First ever grow, grow journal.

Day 48:

Girls seem to be doing really well. Still running the same nutes though i need advice with nutes for flowering. Have done a lot of research but just ended up tied between three or four different types.. Anyway yeah Mary and Jane are doing well. Mary is getting really dense its crazy. Jane is the same though her under growth is slowly getting bigger lol.

Marys new leaves are showing the same weird fan leaf pattern, i also noticed some of her under leaves are doing the same lol so it looks like she'l be doing this throughout. Must be genetics surely? Strange that Jane isnt doing it yet. Anyway you'll see these in the photos.

Oh yeah i attempted fimming the other day but i think i failed lol as i can only work out two new growths. Its either two or four anyway i cant really tell but it looks like just two to me. I tried to get a photo but dont know how well it came out.

edit: Sorry my photos seem to be a bit blurry today dont know whats wrong with me!




Mary ( try spot the weird fan leaves):

Topping attempt on Mary:

Marys new growth is getting really dense:

And thats it really, i ordered my new light and reflector last night so should be here within the week. Will start flowering shortly after. Theyre both around 10" Now.

Thanks for stopping by!


Looking good TGP keep up the good care
Those will end up being some nice plants after all!
well would you look at thaaaaat......they are really developing like high school girls....i cant wait till they get to college and get into the porn
well would you look at thaaaaat......they are really developing like high school girls....i cant wait till they get to college and get into the porn

holy shit lol i was taking a hit when i read that one.coughed that one out haha!

yeah TGP great job on the TLC of those nice looking plants! Keep up the good work man, these have made quite a turn around!!
Alto: Yeah hopefully lol :) Cant wait to get them into flowering. I can see me having various difficulties with odor control but that can be expected on my budget.

Cannaboy: lmao yeah me too!

Toolage: Yeah im so happy theyre back on their feet! Cant wait for my new lamp to arrive to swap over to flowering!!!
Day 50:

No photos today but an in depth about my plants future lol

Jane has began to show the same odd feature as Mary! She is also doing thumbs up to me now! So must be genetics? Im not sure... Shes also growing really fast i had to raise her light twice yesterday alone.

Both plants are around 11inches in height. My lamp is arriving Monday so tempted to begin flowering then. However problem: I have just started LST'ing (hopefully correctly) will this be a problem if i begin flowering as theyl still be adjusting to the tying down?

I Really need to minimize their height its hit me how big these girls could get...

Not sure what else to say really. Im beginning to set up plans on how im going to feed them for three weeks without me being around. For those who dont know i'll be away for just under three weeks during their flowering. This is NOT ideal i know. and i can hopefully get someone trustworthy over to water them / change light height etc. But im hoping to set up a watering system that will keep them going for as long as possible. Im a bit stuck at the moment. Although i have an idea, just need to make a few perfections..

Sorry my update today is a bit sprawled...


Day 52:

Sorry this hasnt exactly been on track the last couple of days. i will be uploading photos later. My new light is arriving today so i have been spending the morning cleaning up my grow room, blacking it out completely and prepping the plants for going into flowering.

Mary is doing really well, my fimming attempt has produced three new stems i believe. I have attempted LST'ing on both plants. Both of which have bent back towards the light already. I have also tied down Mary's lower branches a bit so that they get more light to them. Now its just a waiting game for the new light. I need to do some research into swapping over to 12/12 now.

I'll post an update with pics when my new bulb arrives!

Happygrits!: Cheers for stopping by! Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes lol good luck!

Cannaboy: There isnt much difference to my grow room lol just blocked more light out. Although yeah my new lamp is now installed. Im doing an update in five mins! Though my battery ran out so these photos are a bit random.
So its day 52: Day 1 of flowering will be tomorrow!!!

New lamp arrived today and it seems great, photos below. Should do the job. The heat is so much cooler than that of my HPS. Though it is still warm.


I must apologize for my photos/ videos today they are from the last day or two as my battery ran out on both occasions.

Right heres Jane showing the same weird feature as Mary:

Heres Mary's fim:
Seems to be two main stems appearing, but not sure if theres another one. You cant really tell from the picture. Only time will tell.

So i began to tie Jane and Mary down. Both have reacted very well. With mary i tied her lower branches down so they get more light. Below are pictures. I could have done a better job i know but it'l have to do for now.


Here she is again just in the grow op


Quick video of Mary when i was tying her down earlier today.

And a second video but it is very rushed as the low battery sign came on during the film and it ran out while filming. You get a basic idea of how the plants are at the moment. All leant over from the tying down etc

Sorry this isnt the most straight forward update. I need to get back on track!

