Fat Chicks WTF

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Oh yes, here it is, issued by the CDC.

The CDC couldn't find its way out of a paper bag. Personally I believe they are nothing more then yet another political machine who would spin anything to the will of politicians and their lobbyists to keep their job.

Don't get me wrong... I know there is a problem in America... starting with kids sitting in front of video games. Parents need to stop letting the TV and computer babysit their kids and get them back outside playing until they are called in for a healthy dinner.

I don't know.

FL Girl, I should mention that I don't really believe those stats anyway. For example, I'm 6-0, 170-175, and athletic/muscular, but the BMI chart sez I'm borderline or overweight, and that is enough proof for me that it is total horseshit.

You are correct... it is HORSESHIT! I work in the IT in the healthcare industry.... I've programmed the BMI formula so many times I can do it in my sleep.

The formula to calculate has stayed consistent at:

(W/(H*H))*703 - That is (weight divided by(height times height)) times 703) Weight is in pounds and height is in inches.

What HAS changed over the years is the classification of the resulting scores.... which are:

Underweight < 18.5,
Normal Weight - 18.6 - 24.99
Overweight - 25.0 - 29.99
Obese - 30.0 - 39.99
Morbidly Obese - 40 +

It was about 4 or 5 years ago our clients (physicians & nurses) started asking for the addition of the Morbidly Obese category (wasn't classified as such before that. It used to be just Obese 30+). Sadly they had to ask as they started to see the higher numbers more frequently. What hasn't changed is the classification of Underweight and Normal Weight. Most physicians I work with agree these categories should not only change to represent a trend in women being taller and building more muscle in today's times... but also there should be a separate scale for men and women as there are clear physiological differences in genders.

The reality is that these are the numbers accreditation agencies use so they are the numbers and categories that ALL organizations (including those referenced in the poster's link use) use to determine who is "fat". Luckily most physicians know without beaurocrats telling them what is "healthy" for their patients and advise them based on their experience.

None the less..... numbers compiled for publishing will continue to be inaccurate based on the scale the beaurocrats use.
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Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)

dude there is some truth to this...

if we as men dont say hey stop eating all that and eat healthy ,then they will continue to eat all of that crap, and yet well will continue to fuck those balloons....

woman have an issue with then they tell us, weather it be we are fat ,ugly ,or stupid...its time we do the same.

we should all care about our self...
No, I'm implying that you seem to think that the only women worth fucking are the ones with good bodies. Yeah, a lot of folks are fat because of what they eat.But your initial post came off as one of intolerance to said fat people. Just because someone is fat doesnt mean they don't deserve to have a dude like them. We all have our problems and noone is perfect.

i agree with you, but what about the one ,who dont want to do anything that are eating the crap, that dont care, those people exist a whole lot more than people who hvae glandular problems...

but i will say this ,the average food on american shelves is filled with hfcs, aspartame, and fakeness that causes this obesity.

of course dont hate on people who have problems.. especially if there trying...

but i do see alot of those bigger girls out there that are like i hate skinny girl, omg there evil....

