Fat Chicks WTF

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Sure it makes plenty of sense but I heard a fat comedian (Bruce Bruce) make a joke that is real as shit... He said how is fat people supposed to loose weight when America got all this shit for on sale I mean the dollar menu is nothing more than a big ass sale of unhealthy shit!!

Plus personally I like I chic with some meat on her bones... I wont deal with a chic smaller than a size 8 not to be honest I wont deal with a chic bigger than a 16 too but I'm not a small guy so me and a girl too big is a problem we'll be like two sea otters on the beach dry humping if she's too big... On the other hand not to be immodest but I fucks hard as hell and a chic that weights "102 lbs" may press charges after we're done so, alot like everything else in the world balance is the key...
Im only 5ft even so im still not a tiny woman,well im not unhealthy skinny.You should try at least one little woman there are advantages to being petite.:blsmoke:I suggest those who have never tried a roamy woman give that a try as well,iv'e been on both sides and have liked them both.Variety is the spice of life and you might be pleasantly surprised.:peace:
its all depends on the person taste...

im want to look at the bigger picture, why are we all so fat in the first place for it to be an issue...

saying look on the inside is fine and i agree.
but like medicine where just covering up the real issue at hand, lets cure it all together...

we need healther food... americas number one for obese aka extreme fat people, thats now lie, thats an axiom.

no where else is bigger woman an issue, because they dont have the food issues we have.

to sum it up

we need better food so that we can eliminate gettin people fat all together.

does that not make sense??

Good food is easy to find, at least where I live. I know it may be a bit harder in, say, parts of the midwest.

As for shit food, that's supply and demand, baby. You can't control what people eat in a free country. It blows my mind as someone that never eats fast food to go to central Illinois or St Louis and see Hardee's, White Castle, BK, Steak and Shake, and McD all within two blocks and apparently surviving. This is evidence enough that people just want to eat that shit.

It does beg the question, howeer, that in a country where heart disease easily trumps cigarettes in terms of a public health concern and we tax tobacco 2-300% a pack, how is it justified that we don't do the same for fast-food cheeseburgers?
Im only 5ft even so im still not a tiny woman,well im not unhealthy skinny.You should try at least one little woman there are advantages to being petite.:blsmoke:I suggest those who have never tried a roamy woman give that a try as well,iv'e been on both sides and have liked them both.Variety is the spice of life and you might be pleasantly surprised.:peace:

I agree both have their perks. Being 6', I don't mind bending over for a kiss, but cerain things are more difficult with a big height difference. Imagination is important.
Sure it makes plenty of sense but I heard a fat comedian (Bruce Bruce) make a joke that is real as shit... He said how is fat people supposed to loose weight when America got all this shit for on sale I mean the dollar menu is nothing more than a big ass sale of unhealthy shit!!

Plus personally I like I chic with some meat on her bones... I wont deal with a chic smaller than a size 8 not to be honest I wont deal with a chic bigger than a 16 too but I'm not a small guy so me and a girl too big is a problem we'll be like two sea otters on the beach dry humping if she's too big... On the other hand not to be immodest but I fucks hard as hell and a chic that weights "102 lbs" may press charges after we're done so, alot like everything else in the world balance is the key...

i likes me a bigger girl too..im happy with a woman 150 160,

but ask yourself is that meat on there bones healthy.

thats what i was gettin at, lets elimante the food issue.
that way we can see the woman for what they are...

so women, mostly ethnic are naturaly thick, not fat or obese, caucasains tend to be smaller...

its the foods fault.

me personaly played sports was in good shape in hs, im only 24... i went from 250 t0 205 just by eating healthy.
no bad substances..
and i wasnt fat before , but the shape im in now, couldnt of come from just running...after all you are what you eat.
Im only 5ft even so im still not a tiny woman,well im not unhealthy skinny.You should try at least one little woman there are advantages to being petite.:blsmoke:I suggest those who have never tried a roamy woman give that a try as well,iv'e been on both sides and have liked them both.Variety is the spice of life and you might be pleasantly surprised.:peace:

Tuchea mamma, sounds to me like someone just put them selves in the guillotine so what time shall I pick u up (literally)? And I'll supply the smoke and the drinks you just come up with something creative for me to be "pleasantly surprised" about... :wink:
Good food is easy to find, at least where I live. I know it may be a bit harder in, say, parts of the midwest.

As for shit food, that's supply and demand, baby. You can't control what people eat in a free country. It blows my mind as someone that never eats fast food to go to central Illinois or St Louis and see Hardee's, White Castle, BK, Steak and Shake, and McD all within two blocks and apparently surviving. This is evidence enough that people just want to eat that shit.

It does beg the question, howeer, that in a country where heart disease easily trumps cigarettes in terms of a public health concern and we tax tobacco 2-300% a pack, how is it justified that we don't do the same for fast-food cheeseburgers?

i can answer that....

who owns ,mcd,hardees/carl jr's...sara lee, betty crocker, etc

now just like fags we know the kill right along with this food...
they can change..

they have the money and the ability to say "hey we see our food is doing bad stuff to the american people, we can change if we want, its our company, should we change?? hell no?"

real question is why does it need to kill us...

the average anything...
average food, average drug(fags,pharmaceuticals),gas,etc

its all designed to kill or stop/slow us down in some way...

here it comes...

what is it so important that we get products out to americans that kill them????

now of course im not the only one who see this...

they are killing us off. seriously.
we dont need this crap, but its givent to use, when its so easy to make real food... just ask a culinary chef... i can make real pastries with no hfcs, and fake shit.