Looking forward to seeing my girls in two weeks time! Hopefully they wont hermie on me!!!

I really need to decide on a specific blooming nute to buy asap!


Doesn't the type you are using also make a bloom formula?
I know most do is all seems odd they would only make a Veg formula to me.

Other wise try Fox Farms
General Hydroponics (I'm using that kind as it came with my hydro set-up)
and Toolage likes the Dutch Masters kind.
Next time I am using the two part Van de Zwaa / Home and Garden
(forget the actual type) That is actually made in Holland lol
Talk about Dutch Masters.
and a lot of folks use Advance Nutrition stuff.
Guess it would depend on what your budget is like as some are quite pricey.

Despite what you say those are nice pictures dude
plants are lookin good
Cheers for the info Alto great help as always. However i bought some nutes earlier whilst buying some ONA block. I've seen this type before and with reviews i have read its supposed to be great.

Its called "Canna Boost Accelerator" Below is the blurb.

"Canna boost is Canna's powerful flowering stimulator, specially developed for fast growing plants, it improves quality and increases yields. Canna boost guarantee's higher yields and also better taste. The yeild will be more homogeneous due to a gradual ripening. Canna boost ensures your plants will become healthier, stronger and less prone to diseases. Even better results can be achieved if PK13/14 is used as well. This is because PK 13/14 provides the plant with extra flowering elements while Canna boost ensures that the plant has the energy to be able to utilize these elements.
You can use canna boost in combination with your regular feed."

I bought the PK13/14 as well. Worked out about £24 for both. Hopefully theyl do the job!!

Lights just went out. So flowering has begun.... lol
You can use canna boost in combination with your regular feed."
So does that mean you intend to continue to give them veg food as well?
Basically what they need during flowering is less N and more P
The additive I will use is KoolBloom because like my nutrients, it came free with my Hydro set up

Lights just went out. So flowering has begun.... lol
We started at almost the exact same time dude.
Great! let the bud development commence!
Mine are showing sex already (I think)
I will get some photos for todays update
looking great friend, keep up the excellent care:joint:
Yeah i'll be using the same nutes as im currently using in conjunction with the canna boost and pk13/14. Im not sure when these will arrive as i bought them off of a smallish company. Should be here by the weekend. Dont need t use PK13/14 for another 4/5 weeks though. I realized how bad my timing was... Its suggested 10 weeks flowering or 11 for improved flavor. So that means they'll be due to harvest 4 days after i get back from holiday... Meaning im away for the most crucial part of their development... Just hope they're not early, i wouldnt mind having a 13 + week flowering period if it put my mind to rest. Only time will tell.

With LST'ing im running out of horizontal space already lol.... Beginning to realize how sketchy my grow op is. The next three/ four weeks will be interesting.

Ha yeah how long do you think your plants need to flower? I'm not even sure where to look for sex yet. I know what to look out for just not where to look exactly lol.

Keep up the good work and cheers for stopping by!

OK me either so I did some looking
This is what we should be looking for now
Then we move from "pre-flowering" to this stage
we DONT want these
we DO want these
and here is a drawing in case like me its harder for you to tell

Hope that helps you, it sure helped me lol
Now I can't wait till the lights come on to take pictures!
I know I saw those things last night just didn't know what I was looking at.
Sort of like a young bucks first trip to the whore house.
I liked what I saw but was unsure just why...:mrgreen:
Your sir are a legend, cheers for all those links! Will be a great help!

Am i right in saying this is their third day flowering with yours?

I think i might be mad but i swear i can see the pre flowers already forming on Marys upper most nodes... Theyre growing like beasts at the moment, and LST has definitely helped the bottom growth on Jane. Im going to run out of space i can tell lol im going to have to practically tie them to the ground at the rate theyre going!! !

Im all giddy and excited again about checking on my girls each time! Just cant wait for the next month to go by!!
Kinda weird , I was reading and checking out pics and such on your thread while you were on mine.
Your girls are coming along very nicely!
I found those links of Alto's to be very helpful as well as hopeful for the day when we can all see the flowers forming.
I know what you mean about the giddy thing, me too, they amaze me every time.
Keep up the good work my friend.:mrgreen::peace:
Am i right in saying this is their third day flowering with yours?
Yes something like 3 days
I can already determine the sex of most of mine
So far the count is 1 boy (for sure)
4 girls (for sure)
2 undecided
so Im doing well
Too bad that one of the largest plants has definite balls :cry:
but the other 4 that have sexed are surely ladies :mrgreen:
I will post a complete update with images after work.

I too am giddy now again with each time I get to go into that room
and the smell is becoming heavenly.