First ever grow, grow journal.

Looking pretty good, there, TGP. I'm pullin' for the girls! I think Alto's on the right track there ... sure, the plants need a certain amount of simulated sunlight, but it needs to be consistent. Doing great dude ... can't wait to see how the girls turn out!
Alto, yeah i guesed that it may cause some problems but wasnt entirely sure so thanks for the insight i think i'll leave it in that case. It had crossed my mind to have the light outside but thought that if it wasnt direct light (ie through material) then it wouldnt be useful to them?

The girls Are looking better day by day and i love it :) back in the swing on things *Touches wood*

Toolage: Yeah im so happy theyre back on their feet. Well unless i can find some way to use it (which i doubt) then yes. The only problem is shipping the thing.. I dont mind selling it at all but steep shipping prices will put people off...

Enkilot: Cheers for stopping by! Yeah i dont really wanna take any risks now, im aiming to keep these girls in good condition now... lol At the end of this grow im going to have to compare photographs of various stages from seedling to practically dead to bud lol
I bought my light (400W HPS) on e-bay and shipping cost me 30 USD
(the guy did say it cost him 37 to actually ship it however.)
37.00 isn't that bad and it went coast to coast to get to me.
All in all compared to the Hydro Shop it was a great deal.
Yeah i mean i got mine for £40 including postage. Its just most users here live in the US, so my only option really for selling is eBay. Someone PM'd me on here about buying it and worked out shipping would be atleast $80 so they may as well have gone n bought a new one from a hydro store.
Isnt much to update on today, theyre doing fine. i'll do a full update tomorrow. Just looked at my old grow schedule and turns out that its six days away from when i decided to start flowering the second time. I guess this is still possible. Although theres no reason why i have to stick to this at all. I think i'll order my light asap (Was going to do it today but nothing goes smoothly does it) get it set up then see where i am. I dont mind / see it being a problem if i dont start for another 2-3 weeks, though the sooner the better.
I'll do a photoupdate in an hour or so.

I just checked on the girls and my god, Mary is turning into a monster bush. I literally cannot count how many leaves she has now... Janes new growth is improving, slowly but its better than nothing has she hasnt seen much improvement in this area for a while.

I cant get over Mary, touch wood nothing else goes wrong, but i can see Mary being a beast when she gets into flowering... I dont know how im going to manage. Topping or fimming in an hour or so as well so im going to do some research now. Getting mixed reviews about whether fimmings worth it..
DAY 44:

Right the girls are doing well. Marys turning into a big bush and Jane is still doing her thing. Marys still showing signs from the burn but im not worrying about it.

I just attempted Fimming on Mary as she seems to be developing faster, so therefor my logic is she'l recover quicker? Anyway pictures..




Marys top leaves are developing new spikes, i dont really understand, it could be common i just havent seen it before. The new growth comes from the center of the fan.... This leaf has 13 in total now look:

Heres another example, could it be genetics?:

Fim attempt:

And one last shot of Mary:

Think they're doing ok, still not putting them on full nutes as i dont want to push my chances lol

Cheers for stopping by!


edit: large pics are up now
Getting mixed reviews about whether fimmings worth it..
As far as what I can decipher from all the mixed reviews
yield may end up about the same with 1 large cola or several smaller ones so no loss, but it should definitely reduce height, which I believe is your main concern right?

OMG you posted while I was typing
Yoinks your girls look awesome!
That is the weirdest thing I have ever seen [the leaves]
You should clone that one in the name of science!
I have never seen anything like it

Other than the "freak show" leaves they are looking about as good as any grow on here man
way to go keeping at it and getting the job done
Your next grow should be absolutely fantastic what with all you picked up this go round.
Honestly I would send an image of those odd leaves to the breeder you got the seeds from and ask whats up
Alto: yeah want to try limit height if possible. It'l be some interesting experience anyway! Ha yeah i hope so, i havent even begun to think about my next grow yet... Im moving house come September though so hopefully *fingers crossed* I'll have a much better grow area.

Yeh i could have sworn i'd never seen anything like it before :S I mean i though my fan leaves had more spikes than usual anyway with 10/11 but then these things kind of popped litrally out of nowhere. I hadnt noticed them until i started taking photos. I may well get in contact with the breeder lol. Anyway more leaf surface area more photosynth right? Which cant be a bad thing...

Cheers for stopping by and the support!

Puff pass.

Jason: Yeah a mix of nute burn and heat burn from a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully on the mend now!!
yes i agree...clone that girl...uniqe plants are always a must have....but she looks very healthy...i love the indicas:hug:

The girls are lookin' awesome! Much love, dude ... keep at it. I think you're doing great ... I know you've had some setbacks with the girls, but I hope my first grow is that fab ...
Cannaboy: I dont know why but i never thought about cloning my girls at all. Just thought my next grow would be from the same seeds again. Its just struck me, whats the point when i can clone. Not to mention this weird characteristic Mary is showing. It'l be interesting if Jane shows it as well!

Enkilot:Cheers for the support man, really thought id killed them at one point. I actually considered germming some more seeds to replace them. Good job i didnt lol.

Alto: Does doesnt it haha maybe shes pissed about all the stress ive put them through :( lol
Hahah thats ok then :P

I just looked at the new set of leaves above those ones and they have the same feature! what the heck could be causing this lol. I hope this some how means she produces slightly more bud than she should :P
Hahah thats ok then :P

I just looked at the new set of leaves above those ones and they have the same feature! what the heck could be causing this lol. I hope this some how means she produces slightly more bud than she should :P

yea i was thinking the same thing...more leaves = more buds she'll grow another main stem:lol:
Quick update before i go out for the day:

Everything looks great, although my fim attempt is a bit dark, like browny. So not sure if thats right or not.... Hope i havent royally fucked them up again :( lol

Not sure if its worth putting photos today. I'll see later on. They've both reached the 8inch mark now.


cool bro can't wait to see the update. I've been out for a couple days so haven't been able to post. But your plants are looking great. It probably is genetics the way those leafs are growing. I bet your a whole lot happier now that they got their color back!!
Busy as heck today so no update should do tomorrow though! The girls are doing well and i just ordered my envirolite with reflector etc. Should be here before this time next week. But in a perfect world itl be here for the weekend lol. I think i'll start flowering in ten days or so. Girls are nearly 10" Now.