Fat Chicks WTF

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maybe a summary on that subject you brought up earlier.

i dont remember how to spell it.... and im too lazy to look...lol

sorry sis

wow...it just had a epi in front of genetics?

damn i feel so slow now!...thas what i get for not paying attention!
I was going to stay out of this until I saw this post. Truly ironic to talk trash about people making fun of overweight people and then use a word like "faggot" as an insult. When are people going to understand how unacceptable it is to use that word ?

Epigenetics aside, look at the statistics of what Americans eat, and look at the statistics on American weight. Coincidence? I don't think so. I understand that it is very difficult for many to lose weight; I've had many close to me with problems, but I think he hardest part is having a healthy lifestyle that is a part of who you are, including good diet and exercise. The reason many have such a problem (in my opinion and observations) is that they set unrealistic goals or force themselves into activities / routines they don't like for the sake of losing weight -- diet syndrome. If you're unhappy with what you have to do to lose weight, you're not going to do it.

About the statues and the history of other cultures - in the days where you literally had to fight for survival, size was viewed as both a symbol of wealth and fertility. Those that were overweight were not physically capable of doing what was required to survive, i.e. tilling fields, tending animals, etc. They were above these actiities. This is again the case in America. Looking at the human body and what it is capable of, there is a certain range of weight at which we are unarguably more physically fit and able to perform any number of tasks. From an evolutionary standpoint, when we were cavemen this would translate into capturing prey, running from predators, etc. Sure, a healthy amount of body fat would keep us warm and give us fat stores, but if you're large it is harder to catch that deer.

What I'm trying to say is that while our culture has a very narrow view of what is healthy that obviously needs adjusting, there is clearly a range of weights that is more healthy. I don't know how you can argue that point.

And, for the record, I like some meat on my bones. Ask my old lady.

good post...............I prob should have wrote something like this over my rant lol
good post...............I prob should have wrote something like this over my rant lol

Ceestyle, that post had me glued to my monitor and it was very well written... I am ging you a rep for that one.. I'm sorry Nat I really don't know you nor am I even known here but I think I know more than enough about you from your initial thread. I ponder why you would even start such a negative thread but too little too late for that kiddo...
That may be true, I don't have time to meet every fat person in America, I don't even have the time to meet all the fat people I see in daily life.

Where did these genetics come from in the last 50 years? Or did all the fat genetics from all over the world flock to america. They heard it was the Melting Pot and thought it sounded like a buffet?

rep..........had some friends visit Denmark and they told me the only fat people they saw were other americans
yes! if it made Nature, there is no better journal, with the possible (debatable) exception of Science. I made fifth author on a Nature once and shit myself.
NO shit.. really? I can't afford a 'scription to that or Science (drawing a blank, they're subscription pubs, like, um.. Cell, right?), so I can't get at the whole thing. I'm gonna add you to my list of published friends. Look up hammerhead ribozyme, Scott. 8)
Oh, here we go.. http://www.ucsc.edu/news_events/text.asp?pid=2320 (anyone can read this).

What was your paper, if I may ask?
Those journals are expensive as hell, but I still have online university access, if you ever want an article. I'll take a look at that.

I'd tell you about my paper, 'cept you'd know where I went to school and who I was! Mebbe I'll PM you.

he puts a website link and expect people to jump on his nuts b/c he THINKS they are facts.....


LMAO...boy i tell ya
I like it when I source facts.....................loud blounts only rebuttel is ...........DUH he THINKS those are facts
Right they can. An anybody can check the sources of the "facts" from the website. Unless its all the sources that are in question, even reputable ones? Wait... I get it we never landed on the moon, its all a conspiracy from the rest of the world to make Americans look statistically fat.
You don't need the statistics to tell you what is totally obvious. I've been around the world, and it's amazing when you have that sort of first-hand comparison just how big we are. Japan vs. central Florida or central Illinois? Oh my ...

Really interesting too is visiting different parts of the US and seeing those differences are even bigger. Compare the Bay Area to the south ... yikes.
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