fiance wants to put an end to my "hobby"


Well-Known Member
look at this idiot... thinking about murder and shit... you sick fuck...

she is a human being, oh wait, you are not considerate of human life either, i get it...
I'm pretty sure it was Tongue in cheek, I hope so. I laughed anyway.

Anyway to people saying there's no compromise, I thought that's what marriage was about? I'm sure if he loves her enough to think about spending his life with her, he probably shouldn't be taking advice from stoners on perhaps having to give up growing...


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it was Tongue in cheek, I hope so. I laughed anyway.

Anyway to people saying there's no compromise, I thought that's what marriage was about? I'm sure if he loves her enough to think about spending his life with her, he probably shouldn't be taking advice from stoners on perhaps having to give up growing...
yea but its a stupid compromise that solves nothin. so he somehow gets tested at work and loses that job...he grows fuckin weed he really doesnt need a job at all just up the grow. she prolly just doesnt like weed for some stupid ass false reason and thats what shes been fed all her life. tell her to go educate herself about weed then see if she still wants to ask that question. if she drinks you can drive it home even more cause lord knows that shits WAY worse than weed.

its been said before but ima re word it a bit. you shouldnt have to change anythin about yourself for anyone unless its a harm to you or others. thats the only exception. trust me i had a gf try that shit and ive seen girls do it they make you change one thing and its game over they think they run shit. call her bluff tell her if she cant give you one real good reason(she prolly cant) then you'll help her pack.

Pat the stoner

New Member
It really sucks to be in that middle area , but a lot of women want a dude they can run all over . Any time someone wants to change you -Run for your life . It's our differences that make us who we are , some sheople don't realize that and they want to be like everybody else and have everybody else be like them -BORING ASS LIFE . I know what I would have to do and it wouldnt be giving up no weed .


Well-Known Member
we all know ThE sAtIvA hIgH is a troll. to be expected of him to say something along those lines. just put him to your block list if you dont want to hear and see what he has to say. hell, next thing hell start doing on this thread is speak of "do you believe?" or some shit. blah...


Well-Known Member
but you guys gotta admit, it IS illegal, some people don't wanna risk the chance, especially if they don't smoke. that's the only reason the mrs ever had but then when she saw the reality and ease of this hobby she started to enjoy it with me. now we both just kinda laugh. if she's worth it, work it out :peace:


Active Member
You need to be honest with her about everything and let her know that you are willing to work with her to compromise, but that she is going to accept you and your hobbies or move on. Or you can quit and be with her, which does not sound lie it will be true to yourself. Bummer. Maybe a good counselor can help. See if your local NORML organization can recommend a good one, so that you may feel more free to openly discuss the issues. Ultimatly, you need to decide what you are and are not willing to do for the relationship and ask her the same. Best of luck, man.


Active Member
dude can her ass its all about control. and if u let her it will never end. watch out for her turning you in. she only will do it cuz she loves you and want whats best. i heard tha before, i went to jail she got a 150 bucks richer and then ull have a no contact so it will be over but the healin. been there. now im a loner, hopefully not forever


Active Member
ps u r addicted,so am i. so are most of us, but being away from it will kill you and eat u up. ps if you find a new one thats into our hobby ask her if she got any cute friends for me


Well-Known Member
I'd say find another chick....shes already trying to change little things about you....just wait till the ring is slapped on.. she should be happy with you as you, and if not move on!


Well-Known Member
*h a bit and if I have to just dump the shit I will. I'm more addicted to growing than smoking.
Dude. Ask yourself. Do I love growing and smoking more than listening to her grind on your nerves all day and night until your spine has been ripped out and you can't even go out with your buddies after 18 years of marriage And that you can't even look at each other any more. Sex is a thing of the past. Or you watch jail shows with your dog at your side and you think to yourself " jail doest look that bad". That you both wish you were divorced but there's not any money so you can't. And you stay together for the kids but find out from a news study that it's worse to stay together where the kids are concerned. Ya you should hol her close. Sorry. I don't know where that came from


Well-Known Member
Dude. Ask yourself. Do I love growing and smoking more than listening to her grind on your nerves all day and night until your spine has been ripped out and you can't even go out with your buddies after 18 years of marriage And that you can't even look at each other any more. Sex is a thing of the past. Or you watch jail shows with your dog at your side and you think to yourself " jail doest look that bad". That you both wish you were divorced but there's not any money so you can't. And you stay together for the kids but find out from a news study that it's worse to stay together where the kids are concerned. Ya you should hol her close. Sorry. I don't know where that came from
Where on earth did that come from, do you wanna get something off your chest? Lol :o


Well you just make a decision.

If growing bud/having your weed as a way of life is something you can't/won't change, then you need to have that conversation with her. If she can't live with it, then it's time to move on.

Is she is willing to see you for who you are and love you regardless of what you grow, then try to work it out.