First ever grow, grow journal.

Jason: Cheers for stopping by again!

BGT: Always welcome in my thread cheers for stopping by!

Alto: Ah congrats on the girls! Shame about the guy, at least the ratio is in your favor! Lights came on for my girls an hour ago. Jane still doesnt seem to be showing anything but she is slower than Mary. Keeping my fingers crossed for the other two!

The smell in my room has been the same for a couple of weeks now. But with my new fan on it isnt as defined which is a shame :( lol and as its a stealth grow i have ordered some ONA gel which im going to make a little fan box for to neutralize the odor. Hopefully i'll be able to get away with having that outside the grow tent, i still want to be able to open the door and be hit by the gorgeous smell!
Ill do a full update later just a quicky for now.

Last night i came into my room with my grow op and the light was still on an hour after it should have gone out.. Seems the timer is dodgy. When i span the timer around 24 hours back to 9 again (when it should turn off) it did.... So i dont know if they have been in 24 hours for the last two days or not as i wasnt her the night before last... So i've swapped timers with my fan so if worst comes to worst then hopefully just my fan wont turn on. Rather that that fuck my time schedule up.

The plants looked fine last night. Still only Mary showing pre flowers emerging (Although as far as i know they couldv only had 1 full day in 12/12.. Dont know what i can do about the timers really. Luckily i'll be able to check on them at lights off for the next 3 nights so hopefully i wont have any further problems. Lights arent on today yet so i'll post pics an a full update later. Need to tie these girls down more if last nights anything to go by...

Heya TGP
I doubt a 24 hour shot will mess anything up.
The hormones are flowin' now and it would take a bit longer stretch to make them revert to veg state.
Nice job switching with the fan
Air circulation is paramount now anyway so extra air (should the fan remain on like you suspect the lights did) is only good.
we need pictures!:weed:
Haha weird i was just in your thread again lol.

Yeah i figure it cant do too much harm. Just wound me up a bit lol Hasnt been much improvement on what i thought was the pre flowers developing. Oh yeah and the light came on fine this morning lol. I realized i have a Macro lens laying about somewhere so i'll try find it so i can get some good close ups on my photos. I'll go look for it now. I'll make a photo update asap then.
Day 55:

New toys arrived yesterday:


So i used a very small amount of the boost in their watering yesterday. But i think i should leave their watering for a week at least as theyre stems have pinky veins now. I hear this is caused by over watering? Unless its genetics (Strawberry haze?) i dont know..

Anyway its day 3 of flowering ( i think) and i have had problems with my timer not turning the light off so im not sure if theyve had 1 or 2 days with 12/12. But i think its sorted now so we're back on track! The girls are growing really fast, after i type this i will be tying them down again. Marys just under a foot where as Jane is just over. When i first tied them down they were around the foot mark so theyve grown a fair bit.


Sorry found my fisheye lens haha:

Mary bushy as ever:

One of Mary's leaves so you get an idea of size:

Fimming location on Mary. I think it is two main stems so i guess i fucked up and basically topped her lol:

Tried to get a close up non blurry shot to show u what i *Think* is the beginning of a pre flower but i could be very wrong.. Not the two main spikes but the smaller one to the left? Am i completely wrong? lol


Thats it for today, i tried to take a photo of the pink veins but it didnt come out well..

Apart from that theres not much to report. Im going to be making a small box with two small cpu fans in. One in and one out. This will have my ONA block in. Im going to keep this outside the grow tent and hope that covers smell. If it doesnt then i'll have to put it inside the tent.

Cheers for stopping by!!!

looking great dude, one would never know what all they have gone thru.
I still cant get over those weird leaves Heh
I can see the little speckles on the stem in the close up
that probably looks "pink" from a distance
Lots of my plants have dark purple stems some don't.
being they all live in the same water I am guessing its the difference in strains for the most part.
Yours could be as well.
A better sign for watering would be the leaves (in soil)
droopy is too much water and they are not droopy at all in my eyes.
good work, its a ways from harvest yet :weed:
but they are off to such a good start.
Yeah i noticed after i posted the picture that you can see some speckles on that. However it is Jane that has the pink showing quite strongly :) Not worrying though whether its genetics or watering im sure they'll resolve :)

Wish i could fast forward time now lol ahead three or four weeks! I'm actually hoping these girls take a while to harvest as it'll work out better for me time wise!

Cheers for the support as always!!
I was looking again at your images and I see hairs on Mary
just at the bottom of the last image before the close-up image there are definitely 2 short hairs
and I am not mixed up with the stipules either.
Here look tell me if I am nutz
Haha :D Superb, although i know shes female from being feminized im glad shes coming along already :D Just hope she doesnt hermie on me. I think Mary will be harvested before Jane as she seems to develop everything much faster than her! Cheers for spotting that Alto! Still ow you rep from ages ago!!
Your TLC has paid off TGP. Keep up the great work and they'll reward you! Sorry haven't posted in a bit, busy shit going on lately lol! Will have to catch up on the thread later on! Take it easy bro!

Cheers for stopping by bro, it definitely has haha no worries we all get busy spells just take it easy! Stretchette is looking incredible!
hey gigglepimp - did i read right - is that strawberry haze?

you have a long wait ahead of you for flowering .... but oh my the reward will be worth it!

great looking plants! :leaf:
Yeah its strawberry haze :) It says on the website 10-11 weeks flowering. Which i dont mind too much as i stupidly went into flowering at a bad time. The end of the tenth week will be just after i get back from holiday meaning i will have been away for 2 and a half weeks of her flowering when she will need the most attention :(
Well yeah i do have someone who i can definitely trust and have offered to help. So thats ok the only problem there is They are going on holiday when im on holiday as well so they can only look after them for the first 9 days or so. So they will still be alone for a week or so. But hopefully if they get a good watering and adjust the light etc good enough then it should be ok. I do expect to come back with some problems but hopefully they can minimize them.
Looks good. I'm in my first grow now too and was wondering how did you know when to start flowering? I hear you can flower them anytime, but is there like a best time?

I had a few problems whit burning them and stuff and I think that slowed them down a little, but they are back on track now and my biggest one (of 4) is 30cm (about 12in) now. They are mostly indica I think if that makes any difference.

Could really use some more info on this, I hear different things everywhere. So any good link or anything reliable would be good. Is it true that they grow over twice as big while flowering?

There are some pics in my profile from a few days ago if anyone would like to have a look.