Fat Chicks WTF

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Right they can. An anybody can check the sources of the "facts" from the website. Unless its all the sources that are in question, even reputable ones? Wait... I get it we never landed on the moon, its all a conspiracy from the rest of the world to make Americans look statistically fat.

Well... the numbers are from 2002 & 2003 so they aren't exactly CURRENT. It seems to me I've seen a trend in America of more people starting to work towards better health. Proof? Simple... look at any menu at any restaurant (including fast food) and they all have "Healthy Choice" type meals. They wouldn't have them if people weren't demanding them and buying them.

Also.... I'm curious if the 41+ MILLION illegals in this Country are being counted in our totals... I bet they are... and they SHOULDN'T be because they aren't Americans... shouldn't be here... and are skewing our numbers!

Personally I don't think anyone can deny there is a problem with obesity in this Country..... my main problem with this thread is that it singled out women ... as the title is "Fat Chicks WTF" and addresses women who are not pleasing to the eye of the poster in the initial post and then agreed upon by other morons! Degrading people by calling them "slobs" or "fat and lazy" has only ONE purpose... and that is NOT to be helpful... it's to be intentionally mean and hurtful! Who the hell is anyone here to judge another??? Karma doesn't like it when judgmental idiots in glass houses throw stones!
I agree, to just make it about woman is a joke. Like the woman in our society have to be small but us men can be a bunch of lards.

You are right about the nation turning more healthy, however the last time I saw a boat load of illegal immigrants the last thing they were was overweight. Therefore all the skinny ones hiding out in cargo holds, and slithering under fences must also be counted in these stats.
According to that data, Mexicans are smaller on average. Not to be sexist here, but I would guess from personal experience that more men than women come over the border, and hispanic men are on average smaller than hispanic women. They have much stronger gender roles in their society, and one of those roles is to stay home and tend to children and cooking.

Before I get flamed, I'd like to say that I forgot to address the gender issue in america - i've seen plenty of large men, so my comments are regardless of sex. On the other hand, I think men have a huge biological advantage when it comes to losing weight.
Best Soft Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe #216619

20 min | 20 min prep
130 tiny cookies

  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
  2. Combine flour and baking soda in a small bowl.
  3. In a separate bowl, melt 1/2 cup butter in microwave.
  4. Add 1/3 cup sugar and 1/3 cup brown sugar to the melted butter and cream all together.
  5. Add the other 1/2 cup butter to your prepared butter/sugar combo and mix.
  6. Add rest of sugar, brown sugar, and the peanut butter. Cream well.
  7. Add egg whites and vanilla to the butter and sugar mixture and combine once more.
  8. Gradually add flour mixture to your wet mix about 1/3 cup at a time until all the flour is combined.
  9. Roll dough into round balls of any size and place on baking sheet. Bake for 8-10 minutes.
  10. Let cool on baking sheet for 1-2 minutes and then remove to a cooled surface. ENJOY
Its those damm freemasons out there making fake statistics to make americans look bad...................we have to get these guys:mrgreen:
As a sidenote, the Reubens from subway suck ass. The cornedbeef is like carboard and this coleslaw? Its shredded cabbage with salt on it? wtf Jared. Speaking of someone I wish would get fat, then I would never have to see his albino urkel ass again.
Its those damm freemasons out there making fake statistics to make americans look bad...................we have to get these guys:mrgreen:

Quit bragging about your link.... those numbers are compiled from data 5 & 6 years old! While America could very well still be at the head of the pack in terms of obesity... I believe the trend is changing and people here are working to get healthier.
Thats okay, I will try them anywhere. What if we started a link and everybody traded their favorite family recipes, if there is one thing we should all appreciate on here it is a good meal. Go RIUers
Quit bragging about your link.... those numbers are compiled from data 5 & 6 years old! While America could very well still be at the head of the pack in terms of obesity... I believe the trend is changing and people here are working to get healthier.

Wishful thinking. I'll believe it when I see it. I recall in the last week hearing about us passing some horrible benchmark about obesity percentage. Lemme see if I can find that.

Oh yes, here it is, issued by the CDC.

"The report noted the overweight populations of 45 U.S. states increased last year. The national number of adults who reported being obese climbed to a record 25.6 percent, or about 54 million people, which is 1.7 percent higher than in 2005, the center said"
When I was a wee lad, I had a homemade beastie boys shirt I stole from an ex that said NO FAT CHICKS on the back. I used to wear it at parties ... I was real popular with the ladies for that one. Oh, to be young and retarded again...
Didn't they lower the bmi number for obesity recently though?
Wishful thinking. I'll believe it when I see it. I recall in the last week hearing about us passing some horrible benchmark about obesity percentage. Lemme see if I can find that.

Oh yes, here it is, issued by the CDC.

"The report noted the overweight populations of 45 U.S. states increased last year. The national number of adults who reported being obese climbed to a record 25.6 percent, or about 54 million people, which is 1.7 percent higher than in 2005, the center said"
Didn't they lower the bmi number for obesity recently though?

I don't know.

FL Girl, I should mention that I don't really believe those stats anyway. For example, I'm 6-0, 170-175, and athletic/muscular, but the BMI chart sez I'm borderline or overweight, and that is enough proof for me that it is total horseshit.

I can't remember the origin of BMI, but it was totally not intended for what it is currently being used for. Lemme look that up.

Oh yes: "
The most widely used measurement of obesity – the body mass index originated in 1835 by a Belgian researcher who created it as a method to calculate body volume. "
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