fiance wants to put an end to my "hobby"


Active Member
So my fiance thinks that I have a problem, she thinks I'm addicted to growing bud. She doesn't want me smoking either cause of my job, possible random ua's. She thinks that since I grow and usually have atleast an ounce of prime dried and cured herb in the house that I will never stop smoking. What she doesn't know is that I've passed ua's with synthetic before but she would flip if she found out I was doing that behind her back. She's been hitting me with these ultimatums lately, growing or the relationship, and honestly I'm having a hard time choosing. I think that weed is wrongfully accused of being dangerous, I also believe in its medical value, and I've succeeded in not selling bud to people I feel are affiliated with violent criminals and I am very generous with my herb as well as I believe that's good karma. What should I do???
Weed is better in times of no money than money is in times of no weed. The point being that money is everywhere, and weed isn't. The same applies to weed and tail.

It's pretty simple issue with your girl and you, ASS or GRASS, your choice.

Bayou bud

Active Member
I'm not giving emotional advice. I will say that if you want your cake and eat it too either gorilla grow or find a shed you can throw a grow tent into... Maybe portable storage container somewhere. If you can grow, you can problem solve. And if you can problem solve you can find a place to grow. I'm going to eventually be in the same place and I've thought this throug


Well-Known Member
Its appropriate here also...


Sorry man, jus had to.....:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
trust me if she doesnt approve of it now or even "approve" of you now the way you are then for the love of god or whatever do not get married... do you really want to take that risk of short term happiness to only be destroyed later when she dumps you and then takes over half of everything you own and quite possibly out of her spite have you thrown in jail????

dude find someone who loves you for WHO you are and ACCEPTS the fact you choose to consume a perfectly safe substance and enjoy it... and that will be a far better situation for you ;)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member, it's too bad this happens. On one hand a person needs to respect the wishes of their significant other - on the other hand... sticky resin :)

It looks a bit like she might have something that she would like to quit doing but can't. You might have to 'perform' a quitting action to appease her own need. It's just a thought.

She might really just not want that element in her life which should be respected.

Tough for anyone.


Well-Known Member
If she is a righteous old lady keep her. She is right about you getting busted at work. It might not be easy to get another job.

Besides its probaly just a stage she is going through, so dont think of it as never growing or smoking again.


Well-Known Member
You could always try to compromise, and offer to scale down your op... maybe look at a stealth grow or something.


New Member
All this BS only because the government wants to prohibit cannabis...
Shame on you government...:roll:
Never would have thought that the prohibition causes relationship problems...


Well-Known Member
mrs sunnyboy didn't like it at first either, i use a whole bedroom and bathroom, and she doesn't smoke...but now i can't keep her out of there! mrs sunnyboy even has her own profile here LOL get her involved, ask her general plant questions like she's helping, mrs loves to watch the plants grow, maybe yours can grow to love your grow?


Well-Known Member
Im in the same bout as u man. My gf wants me to not grow anymore cuz she says she doesn't feel safe(even though ii take very high security measures). Its at her house so I can't really tell her no buut im still working on convincing her to let me keep growin. Otherwise ill be relocating the small closet CMH grow to either the collective or another location.

What's funny is she smokes all day everyday and she doesn't have to pay a penny for it, and then gives me shit for growing.