have had no ill effect, in fact already today I could see the start of new branches. I read it would make it more bushy and make it grow more outward than upward. It was very interesting to see how you had tied them down, I was thinking of doing that to most of the branches on mine to try and let more light inn. Anyway, your pics and vid looks great, I can't wait to get mine into flowering but now I'll have to wait about a week to let them heal up.
Yeah i know man photos dont seem to do her justice i wish i could have you lot over my house. I cant get over how dense Mary's foliage is, videos and photos just dont do it. Glad i could have been some help to you lol. Im really beginning to worry about the last weeks of my flowering i wish i had left it another week or so to flower. Though i dont think i can revert to vegging now can i? Wish i could pause the whole op for a week lol theyre getting too big too fast :P
Are you going to finish this great journal!!! I have read every page with no answers!!! Its like only watching the first season of weeds, wtf, no Answers!!!
haha what? Yeah im going to finish it its all up to date the last pictures you saw are the stage theyre at now just a day behind perhaps. Cheers for stopping by! Another 10/11 weeks before harvest hopefully! A looong way away lol
Day 61 - Day 9 Flowering

Girls are doing well, not much has changed since going into flowering other than speeded up growth. Mary for instance is growing TOO well lol im going to run out of room horizontally before long and as i have mentioned before when she gets more height on her underneath branches will suffer from lack of light. Preferably i would just be growing Mary in this grow area and she could flourish. I do have one place i could grow Jane and if i could fit my HPS up in there then it should be fine (Well apart from heat) but i cant afford to spend any more money on fixtures etc so im going to have to leave it for now.

Overall the plants look great. Im going to water them with a weak solution later on today then follow in with the Canna Boost on their next watering. Light is still on 12/12 9am - 9pm. The fan is doing a great job the temperature isnt too hot at all.

I had to tie Marys down loads more today and i took a cutting from her to attempt cloning. I'll have no where to put the clone but this branch wasnt getting any light anyway so i thought i would have a practice. Anyway heres photos:

Below is a photo of part of Marys stem, its been like this for a while so it hasnt caused any problems just never photographed it properly and thought id show you guys:

Mary's preflower development?

Overall shot of Mary out of the grow op see how many branches have been tied down lol Ignore the misses piggy bank lmao

Heres Jane :)

Jane's preflower development?

Overall shot of them both

Cloning attempt lol will be interesting to see if i manage to pull this off...

Video of Mary so you get an idea of her size and bushyness lol

Thanks for stopping by!
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What the bent stem? Its weird isnt it lol i hadnt realized until about two or three days after it must have happened. But like i said she hasnt shown any problems at all so im not complaining
Quick update: Im not sure if its worth posting new pics yet as you wont see much development, photos dont tend to show off how big these girls are getting day by day. Mary must be growing about inch an a half daily. Im having to tie her down every single day its becoming a joke lol which is making me even more worried about when i leave her toward the end. Im basically going to try and tie them down as far as i possibly can keeping them as short as i can for as long as i can they have about 2 foot maybe 2 ana half foot room to grow upwards before theyre too big. Im still managing to keep them around the 1 ft mark. Dunno how long i'll be able to keep this up...