thats not cool.
You guys are really pathetic. A person is worth more than how they look, at least, that's the way it should be. And I can't even believe anyone was fucking stupid enough to make this thread. How sexist. I've seen just as many "fat" men as I have women, and who the hell are you to judge anyways? Do you think anyone really cares what YOU think of them? I'm sorry but this thread is just pathetic. You know, in earlier years, bigger women were considered the ideal beauty, as someone pointed out earlier. Even in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70s, the ideal tended to be the bigger "hourglass" figure.
I'm just saying, no one has to change themselves to fit YOUR standard of beauty. You are no one.
And no, I'm not a "fat girl". I'm just sick of people like you saying shit like this. People don't understand the pressures that are put on women by people like you. People like you are the reason I've struggled with body dysmorphic disorder and anorexia for awhile. And I've always been a skinny girl to begin with.
So thanks to the assholes like you all who fuel eating disorders and self-esteem problems by picking women apart for any flaw they might have.
News flash, men have just as many flaws I could sick and pick a part. But what's the point? I'm not about bringing people down for things that don't even matter in the big picture. I don't think our purpose in living is to be vain.
You guys are really pathetic. A person is worth more than how they look, at least, that's the way it should be. And I can't even believe anyone was fucking stupid enough to make this thread. How sexist. I've seen just as many "fat" men as I have women, and who the hell are you to judge anyways? Do you think anyone really cares what YOU think of them? I'm sorry but this thread is just pathetic. You know, in earlier years, bigger women were considered the ideal beauty, as someone pointed out earlier. Even in the 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70s, the ideal tended to be the bigger "hourglass" figure.
I'm just saying, no one has to change themselves to fit YOUR standard of beauty. You are no one.
And no, I'm not a "fat girl". I'm just sick of people like you saying shit like this. People don't understand the pressures that are put on women by people like you. People like you are the reason I've struggled with body dysmorphic disorder and anorexia for awhile. And I've always been a skinny girl to begin with.
So thanks to the assholes like you all who fuel eating disorders and self-esteem problems by picking women apart for any flaw they might have.
News flash, men have just as many flaws I could sick and pick a part. But what's the point? I'm not about bringing people down for things that don't even matter in the big picture. I don't think our purpose in living is to be vain.

I definitely agree with you.

I would say, however, that a lot of what people have to say isn't meant to apply to curvy girls or girls that just aren't cosmo skinny. I think many are referring to genuine obesity - not necessarily as defined by BMI, but not just girls with meat on their bones.

I understand the unattainable ideal that our media perpetrates through advertising and fashion, and how sick it is. I don't agree with it. I do, however, think that America needs to address its health issues, perhaps after they're more realistically defined by an agency without ulterior motives.
Yeah, I understand what you're saying, but it seems like there's a specific mold you're supposed to fit into. For instance, I've heard guys talk shit about a woman because she was bigger, and I've heard those same guys talk shit about a woman who's too skinny and it's like jesus, how the fuck is anyone supposed to fit this unrealistic standard? no one is perfect. That's good some people understand, though.
its all depends on the person taste...

im want to look at the bigger picture, why are we all so fat in the first place for it to be an issue...

saying look on the inside is fine and i agree.
but like medicine where just covering up the real issue at hand, lets cure it all together...

we need healther food... americas number one for obese aka extreme fat people, thats no lie, thats an axiom!!!!

no where else is bigger woman an issue, because they dont have the food issues we have.

to sum it up

we need better food so that we can eliminate gettin people fat all together.

does that not make sense??
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its all depends on the person taste...

im want to look at the bigger picture, why are we all so fat in the first place for it to be an issue...

saying look on the inside is fine and i agree.
but like medicine where just covering up the real issue at hand, lets cure it all together...

we need healther food... americas number one for obese aka extreme fat people, thats now lie, thats an axiom.

no where else is bigger woman an issue, because they dont have the food issues we have.

to sum it up

we need better food so that we can eliminate gettin people fat all together.

does that not make sense??
You might be on to something,I went from 145 to 102 after I went vegetarian, coincidence? I think not.:peace:
its all depends on the person taste...

im want to look at the bigger picture, why are we all so fat in the first place for it to be an issue...

saying look on the inside is fine and i agree.
but like medicine where just covering up the real issue at hand, lets cure it all together...

we need healther food... americas number one for obese aka extreme fat people, thats now lie, thats an axiom.

no where else is bigger woman an issue, because they dont have the food issues we have.

to sum it up

we need better food so that we can eliminate gettin people fat all together.

does that not make sense??

Sure it makes plenty of sense but I heard a fat comedian (Bruce Bruce) make a joke that is real as shit... He said how is fat people supposed to loose weight when America got all this shit for on sale I mean the dollar menu is nothing more than a big ass sale of unhealthy shit!!

Plus personally I like I chic with some meat on her bones... I wont deal with a chic smaller than a size 8 not to be honest I wont deal with a chic bigger than a 16 too but I'm not a small guy so me and a girl too big is a problem we'll be like two sea otters on the beach dry humping if she's too big... On the other hand not to be immodest but I fucks hard as hell and a chic that weights "102 lbs" may press charges after we're done so, alot like everything else in the world balance is the key...
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