they want us to be fat and dependent on there crap.
sadly but true...
as long as americans are fat, how can we fight back against the establishment if we can even move or breath....

checkmate, what a genius plan.
cripple your enemy's from the inside.

read the art of war.
Tuchea mamma, sounds to me like someone just put them selves in the guillotine so what time shall I pick u up (literally)? And I'll supply the smoke and the drinks you just come up with something creative for me to be "pleasantly surprised" about... :wink:
Wouldn't take long,im an ex gymnast touché.:mrgreen:
i can answer that....

who owns ,mcd,hardees/carl jr's...sara lee, betty crocker, etc

now just like fags we know the kill right along with this food...
they can change..

they have the money and the ability to say "hey we see our food is doing bad stuff to the american people, we can change if we want, its our company, should we change?? hell no?"

real question is why does it need to kill us...

the average anything...
average food, average drug(fags,pharmaceuticals),gas,etc

its all designed to kill or stop/slow us down in some way...

here it comes...

what is it so important that we get products out to americans that kill them????

now of course im not the only one who see this...

they are killing us off. seriously.
we dont need this crap, but its givent to use, when its so easy to make real food... just ask a culinary chef... i can make real pastries with no hfcs, and fake shit.

they want us to be fat and dependent on there crap.
sadly but true...
as long as americans are fat, how can we fight back against the establishment if we can even move or breath....

checkmate, what a genius plan.
cripple your enemy's from the inside.

read the art of war.

I cant really read half your post as its not in complete sentences, but I couldn't disagree with you more.

First of all, stop using the word fag, or I'll assume you're a fucking bigot and complete idiot

Second, it is not the responsibility of business to do anything but make money, and that is the only thing you can count on, especially corporations. Sure, there are example of model companies that show some societal responsbility, but you can't count on that.

Here is how it works:

People stop buying fast food. People demand quality food. Corporations shift supply to match demand. Simple as that.

It has worked in the community I live in. There are very few traditional grocery stores, fast food restaurants, or chains like Starbucks.

As long as people will buy shit, shit will be sold.
i can answer that....

who owns ,mcd,hardees/carl jr's...sara lee, betty crocker, etc

now just like fags we know the kill right along with this food...
they can change..

they have the money and the ability to say "hey we see our food is doing bad stuff to the american people, we can change if we want, its our company, should we change?? hell no?"

real question is why does it need to kill us...

the average anything...
average food, average drug(fags,pharmaceuticals),gas,etc

its all designed to kill or stop/slow us down in some way...

here it comes...

what is it so important that we get products out to americans that kill them????

now of course im not the only one who see this...

they are killing us off. seriously.
we dont need this crap, but its givent to use, when its so easy to make real food... just ask a culinary chef... i can make real pastries with no hfcs, and fake shit.

they want us to be fat and dependent on there crap.
sadly but true...
as long as americans are fat, how can we fight back against the establishment if we can even move or breath....

checkmate, what a genius plan.
cripple your enemy's from the inside.

read the art of war.

Ok I read this a few more times and understand just a bit more of the first part.

Yes, the food corps have a lot of power, and everybody eats food, so it's kind of hard to make a scapegoat of EATERS, whereas it's easy to pick on SMOKERS, regardless of the fact that it's the government punishing a group of people for a rght to do whatever they want to their bodies that should be guaranteed by the constitution .. but isn't.
naw, then they get insurance money. put them out of business and they have to take the loss. although it would be nice to see .. and a nice message
its the fast food restaurant. burn em down!!!

LOL... it's not ONLY the fast food restaurants. High Fructose Corn Syrup is THE WORST and it's in pretty much everything these days. People need to READ INGREDIENT LABELS ... just because something says "low fat" or "light" doesn't mean it's got good stuff in it. Pretty much anything Enriched, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is PURE CRAP.

Supposedly the best way to shop is stick to the PERIMETER of the grocery store where they keep the fresh foods. Try to avoid the inner isles where the food is loaded with crap for the purpose of "preserving" it so it can stay on that shelf for a long fucking time.

Yep.. the problem is way beyond just the "fast food restaurants". Think about it.... the reason many countries don't have the obesity problem we do is they don't have abundant supermarkets like we do.
LOL... it's not ONLY the fast food restaurants. High Fructose Corn Syrup is THE WORST and it's in pretty much everything these days. People need to READ INGREDIENT LABELS ... just because something says "low fat" or "light" doesn't mean it's got good stuff in it. Pretty much anything Enriched, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated is PURE CRAP.

Supposedly the best way to shop is stick to the PERIMETER of the grocery store where they keep the fresh foods. Try to avoid the inner isles where the food is loaded with crap for the purpose of "preserving" it so it can stay on that shelf for a long fucking time.

Yep.. the problem is way beyond just the "fast food restaurants". Think about it.... the reason many countries don't have the obesity problem we do is they don't have abundant supermarkets like we do.

It really depends on the supermarket. We have organic co-ops here that have loads of good stuff that won't stick to ya.

I remember when they first came out with those fat-free Snackwell crackers and cookies and shit .. people just don't realize that they're just as caloric, just without saturated fats! You still can't eat a whole box!!
Wouldn't take long,im an ex gymnast touché.:mrgreen:

Sounds like a plan sweety you just send me a private message were you located (so all these pervs dont beat and bang your door in) and I'll make the road trip to check out my little petit ex gymnast friend... :hump:
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